Topic: State of SFC3?  (Read 2074 times)

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State of SFC3?
« on: July 12, 2003, 07:10:18 pm »
Hey Guys,

  Long time SFC fan.  Bought them all except SFC3.  Financial circumstances dictated such.  Wondering how things are going now.  I see they have a beta patch up.  How is everyone enjoying it?  I know they "streamlined" the game.  How are all of you guys who have gone through the series enjoying it?  Besides graphics do you all consider SFC3 a good step forward?

 Thanks all,



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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2003, 07:15:47 pm »
Robert, well people hate it and others love it, I personally dont think its a step forward or backwards, because it has its advantages and disadvantages, such as warp thumbs up, cloak thumbs up, but it has limited players, how can you wage war with a fleet of only your self, anyways, like I said its in between, but I do hope for another one

adam out


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2003, 07:41:24 pm »
i would do some serious investigating. sfc3 is different in many areas. adam is right.. you might love it or you might hate it. there are some resources on where you can read and get insight into the game.


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2003, 08:56:48 pm »

 Hmmmm...  Guess I should have been a little more specific.   While I would love to play the game multiplayer time constraints and such make that really hard.  That being the case solo play is really important to me.  The campaigns.  I have read that there are 3 campaigns (10 missions each I think.  10? Ugh!).  I liked playing the campaign in SFC2 where you take a race and fight for the glory of <insert race here>.  The crashes did get to bothering me though.  I would crash in the last mission of playing the feds.  Sooooo close.     I guess the metaverse and perhaps custom campaigns people have written would be of interest to me as well.   I was mad for the board game and that kept me buying SFC computer game series.  The one thing that did stick in my crawl was that they would release another game before it really seemed the last one was really finished.  Besides the solo game how rock solid is SFC3 in the bug department?

 Thanks for the responses guys!


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2003, 10:40:53 pm »
As far as I can tell you, many people with AMD processors (including myself) seem to have trouble with missions crashing and locking up their computers.  I wouldn't buy it unless you have 256M memory and an additional 32M in video, running on a 1GHz processor.  Ignor what it says about system requirements on the box.

Gameplay, well, I'm predjudiced; I thought it was rather dull, and lacked the refinment of the earlier titles.  Some people do seem to enjoy it.  The D3 is a significant improvement over the D2, but there is a lack of missions.


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2003, 10:54:49 pm »
Post-patch single player campaigns can be challenging enough to warrent purchase. You may find the D3 appealing too. If you can afford to pay for only a month or two of amusement then it is worth considering. If you find it hasn't lost it's appeal after the "value-for-money time frame" then you have got more than you paid for and are ahead. Let's just say it's like buying a foreign beer that you haven't heard of before.  


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2003, 06:37:21 am »
I find it difficult to compare EAW/OP and SFC3, as the mechanics are so different. I don't think one is better than the other, it just depends on what one likes.  If you like deep strategy & tactics at a slower pace, EAW/OP is the one. If you like fast action and shoot'em ups, SFC3 is the one. SFC3 does have a FPS feel about it.

The only thing that EAW/OP has over SFC3 is content, such as more variety of races and weapons and GUI design, along with the obvious tactical variences one has. Other than that, it's a personality thing.  I did give SFC3 my best shot. It's a good game, but I have returned to OP. There's nothing like trying to cross the border in a slow cripled ship as the enemy launches a scatterpack and your hangerbay is damaged and you are out of mines. I just find more tension and reward in a EAW/OP mission.  


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2003, 12:17:05 pm »
 Thanks for replies gents.  I will pick this up to give it a whirl.  I do have an AMD processor.  Might be the cause of some of the problems I have seen. Running 1.3 gig processor and GeForce 3 64 meg.  Minimum or a little above what ya mentioned.   Even with the crashes and such I still get the itch to pull EAW/OP  out every now and then.  So glad I came out here as I have now found ISC theater!  Wahoo!


