Glad you guys like it. Upon mild inspection of the model (not the picture but the model) one will find two pulse phaser launchers tucked away and residing on either side of the forward deflector. The pod on top shoots quantum torpedoes and can be refitted to fire astern. Trading in the pulse phasers will allow for more torpedoes and what not. You know the drill
The poly count is such that the ship will run smoothly on my computer (call me selfish but yes smooth running on my computer is a prerequisite for anything I produce). The colors are a bit dark adding to the overall character of the ship. I have no problem seeing it in my game. If it is hard to see you may want to check your specularity settings under the options menu.
As always, if anyone has any great aspirations and would like to cut the model up and modify it say, adding polies to the warp nacells, beefing up the pylons (the pylon issue delayed release for about a month), or adding phaser strips, go ahead! Let me know if you come up with anything that looks really good so I can add it to my game!\
Have a good one,
Interstellar Machine