One of the first things I did after I installed the new SFC: OP patch was to go to the monster section and change the large Doomsday Machine setting from SPECIAL to MONSTER in order to play against it in multiplayer under the 'Monster' mission. Its still one of my favorite monsters. After I did that I played the monster mash and had a blast!
Here's what I'm currently using for space 'monsters' in a TMP setting: if you can spot the following monsters in the picture.
MDM: Doomsday Machine retexture by John Stone
MAM: Astrominer, Leigon Sun-Spider by TheSkinMan
MLC: Living Cage; Space Spider by Zorg
MMT: Matter Eater, Crystalline Monster by Hollis J. Wood
MSG: Sun-Glider, The Fallen by Azel (Hellion break model)
MSS: Space Shell, Void Whale by Azel
I am also using the following model (not pictured)
Xwreck: Alien wreck, TMP Fesarius by Khaliban
Thanks again to Azel, Hollis. J. Wood, Khaliban, TheSkinman, Zorg as well as to SteelViper33 for his recent assist with some of Azel's fine models.