Topic: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix  (Read 7239 times)

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Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« on: January 18, 2003, 06:05:12 pm »
    It is almost impossible to think of Dynaverse play as a Klingon without Dogmatix guiding, directing, cajoling, urging prothelitizing, and politicing on the behast of Klingons.  

   I can remeber far to many RW chats, e-mail exchanges, you name it with and from Dogmatix.  The man has been a powerhouse.  And as much as he contributed to to the cause, I am most happy to say that we Klingon players swung in behind him to become to powerhouse that the Klingons have become in D2 play.    On Dogmatix's lead I've posted up tactics for use AGAINST klingons just to help raise the general abilities of those playing against Klingons.  (I always thought it was a crazy idea, but in retrospect, it worked, and worked well. )

   It's been a long long road over the last 2 years, and there is more to come.    We Klingons will adjust.  Others of us will step forward and lead.   Who ever those worthys are that take the job of "Chacellor" or even as our RM on the servers and ops councils, they will have a high set of standards to reach.   Yet for thier sake remeber that for Dogmatix, these were not standards for him to make, they are his nature.   His personality, and drive, and his ability with people made all the difference.   Fortunatly for us he will be sticking around and providing helpfull advice, and council on affairs Klingon.
(The pulling of hair and knashing of teeth may now commence across the dynaverse for the enemies of the Klingon)

   So for the other empires, take what advantage you can, for the advanytage is small.  The spirit that Dogmatix called forth within the Klingons players is still there, still adamantly strong, and full of terrible resolve.     If any of us have one regret, its that Klingon ships in SFC-III (that new game) are so pitifull compared to everyone else.  And it is sufficiantly obvious that the majority of us who have SFC-III only bought it to encourage Taltren to crank out a doomsday version of SFC featuring the SFB storyline and universe (tucked in there between TOS, and TMP)  

  ((Note:  I play it, because I agreed long ago to be a tester, but truthfully, I really don't like SFC-III at all. ))

   All hail Canceller Emeritus Dogmatix.   While he no longer rules, he now gets the greater privalage of being able to simply reign.

Krenn vestai Khemaraa, The Ironhand
Klingon Black Fleet, 69th fleet "The Black Mist"

(aka Terrance"Sandman"Roff-Oakland CA)


Capt Jeff

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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2003, 05:26:04 am »
Amen brother...amen  


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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2003, 04:43:40 am »
  Couldn't put it better myself    


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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2003, 09:23:51 am »
Nicely Stated Ironhand.  Every word true.  

Khjimraph, KBF

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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2003, 05:08:15 pm »
But in truth, Dogmatix will not be missed...  

...because he is not leaving SFC entirely, just standing down as RM.  

It will be good to have him out from that B11K and into a D7 where he can do some real damage - and where he will find all the other Klingons of SFC2net glad to have him by their side in battle.  

Well - whenever he can drag himself away from his wives and kids.    Lucky dog!  


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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2003, 06:22:45 pm »
Does this mean we'll still get to hear about how badly outnumbered the Klinks are at every turn?


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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2003, 07:50:14 pm »
Now Laflin, NOBODY has a better case than you to complain about the absence of numbers.
Just remember that when you encounter Dog's D5L, think happy thoughts.  Think of the yellow fields of home, the open skies, the  . . . crumpling bulkheads and plasma leaking from your ship's hull . . . d'oh!  


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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2003, 10:33:37 pm »
I whole heartedly agree with all the praise for Dogmatix.  He has earned all this 5 times over.  It has been my priviledge to fly both with and against him, and a more honorable player is not to be found.  I express my sypathy to the Klingons for losing Dogmatix in the leadership role, those are some mighty big boots to fill, but am happy that "Doggie" will get a chance to kick back a bit and participate in a more carefree manner for a while.  His dedication as RM makes one wonder if he really is a Klingon, If I ever meet him in person the first thing I'm gonna do is check his forehead for ridges...

Anyhow Dogge, well done, salute, and hope to see ya around.

BTW, now you might have that chance to fly Kzin that we been talking about for the last 8 months....  


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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2003, 12:31:17 am »

Now Laflin, NOBODY has a better case than you to complain about the absence of numbers.
Just remember that when you encounter Dog's D5L, think happy thoughts.  Think of the yellow fields of home, the open skies, the  . . . crumpling bulkheads and plasma leaking from your ship's hull . . . d'oh!  

Personally I'd rather see that wascally wabbitt in a D5E or AD5  


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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2003, 02:47:07 am »
Hey Laflin, if yer fighting him, you DON"T wanna see him in a D5E or AD5..

Deadly doesn't even begin to describe how deadly he is in an ecscort cruiser

Khemaraa sends


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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2003, 05:43:53 am »
Been there, done that...  


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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2003, 10:52:32 am »

Does this mean we'll still get to hear about how badly outnumbered the Klinks are at every turn?  

YES...but for different reasons.  I'm not going to be so wrapped up in things that I care as much...heheh.

Sheesh...a guy is wrong ONE time about what he exects to see from his race in terms of turnout and effort and this is what I get!?  hehehe...I am NOT a sand-bagger!   ..well, at least not on purpose!  

Seriously...I haven't been wrong in my projections too often.  Indeed, the first week of AOTK was looking kind of grim.  In the months after SFC2.NET 6.0 and leading up to AOTK, I had seen nothing from the Klingon Empire that led me to believe we'd show up in force, let alone give a very good fight.  All I saw was several of my vets leaving and many of the rest expressing disinterest in the new rules, the new shiplist and the new missions.

No one was more suprised than I that we managed to get off the mat, show up  and give a good fight.  It's not even that I did't think we were's just that I didn't think we were interested/commited enough to put forth the requisite effort.



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Re: Salute to the Klingons Klingon..Dogmatix
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2003, 11:01:16 am »
Captain Khemaraa....and all the rest who have been nice enough to post in this thread...

...thanks for all the kind words and sentiments.  I look forward to taking a much more releaxed approach to playing this game as well as seeing what course the Klingon Empire takes now that I'm not going to be captaining the ship, so to speak.  I hope it flourishes.

As I said in my "retirement" thread (which lasted all of one day due to the software switchover...timing is everything!   ), it was my pleasure to do what I could to lead the forces of the Empire over the past 18+ months.  I think we came a long way from where we started and we have a couple of very nice campaign victories under our belts.  More important to me, however, is the conduct of my we play the game and treat others.  I hope we've succeeded in a positive manner on that front.

Chuut...I can see myself flying Mirak in the not too distant future..especially if I can fly some of those new toys from AOTK that no one seemed to want to know..those new D5-like light cruisers?  They looked like they might have has some serious fahrvergneugen contained therein.  

I've always flown other races in campaigns, usually incognito.  Perhaps now that I'm free from some of my self-imposed contraints, I'll do it more freely and openly...heheh.

At any rate...thanks guys!