Topic: SFC:OP and SFC 3 Question  (Read 1199 times)

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SFC:OP and SFC 3 Question
« on: July 17, 2003, 10:59:34 am »

 Hey Guys,

  After posting here about the state of SFC 3,  I decided to reinstall SFC:OP and mess around with it.  I grabbed the latest patch and installed.  I have Windows XP and ran into (and continue to) the bug where the keyboard will not work unless you get out of the program and then back in.  That is insane.  Does SFC 3 suffer from this same bug?  

 Another question for ya.  I started running around in SFC:OP and in several missions I lost becuase the enemy that was suppose to be there was not and so when I finally just exited the screen (warped out) the mission was a failure.  I saw this a couple times.  Are the pirate campaigns broke?  Other see this often?  I guess I find it a little frustrating.  I do not recal this the last time I played but that was a couple patches ago.




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Re: SFC:OP and SFC 3 Question
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2003, 02:12:57 pm »
Try starting the game by creating a shortcut directly to StarfleetOP.exe (the actual game executable). That has been known to solve a host of problems. Also make sure that any short cut you use / make includes a working directory (Start In) entry. I beleive the one that is made at install doesn't have this and this causes problems.

I've been using OP on WinXP for quite some time now and have not had any problems save that the game sometimes loads slow. But I suspect that's caused by my Av software.

FInal note: watch for a new patch very, VERY soon.    


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SFC:OP and SFC 3 Question
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2003, 10:59:34 am »

 Hey Guys,

  After posting here about the state of SFC 3,  I decided to reinstall SFC:OP and mess around with it.  I grabbed the latest patch and installed.  I have Windows XP and ran into (and continue to) the bug where the keyboard will not work unless you get out of the program and then back in.  That is insane.  Does SFC 3 suffer from this same bug?  

 Another question for ya.  I started running around in SFC:OP and in several missions I lost becuase the enemy that was suppose to be there was not and so when I finally just exited the screen (warped out) the mission was a failure.  I saw this a couple times.  Are the pirate campaigns broke?  Other see this often?  I guess I find it a little frustrating.  I do not recal this the last time I played but that was a couple patches ago.




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Re: SFC:OP and SFC 3 Question
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2003, 02:12:57 pm »
Try starting the game by creating a shortcut directly to StarfleetOP.exe (the actual game executable). That has been known to solve a host of problems. Also make sure that any short cut you use / make includes a working directory (Start In) entry. I beleive the one that is made at install doesn't have this and this causes problems.

I've been using OP on WinXP for quite some time now and have not had any problems save that the game sometimes loads slow. But I suspect that's caused by my Av software.

FInal note: watch for a new patch very, VERY soon.