Topic: models and permissions -- included in a package.  (Read 7986 times)

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models and permissions -- included in a package.
« on: July 17, 2003, 05:17:03 pm »
I am working on the next version of my Shiplist. (For those who are not familiar with the OP+ shiplist, go check out the general forum for details.)

.. I would like to know if there are issues where I want to include models into my shiplist package. No where, in readme files or whatever, do I see any mention of redistribution limitations or of permissions being needed. Only something about "in case of modifications to this, you need to do the following".

.. should I just go ahead and start work on this?
-- Luc


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2003, 09:28:54 pm »
If you have anything of mine, go ahead and list it. There should be no probs unless there are modified ships that permissions were not recieved for. You may want to contact the creators by e-mail with a pic of the ship so they can approve them that way.



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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2003, 11:23:01 pm »
Well you got my permission to use any of mine

Captain KoraH

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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2003, 12:06:15 am »
On the off chance you want to use something I made, please do.  


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2003, 12:20:36 am »

If you have anything of mine, go ahead and list it. There should be no probs unless there are modified ships that permissions were not recieved for. You may want to contact the creators by e-mail with a pic of the ship so they can approve them that way.

I did see that most downloaded models had that condition. There's maybe only 2 models I might have to do that (for accuracy) but otherwise I could most probably make do with variants based on the Taldren models.

I *DO* intend to do a credits.txt file, and have it displayed on installation of the future package. It will take me time to prepare the entire package and accumulate all the models for it.. but so far I have about 110mb (uncompressed) of additional stuff, with the current test installer at around 20MBs. That will grow.

.. I also intend to do a fully compatible version of my shiplist package without models that would be fully compatible to the one with models. The same shiplist.txt and all..
How? .. well.. .. the installer kit I use has shortcut creation ability... I'll leave it at that.

Lord Vader

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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2003, 05:20:08 am »
I Like to see new mods you have my permission.


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2003, 09:58:13 am »
Hey LV! Good to see you around these parts again!

This sounds like an interesting little mod...please post more details when ready.



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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2003, 05:06:37 pm »
Well. Quite a positive response.

.. I'll have to work on an appropriate Credits.txt file, and have it displayed on installation. So far I have 80 models/textures chosen so it will take a while until the whole thing is ready, tested, etc.

-- Luc


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2003, 05:12:47 pm »
If you think anything I've done is worthy of including in a mod, you are more than welcome to include it. (Got any plans to include my current personal favourite - my Vanguard?)

Lord Vader

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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2003, 05:42:14 pm »
yea, this mod sounds pretty cool, plz do post some screenshots and shiplists that would be very cool.


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2003, 01:08:00 am »
It'll take me a while to prepare it..
.. as for the shiplist, It's going to be for the OP+ shiplist project I've been plugging together for 14 months now. I'm almost sure you heard of it.


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2003, 06:00:35 pm »
they say it's good to contact people when you modified a .MOD..
.. but.. all I did was put in the textures (.bmp) to the different .MOD to make a model I needed.. how does that rate?

(I took FleetDock 13's D5W .MOD, and copied the Romulan textures over, which resulted in the new R10 ships: R-KWR D5W variants)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2003, 06:47:45 pm »
Perhaps you could assemble a short list of models you need to match the specs you are adding. There should be a large number of custom ships and bases that SFC fans have retextured for exactly this reason. I know I found myself doing this to represent some of the missing ships in your OP+ spec file. I'm certain you would get a positive response from this forum. Just about anything you can think of someone has done it.The monitors could be a possible exception.

I wish you well in this endeavor and really look forward to see what you come up with. You might drop Atrahasis a line as I remember him voicing an interest in updated Taldren models. It gave me the impression he was thinking about doing something about it.

*note: As useful information there are a small number of Fleetdock13 models that never got their links put up on their site when it was resurected. There are some base stations, freighters and others that are in the data base but no download link was added. I discovered some of these myself.          

