Topic: Startrek Legonds  (Read 1119 times)

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Startrek Legonds
« on: July 10, 2003, 06:12:50 am »
Startrek Legonds

The Romulian Star Empire. They move around the stars with ease. With the disire to conquar the klingon
Empire and United federation of planets. Two years after the 'Raman' inncodent the reseach lab in a romote romulian
station was able to break throu the qumtom reality barrier. The romulian decided to combine the empire from one of the
univeses with theres. the admirals give the order to procede. egerly awaiting the arrival of ships and troops.

2 hours after the process began there was an explosion, the shockwave was felt over the quadrant. Starfleet deep space
scans determined that there were new star systems. The Romulians had opened an unstable portal and b4 scealing it they
had let in four new races. each mortals eminies with one another.

The shadows ran throu the qudrant caputuring 20% of the klingon empire. Distoying the gorn and Throlin fleet. The ISA in
responce launched a counter attack and helped the wounded. Admiral Janeway was sent with Captian Picard with an out fitted Enterprise to talk to the ISA leader. In 3 days the ISA joined the UFOP. Sheradon was given rank of admiral and the witestar fleet was adopted in to starfleet. The shadows were forced out of the Alpha qudrant and they unwittdly retreated in to borg space. A borg - shadow alinace was formed. Then the invasion begian. Starsystem by starsystem fell to the joint fleet. Thousands of starships. They flatened everything in there parth distroyed or assmilated. While the klingons were going to distroy the romulian research with their new allys (The rebels) took on the romulians with there new allys (the imperials) the federation armada outfitted with the future technology brought back by voyager sailed in to the breach. The federation was in complete agrement on this topic. In a joint statement by Captian Picard, Captian Endever, Captian Riker and Admiral Janeway they said.

"The borg repesent a clear and present danger to every planet, every race in the galaxy. they must be stoped. As off 13.00
hours the federation gave permission for operation liberation. We have made contact with spieces 8472 and with unimatrix
zero. We going to liberate every borg drone in the colective. And were taking the entire Starfleet to the delta quadrant to
do it."