Topic: VG (Virtual Galaxy) News - turn 24  (Read 1620 times)

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Davey E

  • Guest
VG (Virtual Galaxy) News - turn 24
« on: July 03, 2003, 06:25:14 pm »
Hi Guys
Thought i,d keep ya posted on whats happening in our "General War"   VG

VG2 NEWSLETTER Vol. 24 No. 1


LSE squadrons (1) CA CL DD FF and (2) CA DD FF attack HK squadrons (1) RN LN HN and (2) HNG (dmg) in neutral sector 0322. (Large open map)
MSL squadrons (1) DN CV DF and (2) DD DF DF attack LSE squadrons (1) CC+ CC DD, (2) CC+ CC DD, (3) DD FF FF, and (4) DDG FF MP in Lyran black hole sector 0507. (Large black hole map)
MSL squadron CV CA DD DF DF attacks LSE squadron CL DD DD in Lyran sector 0608 (Large open map)
MSL squadron DN CV DD DF DF DF attacks LSE squadron CC+ CC+ CW+ in Lyran sector 0709. (Large open map)
MSL squadron CA CV DD DF DF DF attacks LSE squadrons (1) CC+ CA CW+, (2) CC CC CW+, (3) DD DWL FF, and (4) DD FF FF in Lyran sector 0810. (Large open map)
HK squadron LC RN RN KN attacks LSE sector 0920 defended by (1) LSE BAT and (2) LDR squadron CC+ CA CW+ CW+ FF. If the LDR squadron retreats it will be considered out-of-supply (damaged) because it arrived via strategic movement. If the L-BAT is destroyed then the LSE squadrons located in sectors 1023 and 1122 will be placed out-of-supply (damaged) at end of turn 24. (Large open map)
LDR squadron CC DD DD DD FF attacks HK sector 1121 defended by HK squadrons (1) SBS GEN+ GEN (maximum combat loadouts), and (2) LB DG CRU HN. (Large open map)
HK squadron HN intercepts KE squadron C8B D6DB D6DB D5E in KE sector 1821. (Large open map)
HK squadrons (1) RN KN LN, (2) RN RN KN, and (3) RN KN KN attack the KE Ogat colony (sector 1822), defended by KE (1) BATS+ and (2) squadron D7C D6DB D6B F5S G2C. (Large planet map)
KE Squadron D7C D6DB D5 F5C F5C F5B attacks UFP squadron CC+ CVS+ CL+ FFG FFG FFG in Federation sector 2211. (Large open map)
KE squadrons D7C D6DB D5 F5C F5B and (2) D7C D6DB D5 F5C F5C G2C attack the UFP Capella colony (sector 2212) defended by UFP squadrons (1) BAT+ CA+ CVS+ (maximum combat loadouts), (2) CC+ CC+ CC+ FFG FFG, (3) CL CL, (4) POL+, (5) POL+, and (6) POL+. (Large planet map)
KE squadron B10 D7C D7C D6DB D6DB attacks UFP sector 2313 defended by a UFP BAT+ with 3 defense satellites. (Large open map)
KE squadron B10 D6B D6DB D5 F5C F5C attacks UFP Orion colony (sector 2514) defended by UFP squadrons (1) BAT+ CA+ FFE FFG (maximum combat loadouts), and (2) DN DN CA+ FFG. (Large planet map)
RSE squadrons (1) KVL SPA SPC SKA and (2) BH attack UFP squadron DD in UFP sector 3513 (large open map)
UFP squadrons (1) CC+ CVS+ GSC+ DE and (2) CC+ CC+ CC+ attack RSE squadron KVL SPA SKA SKA SKA in neutral sector 3613. A successful defense by the Romulans will allow capture of the sector.

Fighting renews along the LSE-MSL front with combat in four separate sectors. The Lyrans now seem better positioned to deal with the Mirak invasion following MSL squadron redeployments towards the KE front. Meanwhile the Lyrans launched a counter offensive near the Talus colony, meeting little resistance.

Violence along the HK-LSE front is beginning to heat up as the LDR intervened into the HK-LSE war, launching a surprise attack against the Hydran science base in sector 1121, while defending the LSE base in sector 0920. The Lyrans intercepted two HK squadrons withdrawing from their attacks against the Basilisk colony while a HK squadron led by a powerful Paladin dreadnought appears to be approaching the LSE frontier unopposed.

The Hydran offensive against the KE continues with a major push against the Ogat colony. The defending Klingon squadron appears to have missed an opportunity to gain the full supply benefits normally afforded to a base defense squadron, perhaps in preference to a more flexible defense approach.

