Topic: A question for you about the game  (Read 7547 times)

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A question for you about the game
« on: July 15, 2003, 10:33:00 pm »
Who here actually still plays SFC2: EAW?



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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2003, 10:34:13 pm »



my answer to your question is, i personally don't im an OP guy


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2003, 10:36:04 pm »
I did, until my HD crash.  But I will again, as soon as I can set up my era mods in it again.  Of course, I still play SFC1 and OP, too.  Right now, I've got most of my SFC1 up an running again.


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2003, 10:38:14 pm »
I was always disappointed that the TMP universe was never properly depicted by SFC. If I had a time machine I'd go back to the 1990's and make millions and then become the developer for the SFC games. Then i would actually create a game that knows the difference between TOS and TMP, because if you think about it the SFC ship specs are extensions of SFB specs, which are based only on TOS and not true TMP.  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2003, 10:43:57 pm »
Another question: do you think anybody these days would want another mod package for OP? Or does anybody even play anymore and everybody here only makes models?  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2003, 10:45:07 pm »
Hell Yea!
Id love another good mod Especially if its even losely canon.


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2003, 10:45:39 pm »
Never got EAW, but I play OP all the time.

These are the best ST games around...never really liked BC or Armada, but as long as there are moddable ST games around, I'll be happy.



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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2003, 10:51:49 pm »
Has anyone tried the EAW campaign missions in OP? Do they work and do they make single player bearable now?


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2003, 11:02:07 pm »
Oh, that's technically true, but (and I have el zilcho experience with SFB except owning one pewter minature of the Ent-A) one can, and definitely you of all people, easily extrapolate TOSish or SFBish stats to numbers that would more than roughly model what we've seen in the Kirk-Spock-McCoy movies.

I'd rather think that it's the TNG era that'd be hard as heck to model using SFB stats.  Their weapons are just too powerful.

OT:  TOS (the Feds, natch) evokes in my imagination America between and up to WWII/Korean War era- more powerful than it realizes but still a but unsteady and unsure about itself in the face of yet unknown dangers.  From Janeway's words in Voyager- how big space must have seemed then to Kirk, Sulu, etc.

TMP gets compared in my eye to Vietnam War/Cold War era America, a power challenged, but one which is now a bit more aware of its muscle, though still quite wary of the powerful rivals it has.

TNG?  Heck, that in my mind is like post-Soviet Union America- haughty because it has reason  to be, feared because it has reason to be, envied because it has reason to be, poised on the verge of something critical, something grand, something noble, yet the stakes are quite high because it represents something golden for all men and the possibility of either abject failure through blindness to dangers due its elevated pride or just pissing it all away due to affluence induced apathy or callousness is all too real... not that its enemies (Borg, Q [maybe], Roms, Klinks, whomever the heck else... and the real world analogues for the U.S.) are such a noble assemblage.

The SFB ruleset, or so it seems to me from the uninitated's distance, is characterized throughout by checks and balances.  How can this apply to a pre-eminent power, such as TNG or post TNG Federation's Starfleet?  Boy, they can even whip the Borg, with a bit of sneakiness.

Actually, this gives me an idea for a post TNG era show- and I hope someone with the right connections steals this idea and puts it on the airwaves.  I'd love to see a new ST series based on Starfleet having to help stave off some moderate to weak external powers, but some unsettling internal dissonances, such as the Ludditish Vulcan movement to withdraw from the UFP, heated provinicial disputes leading to skirmishes between neighboring Federation systems, and difficulties in incorporating new frontiers into the Federation, non-humanoid Federation races having real anti-humanoid grievances.  Seeing creative solutions from a crack crew on the best starship of Starfleet (the Big E, of course) to such things would be great.  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2003, 11:15:07 pm »
Sounds good to me...maybe a good fanfic if nothing else. How about: The Andorians, after 250 yrs as the low man on the totem pole, decides to break from the UFP. Resentment has been building for decades, dissident groups stockpiling weapons and secret research facilities creating awesome new weapons. In other words, the 1st Civil War of the UFP. Could be interesting.



