The tenders and carriers for all the races show up just fine as builds etc, everywhere in the singleplayer game the way I do it. Like I said earlier, "The only multiplayer experience that I have with the mod is playing by myself against the AI in MP mode." It worked though. When you're deciding on a hull type for the host race, don't use unknown. That was the obvious choice for me to try first. The repair systems don't work though.
EAW is "A Horse of a Different Color", as the old saying goes, at least in singleplayer campaigns. Setting up the shiplist the same way as OP doesn't work completely. You can't purchase/replace fighters. I don't know what's different mechanically between the two. I don't believe there should be any problem with multiplayer though. The game seems to, from my experience anyway, work the same in MP as in skirmish.
Thanks again (1000 times) for responding to my post. Without Dave's checker there would have been no way, that I can imagine, for me to have found the breaks in the shiplist.
The "gaming gods" were very kind to me yesterday. First the fix for the mod and later last night Azel/Atolm finished the Space Dragon model that I requested from him. (Actually, to be accurate. I told him that I thought that he could do an awesome Space Dragon and he then OFFERED to make it. He's one of the truly nice guys around here
