Topic: Specualtion about the 2151 Klingon Battlecruiser  (Read 1072 times)

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Specualtion about the 2151 Klingon Battlecruiser
« on: July 20, 2003, 09:02:53 am »
How about this for an idea?

Could the Klingon Battlecruiser that we saw in the first season episode "Unexpected" actually be a D-6?

The D-5's are up and around, so why not the D-6? It would solve some continuity problems. Yes yes I know that they used the "Ktinga" model in that episode because they were strapped for time and couldn't make a new cgi model, but nevertheless it is on the screen. Dubbing it a D-6 might solve the problem.  


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Re: Specualtion about the 2151 Klingon Battlecruiser
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2003, 11:12:21 am »
I can buy it...
But I didn't mind that it was a Ktinga class...not like I mind the concept of
a Klingon BoP being over used...and Scaled up to a Battlecruiser sized  


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Re: Specualtion about the 2151 Klingon Battlecruiser
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2003, 01:03:09 pm »
Actually, according to SF Museum, the D-5 was introduced in 2224. The D-2 was introduced in 2162. I know the Museum isn't canon, but c'mon, the entire debacle with Enterprise is rediculous. The Daedalus is canon, was introduced in why is Enterprise a round flat saucer hulled Akira lookalike? Enterprise lost me the 1st episode because of that. Don't get me wrong, I still watch every now and then, but I look on it as an alternate universe type thing.

EDIT: Forget what I said...seems your going by the SFB charts. Isn't it sad, that the SFX people were a little lazy and didn't want design new stuff for the show? What would ol' Gene have to say?

« Last Edit: July 20, 2003, 01:10:02 pm by sandman69247 »

Captain KoraH

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Re: Specualtion about the 2151 Klingon Battlecruiser
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2003, 02:49:51 pm »
I have never liked the "Akiraprise" that much, but I like it better than SFB 2100's ships. Just my opinion.  


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Re: Specualtion about the 2151 Klingon Battlecruiser
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2003, 07:20:27 pm »
Not to worry Captain KoraH,  I'm going to be spicing up the 22nd Century SFB ships (ie. Early Years), hopefully some SFC fans (and maybe even a few SFB fans) will like the Early Era more with the models I'm going to make for the early era.  

Regardless though, I have never liked the "Akiraprise" from the show and I'm actually in the planning stages (well, sort of) for a SFB Early years crusier (The Republic Class) that will be a replacement.  I like the sets they use for the show, but they shouldn't have copied the Akira design.  The least they coudl have done is make it more like the TOS on the outside.

Anyway, once I'm done building all the Standard Era Fed ships, I might move on to Early Era and post them at Sandmans alternative website.