Topic: New cloak not working as advertised  (Read 19248 times)

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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #60 on: July 23, 2003, 11:49:31 am »

The only thing that could bring me out of retirement is a CTD, and unfortunately
you have found one.





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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #61 on: July 23, 2003, 12:28:31 pm »

The only thing that could bring me out of retirement is a CTD, and unfortunately
you have found one.



Thanks, Dave.  That's very good to know.  

Ah, the life of an aging Rock Star!    


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #62 on: July 23, 2003, 12:30:29 pm »


The only thing that could bring me out of retirement is a CTD, and unfortunately
you have found one.



Thanks, Dave.  That's very good to know.  

Ah, the life of an aging Rock Star!      

It's tough haveing to Rock and Roll all night and Party Every Day.

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #63 on: July 23, 2003, 12:52:50 pm »

The only thing that could bring me out of retirement is a CTD, and unfortunately
you have found one.

Do I detect a note of sarcasm in that "Thanks"?

Thank you Dave. Cloak and PPD performing out of spec... No biggie. We'll update our charts and more forward. A reproducable CTD bug would kill the Great Green Hope.

You can expect some thank you notes over this.  


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #64 on: July 23, 2003, 01:15:11 pm »


Does everyone here have to number crunch or nitpick for bugs.. reporting them is one thing and the details are nice, however, David already poisted that this patch for OP is FINAL.. in other words, there will not be any more patch support client side for Orion Pirates, so bug hunting and such is pointless, unless it is to just announce them to the community...

as David Ferrell said, go play and have fun and stop nit picking the game to death.. it takes a lot of fun out of it for many of us, especially when the Developer of the game is not supporting the game any more...

I know many want OP to be the PC version of SFB, however many systems and functions have to be approximations of the SFB rules or just changed outright for balance sake.. maybe some look like bugs.... a CTD is a bug, but the Cloak was a slight oversight and has been redifigned by Taldren...

Read the OP Cover page 1 again in the Preamble of the manual... SFC : OP is "Based" on  SFB, not a direct copy of it....

just consider 1 thing before posting, This game is based on SFC and many things are approximations of the SFB rules, however, this game is Taldren's and the changes that they make is completely up to them.. if they want the Energizer Bunny drum across the screen in the middle of a battle because Taldren wants it there.. then so be it.. it is their game and their game engine and coding...

David said to get use to this patch version and play accordingly as the game is now Final version and no future patches are coming out...

as for the damage table, it was an oversight, and David made a statement.. thus changing the way the Readme.txt reads.

just my $.02  

I find it insulting to think that a quest for knowledge ie "Can you use the PPD against cloaked Rom without crashing?" is some sort of political or personal attack. And the thing that really bites is that this bug (in the truest "accidental" use of the term) is just another excuse by you to accuse people of being ultra orthodox SFB purests, which seems in your post to be right up there with burning the flag. That in my eyes, is just as intolerable as trying to suppress this sort of CTD information. You may not be able to change it or fix it but it is important to know it exists in the game engine. To specifically quote you " to get use to this patch version and play accordingly ".

Next thing you know somebody will be quoting the "SFC is not SFB" mantra as an excuse for criminal acts, along with the Twinkie Defence. Or better still, a good old fashioned book burning. Not acceptable! This is not Oz and The Emerald City isn't.    

I was not insulting anyone.. if you take it as such, then so be it.. I was just merely stating sometihing called..


Fact was that at the time, David had announced that support for OP was ended.. no further patches...

Bugs in how the game performs, such as CTD or ships not appearing should be reported so the such items may get a hotfix when Taldren gets time...

Bugs for how weapons operate (when compared to SFB) are not bugs, but most probably game design for balance sake....

as for the damage mitigation on cloak, that was a mistake and David owned up to it and stated for everyone to consider it 67% full damage and 33% half... thus people need to edit their read-me files accordingly...

however it is the number crunching that people do, that makes testers like myself feel unappreciative... not even 5 hours after the patch is released is there a bug posting and flames against the Testers and Taldren...

We, the testers that is, tested 10 builds of SFC OP before this patch was released... we overlooked a couple of things because in a previous patch version, it was working correctly, and as such (speaking for myself) I took it for granted that it was still working and did not test to check numbers...

the point of a PC game or any game is to have fun... not analize it to death.. unless you have fun analizing... many of us just like going into a game and playing to have FUN, not to see if 87% of my photons hit at range 8 on normal load... I go into game to blow something up or to see if i can survive against superior odds...

