Topic: A question for you about the game  (Read 7508 times)

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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #40 on: July 21, 2003, 07:06:19 pm »
Dear GOD....

Which strings file is it, the aaStrings or the regular Strings, and about where is it, and can we do anything else to the weapons like chage their yields??? This is new stuff for me!

Thank you in advance.  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #41 on: July 21, 2003, 09:50:06 pm »

Dear GOD....

Which strings file is it, the aaStrings or the regular Strings, and about where is it, and can we do anything else to the weapons like chage their yields??? This is new stuff for me!

Thank you in advance.  

I may have been premature. I was looking over what some parameters in a given file that I can't locate at the moment. There it was in all its glory... the speed parameters for all kinds of things. Weapons yields no, but rates of travel was there. I briefly upped the speed of the drones to something absurd like what disruptors travel at and it worked! Something like speed 550 drones. I put it back immediately and made a mental note at the for a later time. I'm pretty sure I did it in EAW as I havn't loaded SFC1 in a long time. Rest assured when I find it again I will make a point to share it. I thought I remembered it being in a string file but since I looked through all of them in OP it wasn't there. So I'm guessing it was in one of the.ini files. I'm going to feel a little silly if it was a parameter brought out in someones custom string file I was using and I can't find it again. Or had been eliminated in more recent patch. But it was there and certainly worked for drones so I have to assume it works for photons and disruptors. I don't specificly remember plasmas but I bet it does.

 I was talking to you about something else when I got the bug to try speed 500 plasma's (ie. plasma bolts)  I suppose the value is strictly for personal amusement since it wont be useful for anything but novelty. But it sure is fun watching drones progess at some bizaar speed. I know for sure it covered disruptors, drones and photon torp speed (which was something silly slow like 55) If and when I find it I'll make a point that you know about it.

If anyone else remembers seeing this please feel free to advise.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2003, 09:59:54 pm by Rogue »


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2003, 11:30:20 pm »
It would be amazing if it were in one of the string files because I have not noticed it. The Strings just covers the names of the weapons as far as I know.

I always thought weapons speeds were hard-coded in the spritesq3 friend, is it possible you somehow accessed that forbidden file???


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #43 on: July 22, 2003, 06:11:54 am »
Na, I was doing something like going through all of the odd files with notepad to see what you could mess with. I thought it was a string or (x).ini file. It could be in one of the files that Windows doesn't recognize the extention is my guess. I'll go looking foer it again soon because it's an issue now. I've been working on OP to get the way I want and I have to think the basic engine is the same as EAW. I know it wasn't sprites.q3. I see a couple of hours being burnt looking for it again. I tell you I'm amazed at what one can mess with in these game titles. I'll look you up when I find it. Gosh, I hope it wasn't a file that got removed by a newer patch or I'll go nuts.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rogue »


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #44 on: July 22, 2003, 06:14:40 am »
Please do, I'm very interested in modifying weapons if it's possible. It'll be a whole new take on things.  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2003, 07:35:04 am »
OK, I'm just nuts. I went through everything in EAW, patched and unpatched, and couldn't turn it up. I may have a string file archived somewhere that has it. Or the worst thing could be that it was eliminated in a patch. Sorry, didn't mean to get your hopes up. My pride is really bruised and I'm a little perplexed. Is this a sure sign I should seek professional help?  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #46 on: July 22, 2003, 09:41:15 am »
Nah, just a sure sign you put your best into things- I remember seeing that file to, actually, long time ago... never saw it again either- but dumb me, I was afraid to mess with it:(  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #47 on: July 22, 2003, 10:31:01 am »
 , That's funny. Ya, I remember that sucker and I tried the drone thing for the heck of it and it worked just fine. I wonder if one of the patches got it to keep people from doing something funny when playing on line. Shoot, I was going to spend an evening launching plasma torp barages. I bet it would be twice as fun if it worked with MRV drones. Ah, nuts.  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #48 on: July 22, 2003, 12:32:22 pm »

I have got SFC1, EAW and SFC3. I tried to get OP because I had heard that it was quite kewl and had new stuff in it that I wasn't aware of, but alas, no where here stocks it anymore, couldn't order it anywhere!
I haven't actually played a game of anything in such a long time though, I just model and texture now really...don't even get a chance to playtest..rofl  

I started a program ( Give OP a chance ) back in April.  To date, I've sent out five copies and even one copy of EAW.

