To: The Imperial Klingon High Counsel
From: J'inn, Miraki Minister of Information, Member of the Kzinti House of Lords, President of the Miraki Hedonists Society
Exhaulted Warriors:
First off. I was not quite sure where to send this. Klinzai or Qo'Nos. It seems the High Counsel moves about a lot. Being a stockholder in Klingon Imperial Express Van LInes I wish to thank you for the business. So if you are now at Qo'Nos please forward this note.
So, I hear tell that Dogmatix has stepped down as Chancellor. Odd, I thought that the only step down from that post was directly into a six foot deep hole. Ah, well, I guess you guys are getting a little more civilized. Tsk, must be all that buddy buddy stuff with the Federation.
On the other hand I have heard romours that Admiral Gow may have seized the Chancellorship. Is this correct? I must admit the Miraki people have mixed feelings about this. While it is certain to be great news for the Miraki Acme Drone and Kzinti Armory Tech. Inc. (MADKAT) we do have our concerns.
Why not too long ago we intercepted a tome authored by the good Admiral. I find a book entitled "101 uses for a dead KAT" to be a little offputting. The fact that it was scrawled in crayon (blood red BTW) was just plain creepy.
So please, say it ain't so High Counsel. Last thing we need is an old, crabby, in need of more fiber, war monger in charge of the Klingon Empire.
So . . . . who is the new boss?
P.S. Take my advice. Kill Dogmatix. Worst thing possible is to let a head of state become a former head of state. They just cause trouble. Don't believe me? Take a good look at G'Warlock. I rest my case. Or even better, send Dogmatix to M'Raa. People would come from all over the quadrant for a chance to kill him. Oooooo, I could make a fortune auctioning him off to the highest bidder.