Yeah, yeah, maybe it doesn't work exactly as Mr. Ferrel intended. But you know what? It works so much better than it used to, and so much closer to SFB standard rules than it used to, that I'm not currently inclined to gripe about it.
I'm having so much fun watching a real cloak at work that I can't be bothered. Now if Dave feels irked that it isn't quite what he intended and decides to make it match what he announced, that's all well and good. I'll be glad. But I'm not going to let this glitch annoy me right now. I'm one happy Gorn...... errr I mean Rom..... errrrr I mean player.
Now I've got to go master the art of engaging these dastardly improved Roms. (Yeah, yeah, little pointy-eared freak. Cloak and ditch my plasma. Let me get a little closer...... just a little closer....... <evil laughter> )
Thanks, Dave! Very nice work indeed.
3dot 14:
In SFB, there were advanced optional rules that let you use hidden cloak if you and your opponent wanted to experiment with it. It required a very honest opponent, or a moderator. As I recall (been years since I used hidden cloak):
1) The cloaked ship was removed from the board, and it's location was kept track of secretly
2) 4 times a turn the enemy could ask for range and bearing
3) The enemy could fire whenever it wanted, but damage was kept secret.
4) The cloaked ship recieved a MASSIVE boost in BPV.
5) Everybody except the Rom got very, very bored.
Yeah, I was usually the Rom. People (including me) have much more fun now that I use standard rules. That doesn't mean it wasn't fun for specific scenarios, it was, but for general use I find (IMHO) that standard rules are more fun for everyone. As with all opinions, your mileage may vary.