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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2003, 11:29:07 pm »
VERY cool idea, Sandman.. never heard its like before!  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2003, 12:04:25 am »
thats was kinda the idea where my dark angel akiras began from a long time ago, but they werent akiras at the time. they were heavily modified connies but heck same difference. but as i was saying, when i played the startrek game on the old TRS-80 system way back then, and yes i said TRS-80 guys. dont laugh to hard. oh and i am only 29 so im not that old yet. lol  but thats how me and a few friends played it then. as if all the other races at the time and a few others from some of our favs scifi shows were all atacking the federation. but thats how things go. and if u noticed some of my ships are called a frankenstienin fleet thats where it all started.

Captain KoraH

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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2003, 01:13:58 am »
I personally don't play EAW any more, but OP is still on my hard drive. I haven't played it for a long while because I've been busy with SFC3 mods and making new models. If I ever released all the kitbashes I've made in the last 6 months for the TNZ mod, you all would crap yourselves! There are easily 60-80 new ships in the TNZ mod that are not available anywhere else.

Anyway, if someone made a true TMP mod for OP I'd definitly play it. If it was for EAW I might still play it. Heck I can hardly remember the difference between the two anymore aside from the pirate cartels.



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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2003, 02:19:24 am »
atra, question for you. DId you make a TOS Larson? I am fairly certain you made a loknar for TOS. Was wonderin g if I could get either of those.

Bernard Guignard

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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2003, 05:41:26 am »
Hello Atra
  Its nice to see you back here. To Answer your question concerning OP the EAW missions work great in OP. I've been using Firesouls SFB ship list and the custom missions and find the Campagins quite challenging. I'd look forward to seeing
your continuation of the ships of the Starfleet  tos mod that you had started. Well I've got to go get ready for work.
Take care and be well. I hope to see you around now and then.


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2003, 06:00:14 am »
Hi Starforce, the Loknar and the Larson were done by P81 and also by Ghost's team, you might be able to hunt them down at the Starfleet Universe library archives or at Fleetdock13.

I'm glad to hear the EAW missions work in OP because single player in OP is just so unbearably mundane that it makes modding for it a waste of time.

Hmmmm I see possibilities for the future. I've been mulling over a great idea, basically to make the game as it should have been made, but the fact is that since OP has the most variety of weapons I would have to create the mod pack for it and not EAW, but as I mentioned before OP's single player is just a waste of time. However if people are saying that the EAW campaigns make OP bearable then its a different story. Maybe I can get something ready by Christmas. I need to hunt down Darkdrone if he's still around...

I heard that Chris Jones has put his latest mod on indefinite hold, which is a pity indeed. I've always wanted to put together something big by myself but have not had the time. Maybe with some tips from him I can finally do it.  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2003, 06:25:57 am »
I have got SFC1, EAW and SFC3. I tried to get OP because I had heard that it was quite kewl and had new stuff in it that I wasn't aware of, but alas, no where here stocks it anymore, couldn't order it anywhere!
I haven't actually played a game of anything in such a long time though, I just model and texture now really...don't even get a chance to playtest..rofl


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2003, 06:27:47 am »

Hi Starforce, the Loknar and the Larson were done by P81 and also by Ghost's team, you might be able to hunt them down at the Starfleet Universe library archives or at Fleetdock13.


Still no luck on the loknar but I found the larson. Thanks. What classes did you have? I'm colecting some extra ships for my bridge commander TOS supermod (To go along with schuttups set) and some for some eraly tos (But not sf museum) ships. I was certain you have something that would fit, aside from the usual ship classes that I've already got (saladin, tos miranda, connie, dreadnought..ect) Been so long since I seen your ships I forgot what u've made.


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2003, 06:30:50 am »
Hopefully the majority of my stuff is at the SFU archives, I did some TOS Klings and Roms as well, and also all those TOS freighters.  


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Re: A question for you about the game
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2003, 06:38:57 am »
OMG Atrahasis is here! Man it's been too long, good to hear you still have an interest in SFC, unfortunately now I've gotta go hunting for a copy of OP, never found it anywhere when it was on sale.