Three UFP colonies along the KE-UFP front find themselves coming under assault. The Capella and Orion colonies have begun to send out distress signals as their defense squadrons engage the invaders in furious battle, while further to the east the defenseless Bernard?s Star colony appears to be at the mercy of the Klingons with little or no chance that a relief force will reach it in time.

In the east the UFP is demonstrating more aggressiveness against the Romulans, attempting to thwart RSE territorial expansion south of Deneb and counterattacking near Tau Ceti as several squadrons move to Rigel for repair.

It isn?t exactly clear what?s going on between the Federation and the Gorns along the UFP-GC front as presumably hostile squadrons continue to maneuver and shift positions without any direct confrontation as of yet. One thing for sure: the home populations of both empires are growing increasingly unhappy with the equivocation taking place. The people are demanding war declarations as civil support for both the UFP and the GC plummets.

The ISC continues to pursue its mysterious agenda, utilizing its new "wormhole" movement technology to transport an entire squadron as far west as the HK-KE neutral zone. Meanwhile two squadrons of ISC warships move rapidly westward courtesy of their RSE ally?s strategic base placements.


KE economic production surpassed all other empires this much, moving the UFP into second place. The UFP still remains the biggest spender while retaining possession of the largest production "bank".

Biggest Gainers: LDR +31, KE +19, RSE +14

Biggest Losers: UFP ?189, MSL -3

Largest Producers: KE 726, UFP 708, RSE 500

Biggest Spenders: UFP 853, KE 803, HK 708


Civil support fell dramatically for both the UFP and the GC, as squadron border movements further intensified the undeclared hostility between the two empires. At 19 the UFP-GC mutual support level has reached its lowest point, well below the amount needed to justify war. KE and MSL civil support levels also showed a significant decline, as their domestic populations are also demanding declarations of war between the two galactic powers.


The GC produced another major research breakthrough as well as a bonus discovery this month, gaining 9 technology levels and advancing to TL 99. The KE also produced a research breakthrough at significant investment costs, gaining 3 technology levels. All other empires progressed normally.


RSE achieves tech level 70!

UFP achieves tech level 80!



A FRD can only repair 1 damaged ship per turn.
Remember to assign your base defenses if you want a squadron to receive the "maximum combat loadout" benefit. To do this the base must be listed on the movement (or standing order) sheet as the command vessel, and the number of hull sizes in the squadron cannot exceed the base?s command rating.
According to current rules, shipyards are single task installations. You can build or construct FRDs and ships, you can repair ships, you can convert or refit ships, and you can upgrade the shipyard, but you can?t do more than one of these tasks in any given turn. From the rules: a) "If a shipyard is ordered to perform any repair operations, it may not be used to construct or upgrade any other ships during that same turn;" b) "No new construction may commence in any particular shipyard which also has orders to repair or upgrade existing starships that same turn;" c) "No repairs or new builds the turn you wish to upgrade/refit at a particular shipyard."
Strategic movement must begin at a base and end at a base or FRD. By themselves, colonies do not provide the ability to make strategic movement.
Please only list one squadron per line on the order form.
SectorAssault only provides for 8 Defense Satellites. Please observe this playability limitation when ordering satellite construction on your order forms.
Please don?t submit conditional orders. The VGM does not make value judgements concerning private diplomatic agreements and whether or not they?re being fulfilled. The VGM is only concerned about "official" political declarations (War, Peace, Alliance, Non Aggression, No Treaty) and their effects upon economic and political standings. Conditional (conflicting) orders will be disregarded. If two different sets of orders are submitted for the same units then the first set of orders will be processed and the second (conflicting) orders will be disregarded.
I?ve attached a special "bonus section" to the end of this newsletter. I hope you like it.
A set of rules governing wormhole movements have been produced as an appendix to the main rules (see attached file).
The new VG2 shiplist will also be sent out. Please begin using this new shiplist effective turn 25.





This Turn Empire Name Last Turn

1         MSL         1

The MSL annihilated an LSE squadron without loss or damage, changing the balance of power in the west and toppling the LSE government. Lots and lots of ships. I wouldn?t want to invade these guys, would you? Offensive Ops resume.

2         HK          2

Destroyed LSE base construction and inflicted serious injury against the KE along the Klingon front (although suffering a few damaged vessels in the process). Paladins on the move. Are they actually winning a two front war?

3         KE          4

K-B10s are still king of the battlefield but there aren?t any B10s along the KE-HK front where the KE has lost both squadrons and territory (meanwhile here come the Paladins!). Political compromise with the MSL reached at the last minute to prevent a three front war. The KE is now the #1 economic power.

