Topic: EEMod  (Read 2041 times)

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« on: July 21, 2003, 03:37:40 pm »
I Captain J. Archer (Archerj12 as you who visit  SFC3files )

I am headding the EEMod (Enterprise Era Mod) This Team is putting together a massive total conversion of SFC3 into an Enterprise Era Game.
We have had a few problems with staff to get the mod fully started we r having problems with only a fwew people so the jobs thsat would take a day r taking a week or more.

We are looking for Modders/Modelers/Mission Scripters/Texturers and anyone who sounds like a Vulcan or a Suliban.
Another thing is we r looking for anyone who has any Enterrpise Ships (including the NX Class)

The last ones are because we are replacing some of the races with the Enterprise ones.

The only details i can reveal at this time is: (= means Will become)
Federation = Starfleet/Humans
Klingons = Klingons
Romulans  = Sulibans
Borg  = Vulcans

see the problem we dont have any vulcan voices for the borg.

Captain J. Archer and the EEMod Team