Thanks for all the kind comments people
In answer to your question Anthony; the deflector textures do not show up in the model viewer because they are jpgs. I saved some of the less detailed textures (and all of the damage textures) as jpgs in order to save space on all of your hard drives when you have the ship installed. If I had not done this, the uncompressed textures would have taken up a silly amount of space, i.e over 50mb!
The textures will show up fine in game because the new SFC3 game engine can read and display jpg textures as well as the normal bmp ones (on a side note I think that it can display other formats too, perhaps targas if anyone was interested). However the model viewer is still the same old one from SFC2 and so hasn't been updated to read jpg textures.
If you really wish to display all textures when viewing the model and the break model in the mod viewer I would suggest that you do a quick batch process and convert all of the jpg files to bmp. Providing that you do not change the filenames (obviously excluding the file extensions) then they will all still show up fine. Don't have more than one copy of the same texture with the same filename (except with a different extension) as this might confuse the game, perhaps not knowing which texture to use. I suspect it has an order of preference, or at least it should, but I have never tried it so I wouldn't want anyone to complain that it won't work anymore! lol
Also there is a bug that I am aware of now; some of the escape pods on the break model have inverted normals. I'll probably release a fixed one during the week, when I get back!
That turned out to be a longer post that I intended!
I start my new job tomorrow
- at least my old workplace got me a card and some gift vouchers though