I concur, that is very interesting. Maybe we can be a help to Taldren by figuring it out.
The overall structure of the db is relatively obvious, but it is a few small items that have stumped us. Things like how the political tension matrix is encoded (not it's location) and how does it point to the corresponding text strings for alliances, or the two as yet unidentified ship systems in the damage "blob', or the two unidentified numbers in the "shipcachevector", the order items are stored in the ship stores and how they are represented... This information is critical to the function of the game and would certainly help future campaign customizations.
If we had that information a ship editor and other goodies could easily be produced. As it stands now we cannot add a ship to the database because we do not know how to completely transcribe the info from the shiplist into the damage and stores area of a ship record in the flatfile. Additionally, the "shipcachevector" of the character records must be understood before we can actually edit a players ships.
Production of a db cleaner shouldn't be too hard as it stands, one simply needs to remove all AI's not created on initial startup, all ships belonging to them and then modify the object count. The EAW db parser source could be used as a starting point for this. (let me know if anyone wants a copy)
The other information will have to be obtained through trial and error on a running D2 server dedicated to finding this info. I have been working on this for the last year, I have made some progress with some help, but key information is still missing. I'll try and put some more time in on it this year and maybe fill in the missing pieces.