Topic: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........  (Read 5976 times)

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Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« on: July 17, 2003, 04:09:12 pm »
First of, I shall start with a ship request... After all, this IS the "Starfleet Command Models" forum... So here we go....

I've looked around but I cant seem to find a decent Hi-Res Steamrunner model.... As a rule, i dont like TNG designs much but the Akira Class and in particular the Steamrunner clas DO stand out.....

Any suggestions.....?

And now to what I noticed.  I was sat watching the Sector 001 battle doing a bit of ship watching... You know how it is.....

Defiant (looks small there, bit of a scale problem I think), Akiras (plenty of them), Steamrunners(like those), Sabers (loads of those), Oberths times 2, Norways (looks a bit like a steam iron), Sovereign (GO, BIG E, GO), ohh look, 2 MIrandas WITH roll-bar, Nebu.......

Hang on a minute......


Not just one, but at least 2 of 'em..... And no Excelsior Class either....

Now I'm know how it works.  Those guys a Paramount design some new ships and want to show them off, but come on!!! Science Vessels!!!!

I can just see it now.....

Well, Commodore. We've managed to put together a nice big fleet of never before seen ships.  Trouble is, we dont seem to have any big hitters.....

How about we recall the "Enterprise", you know she's the most advanced ship we've got.  She'll really kick some Borg ass!!!.  If you'd rather not have Picard involved, we could recall another half dozen Excelsiors.......

NO!!!..... I've got a better idea....... You know those 2 Oberth's we have bringing all the Wolf 359 veterans back from Vulcan?

You mean the USS Fodder and the USS Deadmeat...

Yeah...... They'll do.......


 Just an observation, thats all.  
« Last Edit: July 18, 2003, 07:39:48 pm by DestinyCalling »


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2003, 04:18:07 pm »
lol lol lol

adam out


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2003, 04:32:37 pm »
i have just one thing to say.



Captain KoraH

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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2003, 05:08:38 pm »
LOL @ USS Deadmeat


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2003, 07:27:31 pm »
I have this one by P81:

Find me on ICQ to get it  


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2003, 12:29:33 pm »
hehehehehe    Now that was funny....kinda like sending some schoolchildren with water guns.....Or maybe the Oberths were unlucky enough to be caught in Earth parking orbit when the battle group arrived...something like "You want us to do WHAT??????"



BTW where can i get a Yeager anyway? I always did like that ship for some reason.


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2003, 12:52:39 pm »
Actually, why not Oberths? The Borg don't shoot at anything they percieve as a non-threat, so ironically the Oberths have a better chnce of surviving if they can keep from getting noticed.  


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2003, 03:07:46 pm »
yeah they might survive, but if they don't pose a threat to the cube, then there's no point in them being there (from an offensive point of view)  


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2003, 03:25:55 pm »
the federation was never really on an offensive with the cubes. usually the were trying to be defensive from being attacked by them. i dont really remember that many shows that had the federation going after a cubes. so i think therefore every battle with a cube was really a defensive action rather than offensive one


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2003, 03:30:46 pm »
Perhaps I didn't word that very well, what I meant was that if the cube didn't perceive them as a threat then they obviously couldn't do much damage to it, and Starfleet had to do damage to it to either make it retreat (yeah like the Borg would do that), disable it, or as a last resort - destroy it. Remember it wanted to assimilate Earth so they would do anything to stop it.

So by offensive, I meant doing damage to it, not as an offensive operation.


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2003, 03:40:08 pm »
i see now. lmao


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2003, 03:45:48 pm »
I Have always felt that Oberths in TNG were used as tesbeds for ne technology rather than just research and survey missions.
I mean come on the Pegasus had a damned Phase-Cloak...
So it would stand to reason that the Oberths may have had the prototype technology that was installed
on the later starships of Steamrunner, Saber, and Norway Classes...
They may have also acted as ECM Ships similar to the way that our military uses ECM as a cloaking and disruptive interference.
Similar to the job of a Prowler on an Aircraftcarrier  


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2003, 04:45:17 pm »
Then the Borg would know that and thus perceive them as a threat (because they've assimilated people who know this, no doubt) hehe


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2003, 05:57:16 pm »
More Observations......