I am not against SFB purists.. however, it is in the liscense agreement and the Game Manual that SFC is not SFB but is "Based" closely on the SFB Doomsday Ruleset... and it also goes on to state that some things may be changed from SFB standard to promote fair play, balance, etc...

you clicked Agree an the liscense agreement, thus accepting SFC for SFC and not SFB... thus it completely invalidates any SFB Purist claims...

as for me, yes i do want SFC II OP to be as close to SFB as possible because i enjoy the game play..

however when the developer states that support is ended (unless CTD or other major occurance) then it is time to put the penicls down and enjoy the fruits of the labor... IE, such as this cloak issue... the topic heading itself in insulting to Taldren... it could have been titled

Patch has bug in Cloak...

instead of announcing "New cloak not working as advertised "

first off, it is not a new cloak.. it is the cloaking system that has been revised to be more effective in OP

second, Taldren did not Advertise the cloak, all they did was post links for Download and a bug fix list and some game adjustments... I didn't see a web ad stating the capabilities of the SFC OP cloak system...

is it a bug, yes, is it bad enough to prevent game play.. No

another bug is that a Cloaked ship can benifit from ECM... I didn't see a post on this until the middle of the topic thread... does it prevent a fun game play enviroment? No...

but the ECM vs Damage on a cloaked ship are bugs that sort of cancel each other out... thus not a big deal.. maybe lists as a 3 or 4 on a 10 point severity scale...

now the PPD on a cloaked ship causing CTD, that is a showstopper and can prevent game play and is now being looked into by Taldren...

people the game is what it is.. a game, and once the CTD is fixed, then it is a Finished Game... if David looks into the Cloak Damage Bug and looks into the ECM by Cloaked ship bug, then that is up to him... if not, then so be it, I am happy either way and am not losing any sleep over it...

for a pure SFB online game.. will allow people to play .. but as far as OP, taldren tried to get it as close to SFB as possible without going overboard.. they kept it fun. weapons and systems got adjustments, and as such... may be approximations of the SFB rule, or just flat out changed all together.. thus reinforcing again what the game manual states... SFC is not SFB but is "Based" on SFB and changes witll be done if needed.. (read as either to SFB standard or away from SFB standard, whichever makes the game more fun)...

I advocate on several web sites that SFC is based on SFB.. I never claimed SFC was SFB on PC nor have I said I wanted SFC to be SFB on PC... but I do think that SFC should stick as close to SFB as possible, so long as it does not lose the games fun factor... I want to enjoy my game, not tear it apart...
as for the model Size cheat, i found that and reported it.. and thus khoromag Gaming Services created the Model.siz file to reneder models correctly in game... the Plasma Snare Bug on the Gorn Plasma Snare.. i reported that as well and it got fixed... I reported some things i found wrong server side that were not working as intended... basically the things that make the game unplayable...

Firesoul is the one who is attempting to keep the game as close to SFB as possible and has done and excellent job of doing so... he posted quite a few bugs in the Testers Forum following the 2538 patch... most of the listing in the Readme.txt file were things Firesoul found as far as SFB or actual game bugs.... even Firesoul's Shipname.txt file was used in the last patch....

do i complain, no.. why, because it kept the game close to SFB as possible (which i agree with) yet also kept the fun factor (which i agree with changes from SFB or to SFB whichever is more fun when playing)...

the issue came from a ship system that was doing 33% full damage, 33% half damage, and 33% quarter damage in a previous build between 2538 and 25410.. and as such, it simply got overlooked.... not the end of the world, and certainly the changes were not advertised... the only thing ever stated was that the Cloak was improved.. the Readme contained inaccurate information... however it was not advertised in the least...

am i a SFB Purist.. No, but i do support using SFB as a basis for SFC and that SFC should approximate SFB as much as possible, but not as a mirror image, there has to be a fun factor and game balance somewhere... so if changing a SFB weapon damage table, or adjusting a ruleset for applying damage is needed, then so be it..

so don't get me wrong.... all i was doing was replying to a thread 3 pages long what was still arguing about the cloak issue even after David stated that support for OP was ended barring any critical game play problems.. which a CTD is critical game play problem... any other fixes that David is willing to incorporate into OP is purely a blessing.. but as it stands, the game is what it is, so go and have fun and enjoy until the PPD CTD is fixed....

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #65 on: July 23, 2003, 01:56:01 pm »

The only thing that could bring me out of retirement is a CTD, and unfortunately
you have found one.



David - thank you.

I never cease to be impressed at Taldren's commitment to doing the right thing.

...especially given how sick you guys have to be of looking at OP code by this time.


