The original cloak in "Balance of Terror" was meant to simulate the tension and drama submarine vs. destroyer battle, and managed to do this very well. The destroyer counterpart (i.e., Enterprise ) had the advantage of speed and could fire a lot of weapons, while the submarine counterpart (the Romulan) had a really deadly torpedo and stealth.
So far, there hasn't really been a real approximation of the "depth charge" strategy that you saw Kirk use with his... er... photons (the glaring continuity error in that episode was that they called them phasers, but it was clear they were photon torpedoes). The detonating photons have also been shown in several episodes of TNG as well (where they set Photons to blow at a certain distance). SFB's Proximity Fuse was meant to simulate this, but never quite did.
I think it would be really cool to be able to fire a different proximity torp that you could detonate with a button push at the distance you choose - the torp would have to move more slowly so you could judge the distance better. It would go off sort of like a mine, although assuredly not as powerful. Phasers that sweep their firing arcs for low damage to what they hit would also be cool (I think they should have a certain percentage chance of hitting the target even if they "touch" it - not automatic). I think this would be much more interesting than the current anti-cloak sensor system.
Of course, if you were to design an anti-cloak weapon, something like a big space firework would really be the way to go. You toss it out there and it sends debris in every direction - dust-sized particles are all you need. Once that debris connects with something, you open fire on that spot. Dust bombs would be light, cheap, and cost pretty much nothing in power.