Alidar Jarok

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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2003, 11:55:07 pm »
Get the Beta ASAP

It makes the game better

I think the Single Player campaign is vastly improved (at least what I played of it)


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State of SFC3?
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2003, 07:10:18 pm »
Hey Guys,

  Long time SFC fan.  Bought them all except SFC3.  Financial circumstances dictated such.  Wondering how things are going now.  I see they have a beta patch up.  How is everyone enjoying it?  I know they "streamlined" the game.  How are all of you guys who have gone through the series enjoying it?  Besides graphics do you all consider SFC3 a good step forward?

 Thanks all,



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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2003, 07:15:47 pm »
Robert, well people hate it and others love it, I personally dont think its a step forward or backwards, because it has its advantages and disadvantages, such as warp thumbs up, cloak thumbs up, but it has limited players, how can you wage war with a fleet of only your self, anyways, like I said its in between, but I do hope for another one

adam out


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2003, 07:41:24 pm »
i would do some serious investigating. sfc3 is different in many areas. adam is right.. you might love it or you might hate it. there are some resources on where you can read and get insight into the game.


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2003, 08:56:48 pm »

 Hmmmm...  Guess I should have been a little more specific.   While I would love to play the game multiplayer time constraints and such make that really hard.  That being the case solo play is really important to me.  The campaigns.  I have read that there are 3 campaigns (10 missions each I think.  10? Ugh!).  I liked playing the campaign in SFC2 where you take a race and fight for the glory of <insert race here>.  The crashes did get to bothering me though.  I would crash in the last mission of playing the feds.  Sooooo close.     I guess the metaverse and perhaps custom campaigns people have written would be of interest to me as well.   I was mad for the board game and that kept me buying SFC computer game series.  The one thing that did stick in my crawl was that they would release another game before it really seemed the last one was really finished.  Besides the solo game how rock solid is SFC3 in the bug department?

 Thanks for the responses guys!


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2003, 10:40:53 pm »
As far as I can tell you, many people with AMD processors (including myself) seem to have trouble with missions crashing and locking up their computers.  I wouldn't buy it unless you have 256M memory and an additional 32M in video, running on a 1GHz processor.  Ignor what it says about system requirements on the box.

Gameplay, well, I'm predjudiced; I thought it was rather dull, and lacked the refinment of the earlier titles.  Some people do seem to enjoy it.  The D3 is a significant improvement over the D2, but there is a lack of missions.


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2003, 10:54:49 pm »
Post-patch single player campaigns can be challenging enough to warrent purchase. You may find the D3 appealing too. If you can afford to pay for only a month or two of amusement then it is worth considering. If you find it hasn't lost it's appeal after the "value-for-money time frame" then you have got more than you paid for and are ahead. Let's just say it's like buying a foreign beer that you haven't heard of before.  


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2003, 06:37:21 am »
I find it difficult to compare EAW/OP and SFC3, as the mechanics are so different. I don't think one is better than the other, it just depends on what one likes.  If you like deep strategy & tactics at a slower pace, EAW/OP is the one. If you like fast action and shoot'em ups, SFC3 is the one. SFC3 does have a FPS feel about it.

The only thing that EAW/OP has over SFC3 is content, such as more variety of races and weapons and GUI design, along with the obvious tactical variences one has. Other than that, it's a personality thing.  I did give SFC3 my best shot. It's a good game, but I have returned to OP. There's nothing like trying to cross the border in a slow cripled ship as the enemy launches a scatterpack and your hangerbay is damaged and you are out of mines. I just find more tension and reward in a EAW/OP mission.  


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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2003, 12:17:05 pm »
 Thanks for replies gents.  I will pick this up to give it a whirl.  I do have an AMD processor.  Might be the cause of some of the problems I have seen. Running 1.3 gig processor and GeForce 3 64 meg.  Minimum or a little above what ya mentioned.   Even with the crashes and such I still get the itch to pull EAW/OP  out every now and then.  So glad I came out here as I have now found ISC theater!  Wahoo!


Alidar Jarok

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Re: State of SFC3?
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2003, 11:55:07 pm »
Get the Beta ASAP

It makes the game better

I think the Single Player campaign is vastly improved (at least what I played of it)