4         UFP         3

Second strongest economy but losing territory along the Klingon front and lost a base and a lot of ships fighting the Romulans (just not as many as the RSE!) Aggressively counterattacking in the east but has 9 ships on the disabled list at Rigel.

5         ISC         7

Wormhole technology enables unique strategic movement and some fresh political maneuvering. Question is what are they going to do with it? Do they even know what to do with it?

6         RSE         5

Strategically solid and expanding economically but lost more warships (including a couple of KVLs) than it could afford along the UFP front. The disaster at Tau Ceti was a significant setback.

7         LSE         8

They?ve been losing on two fronts, plus another change of leadership. Base construction negated on the Hydran front. Can they hope to stop the Mirak armada? And how about them Hydrans? New LSE leader Spikeas will have his work cut out. It appears that the LDR is lending some needed assistance against the HK.

8         GC          6

The galactic community?s scientific leader but strategically bankrupt on the military side (where it matters most). No movement or constructions in turn 23 combined with a leadership change. Three turns of missed opportunities. Can the new COG turn things around?

9         LDR         9

Last in economy, technology, and number of ships. Well, next to last if you consider the (presently sidelined) pirate factions. Might become a major player on the HK-LSE front following their sneak attack against the Hydrans.

10        PIR         10

No rules, no shiplist, no player, meanwhile the neutral territories continue to shrink and the opportunity for plunder diminishes. Where?s "Capo Zito" when you need him?


*Editor?s Note: These rankings are purely subjective and represent the journalistic opinion of the VGM. They are presented here for entertainment purposes and not intended to establish victory (or defeat) conditions.


Chris Jones

  • Guest
Re: VG (Virtual Galaxy) News - turn 24
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2003, 07:05:44 pm »
Long live STOC

Hi Davey!

Davey E

  • Guest
Re: VG (Virtual Galaxy) News - turn 24
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2003, 07:04:41 pm »
Hey Chris
Hows it going  

you mean
"Long live the Kzinti Hegemony"    

Chris Jones

  • Guest
Re: VG (Virtual Galaxy) News - turn 24
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2003, 10:32:55 pm »
Pretty well...doing Bridge Commander scripting and coming up with a Multi-Era Mod for OP.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »

Davey E

  • Guest
VG (Virtual Galaxy) News - turn 24
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2003, 06:25:14 pm »
Hi Guys
Thought i,d keep ya posted on whats happening in our "General War"   VG

VG2 NEWSLETTER Vol. 24 No. 1


LSE squadrons (1) CA CL DD FF and (2) CA DD FF attack HK squadrons (1) RN LN HN and (2) HNG (dmg) in neutral sector 0322. (Large open map)
MSL squadrons (1) DN CV DF and (2) DD DF DF attack LSE squadrons (1) CC+ CC DD, (2) CC+ CC DD, (3) DD FF FF, and (4) DDG FF MP in Lyran black hole sector 0507. (Large black hole map)
MSL squadron CV CA DD DF DF attacks LSE squadron CL DD DD in Lyran sector 0608 (Large open map)
MSL squadron DN CV DD DF DF DF attacks LSE squadron CC+ CC+ CW+ in Lyran sector 0709. (Large open map)
MSL squadron CA CV DD DF DF DF attacks LSE squadrons (1) CC+ CA CW+, (2) CC CC CW+, (3) DD DWL FF, and (4) DD FF FF in Lyran sector 0810. (Large open map)
HK squadron LC RN RN KN attacks LSE sector 0920 defended by (1) LSE BAT and (2) LDR squadron CC+ CA CW+ CW+ FF. If the LDR squadron retreats it will be considered out-of-supply (damaged) because it arrived via strategic movement. If the L-BAT is destroyed then the LSE squadrons located in sectors 1023 and 1122 will be placed out-of-supply (damaged) at end of turn 24. (Large open map)
LDR squadron CC DD DD DD FF attacks HK sector 1121 defended by HK squadrons (1) SBS GEN+ GEN (maximum combat loadouts), and (2) LB DG CRU HN. (Large open map)
HK squadron HN intercepts KE squadron C8B D6DB D6DB D5E in KE sector 1821. (Large open map)
HK squadrons (1) RN KN LN, (2) RN RN KN, and (3) RN KN KN attack the KE Ogat colony (sector 1822), defended by KE (1) BATS+ and (2) squadron D7C D6DB D6B F5S G2C. (Large planet map)
KE Squadron D7C D6DB D5 F5C F5C F5B attacks UFP squadron CC+ CVS+ CL+ FFG FFG FFG in Federation sector 2211. (Large open map)
KE squadrons D7C D6DB D5 F5C F5B and (2) D7C D6DB D5 F5C F5C G2C attack the UFP Capella colony (sector 2212) defended by UFP squadrons (1) BAT+ CA+ CVS+ (maximum combat loadouts), (2) CC+ CC+ CC+ FFG FFG, (3) CL CL, (4) POL+, (5) POL+, and (6) POL+. (Large planet map)
KE squadron B10 D7C D7C D6DB D6DB attacks UFP sector 2313 defended by a UFP BAT+ with 3 defense satellites. (Large open map)
KE squadron B10 D6B D6DB D5 F5C F5C attacks UFP Orion colony (sector 2514) defended by UFP squadrons (1) BAT+ CA+ FFE FFG (maximum combat loadouts), and (2) DN DN CA+ FFG. (Large planet map)
RSE squadrons (1) KVL SPA SPC SKA and (2) BH attack UFP squadron DD in UFP sector 3513 (large open map)
UFP squadrons (1) CC+ CVS+ GSC+ DE and (2) CC+ CC+ CC+ attack RSE squadron KVL SPA SKA SKA SKA in neutral sector 3613. A successful defense by the Romulans will allow capture of the sector.

