Hey thanks alot Guys for the Support and Praise
It truely means alot...Thanks
Oh and sorry again for the Bad shots of the Satan Class...He's not very Photogenic(lol)
It is probably due the the ship's Size and Design layout.
Now I now that All you guys are wondering what the Deal is with these Aliens known as Hellions...
Well A true backstory is being developed by Klingon Fanatic, Soveriegn Empire, Ripperman and Myself
So I hope it will turn out good
All I can say is that the Hellions where first noticed by the Federation(and of course some of the other major
players in the Galaxy) During the Early TMP Era. Everyone thought that it was just a random space-born
monster, like the Sunglider.
In the Late TNG Era all lthat was about to change, when the USS Titan received a destress call from an
unknown world, in an barely explored part of space.
When Capt. Riker arrived with the Titan to Tartaurus 5, he and the crew witnessed the wake of an attack on
the planet by a previously unkown species as multiple warp signatures were leaving the system.
Capt. Riker led an away team toTartaurus 5 to determine if there were any survivers of the planet and to asses
the extent of the physical destruction of the planet (thinking that it might have been the Borg...or prehaps
another Crystaline Entity).
The world had been stripped bare.
Capt. Riker then recieved a communicay from the titan that the system's Binary Star's were begining to destablize.
With the away Team back on board the Titan withdrawed from the system as the Stars collasped.
Later that same stardate, the USS Pontiac was in the Delpanii system studying the Tryva Kor Expanse 93 lightyears
away from the Titan when they we picking up odd sensor readings similar to multiple warp signatures
heading towards them.
As the signatures got closer, the Crew realized the size and number of the vessels approaching. It was a small
The crew attempted communication but there was no reply. Each of the vessels dropped out of warp and what could
be described as a scan, probed the Pontiac. As Each ship soared passed the Ship, they then re-engaged their
"warp". All except one.
That one vessel turned to face the Pontiac and slowly approached the ship within 80 meters of her hull.
It did not probe the vessel, but was indeed investigating the Pontiac and her crew within.
As soon as the Captain tried communication again...the ship was off.
Later that week Starfleet Command held a meeting with the Vulcan, Klingon, Romulan and Reman Ambassadors
To discuss the reports and findings of this new threat.
All gonvernments were in agreement that Alpha-Beta Quadrants were in perrill...Furthermore research had shown
That the Gamma and Delta Quadrants were not immune to the menace.