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #66 on: July 23, 2003, 02:30:55 pm »
Dave, any chance we could add a setting for anistropic mipmap filtering, if the patch is going to be patched?  That could really improve the appearance of the lightmaps, and it probably requires only one line of code.  It might even improve the appearance of, er, cloaked ships?

I had to at least try to keep this on topic... seriously, though, mipmap filtering makes a big difference when rendering light maps.  


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #67 on: July 23, 2003, 02:54:03 pm »

Firesoul is the one who is attempting to keep the game as close to SFB as possible and has done and excellent job of doing so... he posted quite a few bugs in the Testers Forum following the 2538 patch... most of the listing in the Readme.txt file were things Firesoul found as far as SFB or actual game bugs.... even Firesoul's Shipname.txt file was used in the last patch....

Not quite.. sorry man, but with your thanks, I have to straighten it out a bit:

1- I do it in Taldren's style, but as close to SFB as I can.
2- it's a shipnames.txt and strings.txt made just for this patch, extracted from with I've already done before for my own project. It was easy: I just had to write another perl script to so it.

... and 3..
.. yes, the majority were things that I had found.. but a lot were reported to me FROM here, the general forums. Often, I merely copy-pasted private messages. It's because of everyone here that I did this. (I'm soo glad you noticed tho, Pestalence.   )


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #68 on: July 23, 2003, 03:27:27 pm »
Pestalence wrote:

...however it is the number crunching that people do, that makes testers like myself feel unappreciative... not even 5 hours after the patch is released is there a bug posting and flames against the Testers and Taldren...

This is clearly directed at me. If I were still part of the testing circle I would have found these bugs. It wouldn't have been the first time that I found bugs that nobody else did for whatever reasons. A few bugs were missed. Big deal. Nobody thinks you are at fault and should be held responsible.

Anyways, I don't see any anti-Taldren or anti-tester posts in this thread (other than mine???). I think the general public appreciates the work that Taldren and the unpaid beta testers do and have done for years.
I think the SFC vs SFB argument is pointless.  Does the game work as the manual and the readme describe? That's all that probably matters in Taldren's eyes now. Of course, we will all have our preferences on the details and should feel free to express them!

Taldren has used the SFC community's insight and experience as a valuable resource to improve their (I like to say "our") game. I'm very impressed at how bold,  thoughtful, and dedicated Taldren has been in the evolution of the game.



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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #69 on: July 23, 2003, 03:36:31 pm »
I agree with just about everything you say, Pestalence.  I just don't agree with your chracterization of posts regarding the cloak damage table and PPD-related CTD problem.  If people were doing as you say, then you would be absolutely right to call them on it.  However, I guess I've just missed all these personal attacks you're talking about.  Perhaps they have occured in the past, but I don't see them happening now.  I believe that the majority of respondants are of Cleaven's (and my)  mind...that of just figuring out the nature of the problem and, in the case of a show stopper, requesting it be fixed.

The phrase "Cloak not working as advertised" need not mean anything more than "it doesn't work the way it says it does in the readme.txt file."  If you read something more into it than that, then you do so of your own volition and not necessarily in accordance with the intent of the author.  Righteous indignation seems neither warranted or helpful in this case.  In fact, it only serves it elicit posts of Cleaven's, your response and then this post's nature.  None of which do anything to shed any further light or solve and problems at hand.  

If somone wishes to refer to the augmented cloak as "the new cloak," it may be imprecise, but there's really nothing wrong with doing so since we all know what is being discussed.  

I personally and monetarily thanked Dave Ferrell for this patch.  I believe I thanked the testers on a couple of occasions, too.  In an unofficial capacity I helped test the various patch builds as a rank-and-file player.  I'm very thankful for the patch and the work done on it.  If anyone had let me be a beta testor, I would have loved to have done the job, regardless of what comments by the consumers came my way.

As I said before...thanks VERY MUCH to Dave Ferrell for agreeing to work on fixing the CTD issue.  That's the only thing I was looking for in this entire discussion.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #70 on: July 23, 2003, 03:38:31 pm »
Continuing the argument is pointless. You did your part, Tar. Do continue and report any problems, but ..
.. do not add fuel to the flame by adding opinion with your posts. Stuff like "why was this missed" and "I would have caught it". are NOT wanted/appreciated.

-- Luc


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #71 on: July 23, 2003, 03:55:26 pm »
You're right, FS. I should stick to the facts. Ego battles are fruitless.

I'm off to document a Plasma/Admin CTD bug now.


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #72 on: July 23, 2003, 04:06:50 pm »
Plasma/Admin CTD? If this is for real, I suggest a new thread.


