Topic: Damaged Ships in Campaigns?  (Read 5990 times)

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Rod O'neal

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Re: Damaged Ships in Campaigns?
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2003, 01:18:13 am »

WRT to starting prestige in single player, I think all you need to do is edit the file in MetaAssets\ServerProfiles\SinglePlayer and set StartingPrestige to whatever you wish.
note: When editing gf files do not change the formatting at all, just replace the number and leave all the odd formatting the way it is. (I edit gf files in notepad with wordwrap off.)

The construction of my updated SFB_OP shiplist is best outlined here:  Re: Firesoul, need your permission . . .

It sounds like you may be doing things differently. Take the Klingons as an example, they already had carriers in the SFB_OP shiplist, I left them in. To give them PFTs I removed the "R" and "SPECIAL" designation of the PFTs and assigned them their proper ship class then copied the PFTs to the Tigerheart cartel which I have placed at the top of the shiplist. (Changing the copied PFTs empire to tigerheart) I did the same for the PFs as well.  So the Klingon PFTs and PFs are present in both the Klingon Empire and Tigerheart Cartel.  Have you got an easier approach that works?    

That's how I do it also, except that I use the Lyrans to "host" the empires tenders and The TigerHeart Cartel to host the other Cartels.
If you list them as a hull type that's not available for the player to select, I use BS, and list them as "special" and "R" in the host races specs in the shiplist they won't show up in the host races builds or scripts. Only the Klingons, in your example, will be able to play them.  

Rod O'neal

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Re: Damaged Ships in Campaigns?
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2003, 02:13:56 am »
Well, that fixed it!!! Thanks to Dave, for his utility and Bork for guiding me to it. I guess there'll have to be a couple more thankyous in the readme I NEVER would have found the problem without it. How do you look for "spaces" in the shiplist? You can't see them. I should have an update for the mod pkgd. and available in the next day or so. Every aspect of the game that I have tried has worked for OP. Now I can start working on cleaning up EAW and trying to get it to work. EAW reads the shiplist different than OP so it's not just a direct port. If I get stuck, I'll yell LOL. Again, I never would have found the problem without EVERYONE'S help. Thanks a lot.    


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Re: Damaged Ships in Campaigns?
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2003, 08:49:20 am »
Note that I have been testing my list on a D2 server, and I have found that making the PFTs restricted for the host race also makes them unavailable to the recieving race. (thus I made one cartel the host for all races and wil make it a non-playable cartel on campaigns I use this list on). But that was using the correct hull type in the host race, I'll try your trick of making the host race PFTs an unavailable hull type, thanks for the tip - never would have thought of that. Great to hear you got your damage issue sorted out!

Edit: I believe that Capt Jeff is doing exactly this with an EAW shiplist based on OP Plus (as outlined in the thread above) for the upcoming Storm Season II (?) campaign. You guys might want to compare notes on that one too, as this seems to have been productive for both of us.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2003, 09:06:26 am by Bonk »

Rod O'neal

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Re: Damaged Ships in Campaigns?
« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2003, 09:37:53 am »
The tenders and carriers for all the races show up just fine as builds etc, everywhere in the singleplayer game the way I do it. Like I said earlier, "The only multiplayer experience that I have with the mod is playing by myself against the AI in MP mode." It worked though. When you're deciding on a hull type for the host race, don't use unknown. That was the obvious choice for me to try first. The repair systems don't work though.
EAW is "A Horse of a Different Color", as the old saying goes, at least in singleplayer campaigns. Setting up the shiplist the same way as OP doesn't work completely. You can't purchase/replace fighters. I don't know what's different mechanically between the two. I don't believe there should be any problem with multiplayer though. The game seems to, from my experience anyway, work the same in MP as in skirmish.
Thanks again (1000 times) for responding to my post. Without Dave's checker there would have been no way, that I can imagine, for me to have found the breaks in the shiplist.
The "gaming gods" were very kind to me yesterday. First the fix for the mod and later last night Azel/Atolm finished the Space Dragon model that I requested from him. (Actually, to be accurate. I told him that I thought that he could do an awesome Space Dragon and he then OFFERED to make it. He's one of the truly nice guys around here )