First off,
Thanks for the effort from everyone involved. Taldren did not have to do this. Kudos!
For the bug, reporting it is ok. The bug is not the end of the world. As a Rom I'll take what I can
Now, there is one question that I've been trying to figure out since the specs of the patch came out. I never posted it not too sound ungrateful, but then again, I'd like to understand it at some point.
The decision I don't understand is to shorten the flash cube time. I have been playing Rom a long time and I am a PvP kinda guy. The reason I never use the cloak in PvP is the flash cube. Reducing the time of the flash cube doesn't help in any way since the tractor starts instantly. So, I will be able to use the cloak at a distance to shake out drones, but against players I still have the same Achiles heel. For the last 2 years I always thought, "damn, it they take away the flash cube, then I can use the cloak in PvP. I think I still can't.
Did I miss anything? Am I wrong?
I will go test this on GSA with fellow Roms, but I am pretty sure that a guy dropping speed because he engages the cloak that can still be flashcubed will not live long and prosper.
I am really curious to understand the rationale here. Do not get me wrong, I appreciate the added benefits, but I was ok against AI already but I did hurt against players. I think it will not chnage that a lot. On PvP testing, did you guys really found that the Roms relying on cloak strategies were now more dangerous?
Again, I am happy about the improvements and I am sure the X-ships will benefit a lot. I just would like to get this one.
Again, thanks for the patch!
SPQR Drall
P.S. Yes Nanner, I know...again I appreciate the patch, I am not petitioning for a change I just want to understand.
P.P.S Saved you a post