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2003, 10:02:01 pm »
Well said Rogue!

BTW: Firesoul is what you are doing purly SFC OP+ or are you doing more?

If I may be so bold, since many of the TMP era SFC 1/2/OP models were taken from Klingon Academy that maybe you should use some of these models too. Some KA models like the three-armed Klingon Starbase could fit in a pure SFB theme without adding any extra headache (I use  Suvwl'Qeh though as my KCX)

Since SFB themed Tholian models and their usage appears to be an EMOTIONALLY charged issue,  there are the little used Klingon Academy Tholians.

Since I have never played a full game of either SFB or , gasp, Klingon Academy [only the demo],  I'm sure your stats would be fine as I have no preconcieved notions to be disillusioned about. To me the KA Tholian specs seem kind of weak and undergunned as do  many FASA Trek ships. Apples and oranges, I know....

I have all of Dark Drone's KA Tholian Conversions and with help, tweaked them to the best of my ability. I also retextured all of Hollis J. Woods Tholians to match the KA Tholian theme (TFT, TMS, TSB, TFA, TDD, repectively) and I have two of Terradyne's kitbash (double-hulled Ruby Cruiser and light DN [I use as a CV])

Also any plans to upgrade or add more monsters? Azel has given us a fine crop of new ones:

However, if its SFB/SFC the newships site has a few retextured monsters there.

An idea for the Federation Monitor could be the FASA Trek Fenlon monitor by Heaven's Eagle:

Again, If you are looking a slightly different take on the Andromedans other than Anduril's fine Andromedan fleet, I have P81's TMP Andromedans and all of Darkdrone's kitbashes of them.

Also if any of my retextured ships can be of service please use them.

If I may be of any assistance (within my abilities ) to you let me know.


« Last Edit: July 19, 2003, 10:07:34 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2003, 01:49:17 am »
What I am doing is adding models to my shiplist package (hence now it's a mod)..
.. since I've always done it as an 'expansion of the current work of Taldren, done in Taldren's style', I try to preserve the Taldren work unless something better comes up.

So! .. I'll give you a few examples of what I'm looking for, or am doing, so that you understand better..

1- Taldren Style. I'm looking to replace the LEAST of the Taldren ships as possible. That means I'm doing corrections, in a way, to the game by adding more appropriate models where they're needed.
example 1:
F-CA, F-CAR+: old style TOS-era Fed CA.
F-CAR+, F-CAR+R: Taldren stock model for F-CA, which is TMP-era.

example 2:
The Gorns from Feral Yards are sooooo much better than the stapler ships for the current gorn that I replaced them all. Of course I'm still short on the Tugs.

So the ships from FleetDock 13 are good.. yes.. but the vast majority of them aren't accurate for THIS implementation. Too many of them with the old-style TOS warp. "It's too much not like Taldren's style." Doing a complete replacement is wrong, IMHO.

Having said that, I of course picked up ships from here, there, everywhere and am fitting in everything that I can to the appropriate ships and classes. I'm going to have a huge credits.txt file. But it looks so damn playable. In a way, it's still the old game.. but like as if it got an expansion kit.

Obviously, there's a lot of stuff I could not find appropriate models for, but these are coming along nicely. So far, only once have I needed to mix-match .BMP textures with .MOD files to create a model/skin combo that I needed.. which didn't seem to exist before.

This isn't a revamp of the entire models list. This is an improvement to the selection of models since the shiplist itself has been improved by my own work. Of course, I am taking opportunities where I can take them.