First off though, it's nice to see some reactions.... well done...

BTW USS Target renamed as USS Fodder.... (works better that way)

Interesting idea about flying Oberths into battle as ECM boats... It does put that large sensor pod to good use.  But you know what's kinda odd...

No Excelsiors....
No Galaxys....
No Ambassadors....

You know what I think.... The minute they paint the word "Enterprise" on a ships hull, it spells instant doom for the Class.  Think about it, how many other Connie refits have we ACTUALLY seen...... NONE, that's right NONE....

I can just see it now......

Well, we need some new ships.  Care to help us out with this.....

Oh certainlly, these new Connies/Ambassadors/Excelsior B-variant/Galaxys are great, they really add some depth to your fleet, and they can sure kick some butt..... One thing I should mention though... Try not to call any of them "Enterprise" or you'll not get anymore....

What was that!!!  

(to one side)
Shut up Gil!!, just close the deal.... They'll go for it, stop talking

I'm sorry, I'm not understanding there.  What was it you said...

Nothing!!!  So, how many can I put you down for... 12.... 24.... Remember "Good Ole Gil"!!!!!

Followed by nervous grin on Gil's face......

That was really a Simpsons reference but I'm sure thats how it went.......

What do you reckon????  
« Last Edit: July 18, 2003, 07:42:51 pm by DestinyCalling »


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2003, 06:29:43 pm »
lol, I wish someone would explain to me how certain shipyards "win" contracts to build vessels for Starfleet and other UFP organisations...has anyone here read the renegade fan fiction? It's pretty good and there's some funny similarities between the Simpons analogy there and how the characters in the fanfic obtained their new ship, hehe, well I thought it was good *goes back to his allocated corner*


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2003, 07:08:15 pm »
I think an appropriate name would be: USS HOLY SHIITE; ROFLMAO!!

Seriously though, it's easily explained in that they called all ships with even light armament back to sector 001 to help defend Earth. As not all ships could arrive in time, those that could were there. The Oberths were probly just leaving on missions or returning from them. And when the Big "E" arrived, it was after listening to hours of fellow ships being obliterated on the way there. Of course the easiest explanation is that the film crew just used whatever was at hand to make a large battle.



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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2003, 07:38:46 pm »
Get this though..... Just how stupid am I......

I've watched Trek for many a year, I like to think I'm pretty aux fait with various designs and what not.....

And I go and quote Yeagers being present at the battle....


Of course, I meant SABERS, and there were LOADS of them...... Though to be honest I dont really like all that many TNG designs, the refit Connie is STILL the greatest.  You know I was thinking the other day about how good it would've looked if we ever got to see 1701-D rendezvous with a Connie during TNG and not some run of the mill Excelsior class....

Post has been amended.... And if my grandmother DID have wheels, then she would most definately be a wagon!!!    


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2003, 07:42:39 pm »
Haha, at least there was a method to your madness, the saber that is always referred so was called the USS Yeager!

And what's this about your Grandmother????


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2003, 09:18:55 pm »
Just to throw another wrench into this discussion, I read from a reputable source recently that the FX guys (who are always keen on slipping hidden "easter eggs" in at every chance) dropped a pair of Millennium Falcon models into the space battle. I've yet to see any proof of it and they're most likely quick blurs for obvious reasons, but it is an interesting thought. If you think a few Oberths are cannon fodder, try a couple of lightly armed freighters.  


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Re: Something I noticed about "First Contact".........
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2003, 09:59:23 pm »
Smiley, is that the sfc3 streamrunner frrom the knox kitbash site? If it is, I'm defenetly going to have that...