Topic: Did we get AoTK player stats?  (Read 3532 times)

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Did we get AoTK player stats?
« on: January 21, 2003, 10:59:36 am »
Just wondering if I missed them.


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Re: Did we get AoTK player stats?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2003, 11:02:59 am »
I don't recall seeing them, but I'd definitely like to.

In the future, I'd love to see them compiled on a weekly basis, too.  I think that can give a better, more detailed picture of what actually happened during the course of a campaign.



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Re: Did we get AoTK player stats?
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2003, 01:39:55 pm »
Although I would love to see them, I dont think I could stand the ribbing again!  


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Re: Did we get AoTK player stats?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2003, 05:15:39 pm »
r/p on

Pay no attention.

The above message was posted by the Fluf BOT.  There can be no way a human can amass 1M PP and not do simple bodily functions, hence Fluf must be a very sofisticated computer program.  Any type voice or other form of communication has been a very clever implimentation of said FlufBOT(tm) programme.  Do not be surprised if FlufBOT2003 doesnt hit the shelves soon for the server and site admins out there.

The FlufBOT software must be super secret as Bill Gates doesnt own it yet, THANK GODS!

I do on the other hand congradulate the AI programmer out there that has managed to Dupe the entire D2 community to believe that Fluf is a human.  Bravo (toten gives a polite golf clap).

r/p off

FLUF GET SOME SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toten's Burnt (yet nowhere nearly as insomiattic as FlufBOT) Corpse