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2003, 06:42:05 am »
Oh, there's stuff around. Count on it. The tugs are going to be a problem. And we need HDW's for almost everyone. But there are a number of models to diversify the library. Klingon Fanatic could be a choice partner in this. He's an archiver and has some talent at retexturing. I've got a few that come to mind. The trick is going to be getting them to you. You probably don't need 80 emails with 1-5 Meg attachments. Perhaps a few posts here with links and discriptions to the downloads that fit your needs. A good example might be a Federation x-frigate that looks like one. There is one at STCD that would be choice for that. KF has a KCL that isn't as hard on the eyes as the Taldren KCL, also at STCD. The Lotus Flower is a wonderful alternate Federation freighter that would fit and perhaps even be used for the monitor hulls. JRStandfast has some updated Taldren models that would be choice. Like a Fed NCV that looks like one. Stuff like that.

Perhaps the thing to do would be for a few people to post a message with a download link here for a few ships that fit your needs. They could come back later and add a link or two when an idea strikes them. That and they could screen out some of the models that are too large a file to be useful. Most of the zips should be less than a given size. Say 1 Meg or less. That would be up to you. There are quite a number that exist nowhere but on our hard drives.

When I get a chance I am going to look over my model set for useful hulls and send a private message to see if I have anything you want. I've got a Romulan King Condor and Battlehawk that is a big improvement on the Taldren set. Hmmm...
« Last Edit: July 20, 2003, 08:02:17 am by Rogue »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2003, 08:52:13 am »
How about these Klingon Academy/SFC stock KCL models FireSoul?

I did three versions of the KCL, a TOS a late TMP D2 style and a Romulanized version.

Until Peter Davies can bring the site he made for me online, these are available at:




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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2003, 02:07:05 pm »
To tell you the truth I found that the FleetDock 13 D5 seems to work well too. Not everything there is suitable, but these definitely are.

Here are a D5W, a D5 and a D5H:

I've asked EmeraldEdge if he could stick a pod similar to the D5H's under the wings if a standard D7.. it may be a more suitable tug seen. Also, that same pod is used by the Lyrans for their LTTs. So maybe use that pod for a LLTT and a DLTT.. (based on the LCL from Taldren or the LCW, which is more accurate, from FeralYards... hopefully both.)

-- Luc
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2003, 03:27:28 pm »

Oh, there's stuff around. Count on it. The tugs are going to be a problem. And we need HDW's for almost everyone. But there are a number of models to diversify the library. Klingon Fanatic could be a choice partner in this. He's an archiver and has some talent at retexturing. I've got a few that come to mind. The trick is going to be getting them to you. You probably don't need 80 emails with 1-5 Meg attachments. Perhaps a few posts here with links and discriptions to the downloads that fit your needs. A good example might be a Federation x-frigate that looks like one. There is one at STCD that would be choice for that. KF has a KCL that isn't as hard on the eyes as the Taldren KCL, also at STCD. The Lotus Flower is a wonderful alternate Federation freighter that would fit and perhaps even be used for the monitor hulls. JRStandfast has some updated Taldren models that would be choice. Like a Fed NCV that looks like one. Stuff like that.

Perhaps the thing to do would be for a few people to post a message with a download link here for a few ships that fit your needs. They could come back later and add a link or two when an idea strikes them. That and they could screen out some of the models that are too large a file to be useful. Most of the zips should be less than a given size. Say 1 Meg or less. That would be up to you. There are quite a number that exist nowhere but on our hard drives.

When I get a chance I am going to look over my model set for useful hulls and send a private message to see if I have anything you want. I've got a Romulan King Condor and Battlehawk that is a big improvement on the Taldren set. Hmmm...

Well.. for starters..
.. do you know where I can find a good Mirak tug? .. something that matches the current Taldren skins..
.. maybe a retexture of  this?


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Re: models and permissions -- included in a package.
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2003, 04:20:52 pm »
Another idea I have had:

.. to edit Taldren skins to create Taldren-based skin variants with landing bays on same models.
Z-CA -> Z-CV    
BCV could use the Z-CV's. The MCV's could use a copy of the CVL's, but resized via model.siz..

I-CA -> I-CV
« Last Edit: July 20, 2003, 04:56:16 pm by FireSoul »