Actually you really cant interchange SFB and the FASA Star Trek Combat Simulator specs because the systems are way
out of reach of one another. I'll give boatloads of examples because I used to build ships in the FASA board version
and I never really played SFB until I got the EAW game.
Anyways FASA only deals with two warp drives and an impulse engine in the total power of a ship. There is no aux or
battery power tracked here. The drives only deal with a power/move ratio, no turn class is used so a battleship that
has say a 12:1 move ratio can basicly out turn a frigate.
Shields are the same way, power ratio's. The Feds have a 1:4 power ratio so for every one point of power put into
shielding, you get 4 shield points to allocate up to what the shield generator could handle. There is no shield
ECM and ECCM doesnt exist in FASA.
The only internals are the weapons, hull and engines that can be damaged. (We had a running house rule of once the
particular engine reached 0, it was blown off the hull).
Tractor beams, never used in combat as how they are used in SFB. When I was building ships I was just throwing in
tractor beam systems to make up for the mass of the ship (yea 6 sounds good for a battleship).
Transporter Bombs/Mines... never used. It was a splendor to see them used here in SFB! W00t!
Troops also were never used, there was no game system designed for hit and run or captures. Kinda makes the
transporter/troops listing in the FASA books useless... yup even the Chandly, because it was designed as a troop
transport. It only really worked in RPG sessions because having a Chandly in orbit ment one thing, planetary assaults.
Weapons! This is hard because they dont use capacitors here for phasers. Its just straight tapped power from the
engines. Also you'll see listings like the federation FH-1's to the more powerful FH-11's. All they did was create these
weapons with different ranges and power settings. You can break down all the weapons for the Klingons and Romulans into
groups so basicly in FASA, the FH-1's to FH-4's are equivelant to SFB's Phaser 1's. Break them down further all the way
to phaser 3's as phaser 4's are ment for starbases and planets.
Plasma, same thing... RPL-1's being the same as Type F's and RPL 6's being the dreaded Type R (oooOOoo I love them).
Fighters/Shuttles/ScatterPacks/Drones/Missiles/AMD's/Pseudo Plasma/Wild Weasels and suicide shuttles are also non
existant in the FASA game.
Also its true that the nomenclature of FASA and SFB is different (and wrong in FASA I gota add) that a destroyer is
weaker than a frigate.
Anyways this is just some info that people may want to have on those books they have from FASA if they are concidering
doing a mod so there it is