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #73 on: July 23, 2003, 04:16:39 pm »

If I were still part of the testing circle I would have found these bugs. It wouldn't have been the first time that I found bugs that nobody else did for whatever reasons.

Did I miss something? Didn't you resign?

PM me or email me if you think your answer might open a can of worms.



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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #74 on: July 23, 2003, 04:53:40 pm »

The only thing that could bring me out of retirement is a CTD, and unfortunately
you have found one.



Sorry Dave , but thank you!

Has anyone tested other weapons to see if this happens? I'd hate to have Dave go through all this again and find another cloak CTD issue.


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #75 on: July 23, 2003, 05:03:32 pm »
Pestalence, you were telling people to suppress FACTS.

I'm not at all keen on some of the potential inuendo that goes with some of the facts but they are facts none the less. You may NOT insist that people suppress these facts. And especially when those facts are required " to get use to this patch version and play accordingly". I don't care if you want to ignore the info but I want to know as much as I can about how the game works, and I am insulted when somebody comes and says thou shalt not explore the game in one sentance, and "just enjoy the game" in the next, as if I am some mindless drone who has to be told when he is having fun and when to have some soma.  You may not intend the insult but you did anyway.  

And nothing you may say, insulting or otherwise abusive of facts, will make me less grateful for the game I have.    


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #76 on: July 23, 2003, 05:07:32 pm »
Well, having played a cloaking warbird for two day now, I has definitively say that phasers, disruptors, photons, and plasma on bare hull while cloaked don't crash to desktop. I'm pretty sure they do too much damage, but I can't blame that on the program team unfortunately - <G>  


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #77 on: July 23, 2003, 05:20:30 pm »
It would appear that pointing out to Taldren that a CTD exists, even AFTER they have stated that this is the FINAL patch IS an effective and worthwhile undertaking. So suggesting that it is pointless was a rather poorly thought out statement.

Also, suggesting that someone posting about a bug so closely on the heels of the release of the patch is baffling. Would waiting longer make it more likely that Dave would want to undertake more patching of the FINAL patch?

This was the final of the SFB "BASED" titles (approx 99.99% based on SFB) and as such the  cries of "SFB Purists" should have died out long ago IMHO. As this is the last attempt to actually make the game work as "Advertised" in the game manual, it would seem that those who wish for changes to be made bear the brunt of the load of requesting those changes on their own shoulders.

Certainly those who are NOT "SFB Purists" and are more Trek/TNG fans are not going to be as dedicated in their requests to Taldren to leave OP as close to both SFB and Taldrens own specifications as stated in the manual as possible.

These flame wars should be relagated to things of memory, as the SFC series is in a coma and the only thing that may keep the plug from being pulled is Activisions silly actions concering the rights to Trek and the lawsuit they have filed pertaining to those very rights.  

Eric has flatly stated that if there ever is another SFC title, it will most likely be years down the road, and likely never.

Now we have a TNG version as well as an approximately 50% finished TOS/SFB version, and we as a community of gamers should realize that with no new titles coming out that our numbers are already rapidly decreasing and pointless attacks on one group or another simply work to further weaken the already waning numbers of available gamers.

Just my opinion, feel free to agree with me or flame me. I personally am viewing the Acti vs Viacom lawsuit as the only possible hope for more SFC games, either by Taldren or possibly another entity.

Perhaps with the total decline of all things Trek that has come about since TNG was most stupidly discontinued Viacom/Paramount will move Trek off the cash-cow list and greatly reduce the restrictions they place on who can do what with the intellectual properties that are Trek.

Im looking forward to seeing a game on the shelf at CompUSA that has the intials SFB and SVC right next to each other on the box, directly under a picture of the NCC 1701 Enterprise.  

(Sounds good, eh Hyper?  )



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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #78 on: July 23, 2003, 05:20:37 pm »

Well, having played a cloaking warbird for two day now, I has definitively say that phasers, disruptors, photons, and plasma on bare hull while cloaked don't crash to desktop. I'm pretty sure they do too much damage, but I can't blame that on the program team unfortunately - <G>    

Well if things are working right you should never have plasma (or drones) on bare hull while cloaked unless someone flashes and grabs you. All the others I thank you for, however.


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Re: New cloak not working as advertised
« Reply #79 on: July 23, 2003, 05:22:58 pm »
One caution - not to put words in Taldren's mouth - but people shouldn't get their hopes up about any non-CTD bugs getting fixed at this point.

Identify and report them if possible, but don't be upset if non-CTD bugs remain after the next final patch.

We are already way past the point where Taldren stopped getting paid for the work they are doing on OP.