Topic: Nice Little Ship !!!  (Read 1494 times)

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Nice Little Ship !!!
« on: July 03, 2003, 05:03:04 pm »
Take a look. Itīs simply beautiful.

This is why I donīt like TOS ships. XXI century ships look better than XXII-XXIII century ships.!!!  



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Re: Nice Little Ship !!!
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2003, 06:29:58 pm »
I like it! Mind you I'm rooting for the Canadian Arrow project!  Canadian Arrow
It's based on Von Brauns V2 rocket and his plans for spaceflight in WW2


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Re: Nice Little Ship !!!
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2003, 06:47:41 pm »

I like it! Mind you I'm rooting for the Canadian Arrow project!  Canadian Arrow
It's based on Von Brauns V2 rocket and his plans for spaceflight in WW2  

Very interesting, and excitting too !!!!!
Thanks for the info. I will give it a deeper look tomorrow as I have to go to bed now.



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Re: Nice Little Ship !!!
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2003, 09:21:44 pm »
Ya, I read an article about this little ship/plane and I think it might be the right way to go.  The creator said that this would actually be fairly economical and easier plane then NASA's space shuttle.  The ship is only suppose to go at a maximum speed of Mach 4 or 5 and is suppose to skim the upper stratosphere.  Its only designed now to get from one part of the continent to the other side in like an hour, but this might be the way to go for future shuttle travel.  

The reason why I agree with this plan is that the NASA shuttle program, if you think about it, is pretty archaic!  NASA still wants to stick to the idea of strapping someone to a Rocket and propelling him or her so fast that they reach escape velocity of 7 to 10 Km/s.  That like 18,000 miles per hour because if you traveled any slower the earths gravity will eventually pull you down again.  I personally don't think we need to sling shot people this fast just to get them into space.  If you can get a vessel to travel at Mach 4 for several hours, the ship can make it a distance away from the earth where Gravity would have a negleadable effect of pulling you down again.  That is what they call "Geosychcronis Orbit" (I hope I spelled that right).  Our satilites are a perfect example of this.  Satilites have to be stationary around the earth other wise we couldn't get TV broadcasts.  Athough this concept doesn't mean NASA should build ships like this one posted here, but I think it does mean that NASA needs to find more effiecent ways of getting into space and make it safer, otherwise what is the point.


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Re: Nice Little Ship !!!
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2003, 01:15:46 am »
definately a good start... the shuttle sure is majestic and all, but it is pretty old-fashioned... what do you think of the Aurora plane? Anyone ever seen anyhitng of it?  


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Re: Nice Little Ship !!!
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2003, 01:27:33 pm »
There are technologies out there being tested that will make rocketry obsolete and make the stirring and spectacular launches a thing of the past...Magnetic Levitation is one of them and was featured in the Enterprise episode "First Flight" and also featured in this  NASA news story  which is a virtually  pollution free way to get things into orbit without scaring the locals or the wildlife half to death. The only problem right now is actually getting the technology to work consistently, something the boys and girls at Goddard are working hard to do(Goddard= Gooddard Space Flight Center).

As far as warp drive goes, you guys may be delighted to know that there are people at NASA who not only seriously think it is doable, but are working to make warp technology a reality.. see this NASA site about it and the promise of a far more interesting romp not only in our solar system but deep space too.

Lastly, there are people hard at work developing technologies to make zipping around our solar system easier and faster without having to carry around bulky propelleant tanks and other such annoyances.. see this NASA news story for more

Our species stands on the threshold of new technologies, a great adventure in the skies and the stars...who knows, maybe we will finally be able to see ourselves as one species.



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Re: Nice Little Ship !!!
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2003, 04:12:05 pm »
good post, Anthony- I hate  missing out on that- thanks to you I didn't. I believe we can achieve a lot, but we're going to have to push mass changes into everyday behavior.... it could be done; the institutions I work for are part of the problem- churches. We're all (denominations) responsible for mass hypnosis. I just wish I knew of a way to begin such changes from the inside... no more force-fedding witnessing, no more on..