OK, figured I had to give the Rommy's some time, so I decided to go with the Cabbage Class from the Earth-Romulan War. When I went to get the specs to do a size chart for my other models, I wound up writing down just about all the ships at SF Museum.

I got a little involved, therefore making a list by year, race, class, crew, length and std./max. warp.

Now I have a list of ships to do.

They won't be in chronological order, mainly just whichever one catches my fancy at the time. One thing I noticed, was they have the Klink D-6 and D-7, Romulan Cricket and Fed Pyotr Velikiy and Constitution as pre-TOS...I'm going to place them as TOS since all can be seen in the series or were in service then as frontline ships.

Anyway, here's a few shots of the mesh, mostly finished.