...and others have joined the cause ( Need a copy of OP? ).

I believe copies are also available via InterPlay.

This is being done to grow the OP Community and increase the entertainment value of an already fine product (as of the latest patch).  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #49 on: July 22, 2003, 09:45:00 pm »
But does that mean that if you reinstall EAW unpatched then you should have the file you messed around with? If so what is the version of your disk? Thanks in advance.  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #50 on: July 22, 2003, 10:01:51 pm »
I'm unsure as of yet. I reinstalled EAW and looked for it patched as well as unpatched. Nada... I'm perplexed as to what revision it showed up in. Needless to say I deleted the previous patches. I wonder if Magnum has the answer? If I remember right it was in a string file. It was either that, a .ini or some odd file like MetaAssets/ Open that sucker up in notepad and it is there. I'm really disappointed as it could of made for a little fun. That and I use so many of your models that I'm losing out on an opportunity to do a little thing for ya. Darn it. My only hope is if I missed it in the unpatched version the first time around or someone sees this and kept the file for this reason. I'm pretty sure it only gave the parameters for how fast certain things move during the game and not weapons damage. Rest assured if I find it I will look you up.

I have to be out of town for orientation with a new employer so it will be a few days before I give it a last shot. I'll post back here either way.

Peace, bro.  
« Last Edit: July 22, 2003, 10:08:40 pm by Rogue »


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #51 on: July 22, 2003, 10:53:06 pm »
Daaaarn it, if we could alter weapons speeds we would be able to do SO much!

See, part of the problem with the game as it is is that Photon Torpedoes are unguided. However, if we could up the speed to some of the plasma weapons then (after we change the graphics) we'd have GUIDED PHOTONS like we see in the TMP/TNG era. Not to mention plasma bolts.

Ever slipped in a blue Photon Torpedo graphic for a plasma torpedo and watched it sail to its target like as if it were a quatum torp? It's cool. Except it travels much too slow!  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Atrahasis »


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #52 on: July 23, 2003, 12:16:35 am »
Oooo, that hadn't occured to me. Interesting idea. So much for the weak and unguided Federation torps with their mild warheads. Hmmm, quantom R-torps maybe? That would smoke yer turkey. I wonder if down grading to S torps would get you two turn charging? I do that with G torps to F all the time. Never tried it with the bigger ones.

I'll be traveling for the next few days and wont get a chance to check in. When I get back I'm going to make a last ditch attempt to pin that down. Think Chris Jones might know? Lord if anyone is he is likely to.

Be good guy.  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #53 on: July 23, 2003, 01:27:19 am »
Actually, S-torps would make a bad choice for photorp replacements because they take 3 turns to charge if I remmeber correctly. However F-torps take only 2 turns and they require no holding cost, and in my experience make great guided torps for the TMP era if you change the graphic. Just load maybe 6-8 on a FCA and you have your guided torp spread. For TNG Q-torps maybe the X-torp would be good, otherwise you take the R away from the Roms. Anyways, that's just my fanatasizing. It would be so much more authentic if the speeds could be changed.  

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #54 on: July 23, 2003, 11:16:09 am »

Actually, S-torps would make a bad choice for photorp replacements because they take 3 turns to charge if I remmeber correctly. However F-torps take only 2 turns ...

In EAW/OP, all standard loaded or enveloping torps take 3 turns to load. If you set an R/S/G tube to underload as F, it will load in 2 turns, but will require a holding cost.