Topic: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3  (Read 69971 times)

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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #460 on: April 22, 2003, 02:46:54 pm »
Yeah, works fine for neutral space, but in an enemy's territory the DV has a nasty tendency to go up when you win


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #461 on: April 22, 2003, 04:52:19 pm »
Thanks Nuclear Wessels! BTW: I did get everything straightend out after the last updates too.

Any chance you could ressurect some SFc1 missions like Repair Rondevous for either SP or skirmish for OP?



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #462 on: April 22, 2003, 05:23:08 pm »
Since the bug fixes seem to be (finally) gradually winding down, I'm hoping to create a few new missions this summer.

Running back through the SFC1 missions might not be a bad plan - I haven't played most of them in yonks.



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #463 on: April 22, 2003, 08:22:28 pm »

Any chance you could ressurect some SFc1 missions like Repair Rondevous for either SP or skirmish for OP?


Yeah I'd like The Mighty Hood mission with the planet in it again.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #464 on: April 22, 2003, 09:04:15 pm »
NW, while playing on Reclamation, I noticed that in Data Recovery and Fleet Actions that if I capture a ship, I lose pp. Both of those mission normally give you 300pp and when I capture a ship, I get 270.

Can you confirm that and fix it. I think if you win the mission and capture a ship, you should get more points. Perhaps 330 ro 350. If you are Lyran, perhaps 400 or 450!



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #465 on: April 23, 2003, 09:50:40 am »
In the updated pack (not in use on Reclamation, just came out yesterday) you'll find the data recovery reward system changed substantially (i.e. scrapped and rewritten).  You should find a basic prestige award for just getting the data - something like 100pp if you just grab th data and taco bell - and the rest comes from driving off/destroying/capturing the enemy.



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #466 on: April 23, 2003, 10:16:14 am »
that's good to hear.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #467 on: April 23, 2003, 12:46:35 pm »
Dave, did you fix the fleet action mission as well as the data recovery?


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #468 on: April 24, 2003, 08:36:57 am »

In the updated pack (not in use on Reclamation, just came out yesterday) ...  

That has been corrected.

Those wishing to play on Reclamation should update your missions. FYI: you only need update those missions edited / modified after 4/13.  


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #469 on: April 25, 2003, 12:25:42 pm »
The patrol with the freighter running away.. whatever it's called.. (sec..) Patrol7.. .. it's coming up in neutral Nebula hexes just fine, minus the nebula. Is that intentional?

.. also.. Data recovery in a nebula used to call up the terrain, but not anymore. Also intentional?

-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #470 on: April 25, 2003, 01:59:08 pm »
Ahhhhhhh - no those were side effects of a couple of other things.  Will get it rectified.



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #471 on: April 26, 2003, 07:42:20 am »
The scan mission posted me a -100 PP loss when I disengaged after scanning an enemy.
.. the mission description encourages the destruction, but it seemed optional.

.. thankfully, the DV wasn't raised (attack on a neutral)

-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #472 on: April 30, 2003, 06:41:57 pm »
OK, if you're game for a few missions with twists, I've put together a mini-pack of 8 new missions for EAW (OP version coming soon):
 Games of The Masters
The mission pack incudes all the .mct files you'll need to test drive these in single player.

The premise of the scripts is that an ancient and powerful race, "The Masters", are using combat between the lesser races as a form of entertainment.  As such, they have set up a number of challenges for starship captains.  The eight missions are described below.

Note that in all contests, the Masters have disabled the safety mechanisms which prevent a player from firing on their allies, and in all missions if you fire on an AI ally they will thereafter attack you as if you were an enemy (though you're still treated as being on the same side for victory and DV effects).

   Mirror Mirror is a standard 3-v-3 battle, but the Masters take the ship(s) piloted by the drafter and give identical ships to everyone else in the mission.  It is VERY difficult to tell friend from foe!

   The Arena is standard 3-v-3 combat, but the Masters pick ships for each participant AND if players stray too far from the center of the map (roughly range 55) then their ships are automatically destroyed.

   Rocky Horror features terrain-intense maps, and a battle against one or more asteroid monsters.

