Well, I finally decided to try a non-fed ship. Since I'm currently concentrating on pre-TOS, I decided to do the D-5...the 1st Klingon pre-TOS ship that was on the same technological level as its Romulan and Federation counterparts.
So far, I have spent about 3 hours on the mesh, and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I am going by the 4 view pic at SF Museum...hopefully I wont have any bad feedback, but, all is welcome. I want this to be a good model, so suggestions and advice is needed and welcome. One question: when I start texturing, should I use a dark green color, like current Klingon vessels, or go with the grey portrayed in the SF Museum pic?
She comes out at a little under 1200 polys...plenty small for most, I believe.
Anyway, here are a couple of shots of what I have so far: