Is SFC1,2,OP that complicated? OK, the single player campaigns in SFC1 were too difficult I hated chacing that nasty missle boat around the Orion base in the Fed campaign, just to meet my double. Out of the box, I found SFC2 campaigns were challenging, but not unbeatable. They got dumbed down with the patches. They should have been left alone. I would say the same about SFC3, but when my computer crashes every time I try to load certain missions, it just takes the fun out of it.
I wounder why people defend SFC3. I found gameplay surpizingly dull. Not that there were no missles, fighters, or seeking plasma, but that a ship raked with a successful alpha strike would just fly on and fight as if nothing happened. It's hull integrety would go down, but it wouldn't slow or lose weapons. Getting a good shot required too much concentraition with too little satisfaction. This is my definition of tedium.
The only real advantage to having small ships is the lack of expense compared to larger ships. The ability to mod a ship in game was a good notion, but the lack of a need for specialized ships make it pointless. You start with a stripped down vessel, and have to bring it up to snuff. You have to learn what works and what doesn't, but it doesn't give you any reason to have a small ship other than you can't afford a larger one. I simply found it tedious.
All the time, I listened to a really poor music track I learned to fly Lyran in SFC2, just because of TOS fight music. Running over a light cruiser with four ESGs fired up.... That's satisfaction!
When flying a capital ship in OP, you may also buy an escort to guard your behind. Set it to fire on your command. It is very difficult to get it to propperly defend you, but in that mode, it will shoot down fighters and missles. This does: however, gives small ships a reason to exist, other than virtue of low price.
Is it multi-player that make the old SFC too hard? I, personally, have never been able to kill a moderately skilled Fed BCF player with my Klingon C-7. I'm an average player. I win some; I lose some. I know a few tricks. Some players know how to fly a certain ship with certain tactics and are virtually unbeatable. Yes, they are intimidating, and unless you have a trick up your sleeve, never fight them on their own turf. Maybe the blandness of SFC3 give a more level playing field.
Is it TOS vs TNG? On that I can't comment. I flipped channels when Voyager came under fire. TNG combat is the lowpoint of an episode. Maybe SFC3 is more cannon. There is certainly less content to contest. In my humble opion, less is less.