Fighting renews along the LSE-MSL front with combat in four separate sectors. The Lyrans now seem better positioned to deal with the Mirak invasion following MSL squadron redeployments towards the KE front. Meanwhile the Lyrans launched a counter offensive near the Talus colony, meeting little resistance.

Violence along the HK-LSE front is beginning to heat up as the LDR intervened into the HK-LSE war, launching a surprise attack against the Hydran science base in sector 1121, while defending the LSE base in sector 0920. The Lyrans intercepted two HK squadrons withdrawing from their attacks against the Basilisk colony while a HK squadron led by a powerful Paladin dreadnought appears to be approaching the LSE frontier unopposed.

The Hydran offensive against the KE continues with a major push against the Ogat colony. The defending Klingon squadron appears to have missed an opportunity to gain the full supply benefits normally afforded to a base defense squadron, perhaps in preference to a more flexible defense approach.

Three UFP colonies along the KE-UFP front find themselves coming under assault. The Capella and Orion colonies have begun to send out distress signals as their defense squadrons engage the invaders in furious battle, while further to the east the defenseless Bernard?s Star colony appears to be at the mercy of the Klingons with little or no chance that a relief force will reach it in time.

In the east the UFP is demonstrating more aggressiveness against the Romulans, attempting to thwart RSE territorial expansion south of Deneb and counterattacking near Tau Ceti as several squadrons move to Rigel for repair.

It isn?t exactly clear what?s going on between the Federation and the Gorns along the UFP-GC front as presumably hostile squadrons continue to maneuver and shift positions without any direct confrontation as of yet. One thing for sure: the home populations of both empires are growing increasingly unhappy with the equivocation taking place. The people are demanding war declarations as civil support for both the UFP and the GC plummets.

The ISC continues to pursue its mysterious agenda, utilizing its new "wormhole" movement technology to transport an entire squadron as far west as the HK-KE neutral zone. Meanwhile two squadrons of ISC warships move rapidly westward courtesy of their RSE ally?s strategic base placements.


KE economic production surpassed all other empires this much, moving the UFP into second place. The UFP still remains the biggest spender while retaining possession of the largest production "bank".

Biggest Gainers: LDR +31, KE +19, RSE +14

Biggest Losers: UFP ?189, MSL -3

Largest Producers: KE 726, UFP 708, RSE 500

Biggest Spenders: UFP 853, KE 803, HK 708


Civil support fell dramatically for both the UFP and the GC, as squadron border movements further intensified the undeclared hostility between the two empires. At 19 the UFP-GC mutual support level has reached its lowest point, well below the amount needed to justify war. KE and MSL civil support levels also showed a significant decline, as their domestic populations are also demanding declarations of war between the two galactic powers.


The GC produced another major research breakthrough as well as a bonus discovery this month, gaining 9 technology levels and advancing to TL 99. The KE also produced a research breakthrough at significant investment costs, gaining 3 technology levels. All other empires progressed normally.


RSE achieves tech level 70!

UFP achieves tech level 80!