  Get Smart, aka Control versus Kaos is a standard 3-v-3 battle, but the player may sporadically lose control of their ships for short periods of time while the AI tries to do an assortment of very stupid things (heh, that wasn't hard to induce)

  Have Gun Will Travel, aka A Knight Without Armour, features battle against one or more shieldless Hydran Paladins

   Time Warp involves The Masters bringing in ships from an alternate time or an alternate universe as combatants.

   Eight Track features combat in a figure-eight map, with terrain used to encourage players to stay on track.  

   A Pound of Cure is another 3-v-3 that begins with all the weapons on each ship destroyed - the player must decide what to repair and in what order before battle can truly begin.  (Yes, carriers have a distinct advantage here, but The Masters don't seem to care.)

have fun!



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #473 on: April 30, 2003, 11:09:38 pm »
OK, what the hell, all the latest copies of all the scripts (including the weirdo new ones ) are now up, and the .mct files and ReadMe's updated.  A billion little changes in these, but the new missions are the biggest change

EDIT: just to clarify, the 8 new missions have been added for both EAW and OP

OP versions:
EAW versions:

I'll be out of town tomorrow and possibly Friday, so if any hassles come up with the new packs I'll take a look at it on the weekend,
« Last Edit: April 30, 2003, 11:10:30 pm by NuclearWessels »


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #474 on: May 01, 2003, 10:45:50 am »
Dave, any reason to use these on Reclamation? Fixes that might help with the neutral coop issue?  


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #475 on: May 01, 2003, 02:54:35 pm »
I have updated my .MCT packages to match. These .MCT files mix the exrta single player campaigns from EAW for SFC:OP. and NW's missions.

I haven't tested these. Any volunteers?
-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #476 on: May 02, 2003, 12:44:27 am »

Dave, any reason to use these on Reclamation? Fixes that might help with the neutral coop issue?  

Ummm ... there are some corrections to missions that wouldn't end properly in some circumstances (6Patrol, 17Patrol, 13BigGame, 13Monster IIRC) and some tweaks to 7Patrol and the courier mission to try and get better reporting results, but I don't think there's anything there that's likely to specifically improve the neutral coop situation.



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #477 on: May 02, 2003, 03:05:22 am »


Dave, any reason to use these on Reclamation? Fixes that might help with the neutral coop issue?  

Ummm ... there are some corrections to missions that wouldn't end properly in some circumstances (6Patrol, 17Patrol, 13BigGame, 13Monster IIRC) and some tweaks to 7Patrol and the courier mission to try and get better reporting results, but I don't think there's anything there that's likely to specifically improve the neutral coop situation.


Does anybody have any insight as to why some of the neutral co-op was working well in some hexes. I'm assuming not if it's related to some variable stored client-side which is not being cleared, hence the "it works if you restart" situation.

The only other odd possibility is that it was working well for me when there were only two of us on. Dogmatix turned up and ruined things though.

"Waiter - a server for two please, no enemy, and plenty of neutral hexes."  


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #478 on: May 02, 2003, 08:07:27 am »
Cleaven, I don't think anyone knows why it works sometimes and other times it doesn't. Last night, for example, Jeff and I tried a co-op in 8,19 (I think). The DV was at 10, but it had some ai counters in it left over from previous failed attempts I guess. Anyway, as in the other night with Doggy, a Courier Intercept mission dropped the DV. Sadly, Jeff didn't have time to run any further missions on it.

Just thought, I probably haven't publicised the details of what happened to Doggy and I the other night. We hit a neutral hex (can't remember which one now), and for twice in a row, with Courier Intercept, the DV dropped. We did this by killing every enemy ship. The 3rd attempt, Doggy captured one, and the DV didn't drop. Thereafter, the DV failed to drop (2 more attempts, reverting back to destroying all ships). Other missions that we tried did not affect the DV. So it seems that there is something in the Courier Intercept mission that works more often than other missions.

I will try and get on again tonight (going out tonight to see X-Men2) and try some more missions on 8,19, and will report findings here.

Btw, the missions with Doggy are the first ones that I have ever seen where the DV has dropped AFTER the first attempt. So some sort of progress is being made here. As to what has caused this, I have no clue. It may have something to do with the specific .gf settings that Tracey suggested we try, or it may be something in the Courier Intercept mission itself, or maybe a combination of the two.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #479 on: May 02, 2003, 09:22:15 am »
I'll try bringing a couple of the other missions in line with the reporting mechanisms the courier mission uses and we can see if that has any effect.
