Used to play. Heh.
Frankly, people are entitled to their own opinions. And since I'm entitled to mine, and ya'll are free to skip this post, here it is. The people that disparage SFC3 as "less" of a game simply because it has less buttons on its UI are being unfair and narrow-minded.
The games (EAW/OP & SFC3) are different. Not better, not worse,
different. There is no reason to be elitist, bigoted, or exclusionary. It's ok to have a favorite, but it's not ok to put down either game because "it's not like the other."
And if people try to trash-talk EAW or OP as being the perfect game for the ultimate geek because of the high learning curve and myriad little nuances and they wouldn't stoop to T-Bombing anybody because it's just silly, I would "grrrr" at them too.
When will the short-sighted arrogance about "2 vs 3" or "3 vs 2" stop, and when will people accept that we're here to have fun--and that both games will stay on your hard-drive long after you've installed and un-installed UT2003 or Command and Conquer?