Topic: SFC II Question...  (Read 2588 times)

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Praetor Cyn

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SFC II Question...
« on: February 01, 2003, 11:58:00 am »

I played many moons in the past.  Enjoyed the early and mid levels of the game though like SFC III once you get up there it gets boring with so few missions and such.  Yes there are more then SFC III but very few.  I know some will come say oh there are tons but really there is just monsters and traps.  The base and shipyard battles already exist so you can't count them.

Any ways...I don't have OP and wonder if it is worth getting.

Did they ever fix planet attacks ?  As a drone race they were the biggest joke going.  Just sit back and shoot till they have no marines left, capture, get tons of pretige, rinse repeat.  Plasma races had the same bonus leaving just Hydran and Lyran with any sort of issues attacking but still it could be done if you just sat back and fired at long range.

I have a few other questions but that is the biggest.  If that is still the case I don't think I will bother.  Not worth the $10.  Maybe there will be servers that address this ?  I don't know.  Planets should have more ADD's and PH III's then anyone could imagine but they don't.  Just a thought.




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Re: SFC II Question...
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2003, 12:29:41 pm »
OP is most definately worth it. More ships, weapons, and technology. I find it to be very stable and only the D2 to be a disappointment. I understand a patch might fix that soon as well.

If you get it, try the OP+ refit. FireSoul adds 950+ new ships. It's a blast!


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Re: SFC II Question...
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2003, 12:47:01 pm »
Have you ever played one of Nuclear Wessels Planetary Assualt Missions?  Definitely woth the time.  You get 3 to 5 enemy ships, 2 Battlestations, 2 Shipyards with defense platforms all shooting at you and the ablility to draft and enemy player in, who can control the Battlestations.  This mission is one heck of a battle, especially against a live player.  Even against the AI, it will take alot of work, even for a droner.

I understand NW is porting some of his missions to OP.  Should be fun.  I own all the SFC series, and OP is definitely a better game with more options than EAW.  Unfortunately, the D2 has problems and we all are awaiting the patch.

Praetor Cyn

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Re: SFC II Question...
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2003, 03:35:19 pm »

Well for me the only useful part would be the D2 part.  D3 is beyond boring.  Just a stagnant place that never changes.  Lest in SFC II there are more ships, more races and such.

I guess from what has been said so far D2 is just a disappointing at D3.  

Guess I wait then.




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Re: SFC II Question...
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2003, 08:37:53 pm »
To purchase OP for the D2 is a bit of a gamble at this time, but for the price of OP I would take the chance. There is a coming realisation that OP should replace EAW as the premier D2 but there are a couple of show stopping bugs. If these bugs are successfully addressed then your purchase will have paid off. Leave off on buying now and you may have a harder time getting it when the problems have been addressed.

Does it make sense to buy a game on spec? I think there are a few people who would call you nuts, but then a few more of us have gotten used to the concept especially in regard to SFC.  


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Re: SFC II Question...
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2003, 09:35:02 pm »
Cleaven is right. If I understand correctly, you can get OP bundled with SFC1 and EAW for a very good price now. Also individual copies of OP are selling for less than $10. It's more than worth it at that price, especially if they do get the D2 fixed.    

Praetor Cyn

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SFC II Question...
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2003, 11:58:00 am »

I played many moons in the past.  Enjoyed the early and mid levels of the game though like SFC III once you get up there it gets boring with so few missions and such.  Yes there are more then SFC III but very few.  I know some will come say oh there are tons but really there is just monsters and traps.  The base and shipyard battles already exist so you can't count them.

Any ways...I don't have OP and wonder if it is worth getting.

Did they ever fix planet attacks ?  As a drone race they were the biggest joke going.  Just sit back and shoot till they have no marines left, capture, get tons of pretige, rinse repeat.  Plasma races had the same bonus leaving just Hydran and Lyran with any sort of issues attacking but still it could be done if you just sat back and fired at long range.

I have a few other questions but that is the biggest.  If that is still the case I don't think I will bother.  Not worth the $10.  Maybe there will be servers that address this ?  I don't know.  Planets should have more ADD's and PH III's then anyone could imagine but they don't.  Just a thought.




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Re: SFC II Question...
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2003, 12:29:41 pm »
OP is most definately worth it. More ships, weapons, and technology. I find it to be very stable and only the D2 to be a disappointment. I understand a patch might fix that soon as well.

If you get it, try the OP+ refit. FireSoul adds 950+ new ships. It's a blast!


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Re: SFC II Question...
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2003, 12:47:01 pm »
Have you ever played one of Nuclear Wessels Planetary Assualt Missions?  Definitely woth the time.  You get 3 to 5 enemy ships, 2 Battlestations, 2 Shipyards with defense platforms all shooting at you and the ablility to draft and enemy player in, who can control the Battlestations.  This mission is one heck of a battle, especially against a live player.  Even against the AI, it will take alot of work, even for a droner.

I understand NW is porting some of his missions to OP.  Should be fun.  I own all the SFC series, and OP is definitely a better game with more options than EAW.  Unfortunately, the D2 has problems and we all are awaiting the patch.

Praetor Cyn

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Re: SFC II Question...
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2003, 03:35:19 pm »

Well for me the only useful part would be the D2 part.  D3 is beyond boring.  Just a stagnant place that never changes.  Lest in SFC II there are more ships, more races and such.

I guess from what has been said so far D2 is just a disappointing at D3.  

Guess I wait then.




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Re: SFC II Question...
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2003, 08:37:53 pm »
To purchase OP for the D2 is a bit of a gamble at this time, but for the price of OP I would take the chance. There is a coming realisation that OP should replace EAW as the premier D2 but there are a couple of show stopping bugs. If these bugs are successfully addressed then your purchase will have paid off. Leave off on buying now and you may have a harder time getting it when the problems have been addressed.

Does it make sense to buy a game on spec? I think there are a few people who would call you nuts, but then a few more of us have gotten used to the concept especially in regard to SFC.  


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Re: SFC II Question...
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2003, 09:35:02 pm »
Cleaven is right. If I understand correctly, you can get OP bundled with SFC1 and EAW for a very good price now. Also individual copies of OP are selling for less than $10. It's more than worth it at that price, especially if they do get the D2 fixed.