A FRD can only repair 1 damaged ship per turn.
Remember to assign your base defenses if you want a squadron to receive the "maximum combat loadout" benefit. To do this the base must be listed on the movement (or standing order) sheet as the command vessel, and the number of hull sizes in the squadron cannot exceed the base?s command rating.
According to current rules, shipyards are single task installations. You can build or construct FRDs and ships, you can repair ships, you can convert or refit ships, and you can upgrade the shipyard, but you can?t do more than one of these tasks in any given turn. From the rules: a) "If a shipyard is ordered to perform any repair operations, it may not be used to construct or upgrade any other ships during that same turn;" b) "No new construction may commence in any particular shipyard which also has orders to repair or upgrade existing starships that same turn;" c) "No repairs or new builds the turn you wish to upgrade/refit at a particular shipyard."
Strategic movement must begin at a base and end at a base or FRD. By themselves, colonies do not provide the ability to make strategic movement.
Please only list one squadron per line on the order form.
SectorAssault only provides for 8 Defense Satellites. Please observe this playability limitation when ordering satellite construction on your order forms.
Please don?t submit conditional orders. The VGM does not make value judgements concerning private diplomatic agreements and whether or not they?re being fulfilled. The VGM is only concerned about "official" political declarations (War, Peace, Alliance, Non Aggression, No Treaty) and their effects upon economic and political standings. Conditional (conflicting) orders will be disregarded. If two different sets of orders are submitted for the same units then the first set of orders will be processed and the second (conflicting) orders will be disregarded.
I?ve attached a special "bonus section" to the end of this newsletter. I hope you like it.
A set of rules governing wormhole movements have been produced as an appendix to the main rules (see attached file).
The new VG2 shiplist will also be sent out. Please begin using this new shiplist effective turn 25.





This Turn Empire Name Last Turn

1         MSL         1

The MSL annihilated an LSE squadron without loss or damage, changing the balance of power in the west and toppling the LSE government. Lots and lots of ships. I wouldn?t want to invade these guys, would you? Offensive Ops resume.

2         HK          2

Destroyed LSE base construction and inflicted serious injury against the KE along the Klingon front (although suffering a few damaged vessels in the process). Paladins on the move. Are they actually winning a two front war?

3         KE          4

K-B10s are still king of the battlefield but there aren?t any B10s along the KE-HK front where the KE has lost both squadrons and territory (meanwhile here come the Paladins!). Political compromise with the MSL reached at the last minute to prevent a three front war. The KE is now the #1 economic power.

4         UFP         3

Second strongest economy but losing territory along the Klingon front and lost a base and a lot of ships fighting the Romulans (just not as many as the RSE!) Aggressively counterattacking in the east but has 9 ships on the disabled list at Rigel.

5         ISC         7

Wormhole technology enables unique strategic movement and some fresh political maneuvering. Question is what are they going to do with it? Do they even know what to do with it?

6         RSE         5

Strategically solid and expanding economically but lost more warships (including a couple of KVLs) than it could afford along the UFP front. The disaster at Tau Ceti was a significant setback.

7         LSE         8

They?ve been losing on two fronts, plus another change of leadership. Base construction negated on the Hydran front. Can they hope to stop the Mirak armada? And how about them Hydrans? New LSE leader Spikeas will have his work cut out. It appears that the LDR is lending some needed assistance against the HK.

8         GC          6

The galactic community?s scientific leader but strategically bankrupt on the military side (where it matters most). No movement or constructions in turn 23 combined with a leadership change. Three turns of missed opportunities. Can the new COG turn things around?

9         LDR         9

Last in economy, technology, and number of ships. Well, next to last if you consider the (presently sidelined) pirate factions. Might become a major player on the HK-LSE front following their sneak attack against the Hydrans.

10        PIR         10

No rules, no shiplist, no player, meanwhile the neutral territories continue to shrink and the opportunity for plunder diminishes. Where?s "Capo Zito" when you need him?


*Editor?s Note: These rankings are purely subjective and represent the journalistic opinion of the VGM. They are presented here for entertainment purposes and not intended to establish victory (or defeat) conditions.


Chris Jones

  • Guest
Re: VG (Virtual Galaxy) News - turn 24
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2003, 07:05:44 pm »
Long live STOC

Hi Davey!

Davey E

  • Guest
Re: VG (Virtual Galaxy) News - turn 24
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2003, 07:04:41 pm »
Hey Chris
Hows it going  

you mean
"Long live the Kzinti Hegemony"    

Chris Jones

  • Guest
Re: VG (Virtual Galaxy) News - turn 24
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2003, 10:32:55 pm »
Pretty well...doing Bridge Commander scripting and coming up with a Multi-Era Mod for OP.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »