Topic: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3  (Read 69993 times)

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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #440 on: April 12, 2003, 05:17:54 pm »
I'll update the Badlands missions today, since Castrin is away. I'll get to it in a few minutes.

FS, should I expect a shiplist release, or are you going to take a couple more weeks for more improvements?


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #441 on: April 12, 2003, 05:35:13 pm »
Why, do you need it in a hurry?
It's 'stable' right now.. ... but I do have to right up the HTML for the webpage... and tonight I go out.

.. I was thinking sometime during next week.
(You shouldn't bother making shiplist tweaks on Badlands until you get to try this one out.)

-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #442 on: April 12, 2003, 05:51:31 pm »
Just wanted to see if we should time our Reclamation campaign to run after this is released. It looks like we will wait, unless you are going to take more than a week on it. Keep up the good work (same goes for Dave)!


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #443 on: April 12, 2003, 07:33:44 pm »
.. ok.. Wait till the next release of the shiplist, and then set it up on Badlands to get a feel of it. It should make a lot of people happy.

-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #444 on: April 12, 2003, 07:33:52 pm »
New test result for NW11 Convoy Raid mission: solo vs. AI mission, me as Klingon D5C with AI Lyran AxPFT as ally vs. Fed CLD and a handful of freighters (none of them Qs). At one point, when there were 2 freighters left, I got a message saying I killed a freighter when in fact none of the remaining ones at that point had exploded. After killing the one I was working on, I got a officer briefing saying we'd completed our mission, but not a mission complete notice. I then moved to the final freighter, which was already severely damaged by the Lyran INTs and AxPFT. When it died (I did not capture any ships), I got a mission incomplete and mission end. I suspect that last freighter was counted as killed before it actually died.

At mission debriefing, I got an astounding victory. I also won the hex.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #445 on: April 12, 2003, 07:54:13 pm »
Weird.  (And ugh.)  The 11Convoy sources haven't been changed since a couple of weeks before the patch came out - hopefully this is just a random hiccup and not a lurking bug -- will look into it though.



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #446 on: April 12, 2003, 08:59:41 pm »
I played it again solo (no AI assistance) and had no obvious bugs. However, one of the freighters got away, and I had to run from the NAC chasing me. So, I haven't recreated the circumstances. Still, the hex and prestige results were fine -- just the in-mission text messages were screwy.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #447 on: April 13, 2003, 12:15:11 pm »
While testing the Reclamation campaign setup, I was getting handed the Battlestation Assault in friendly space (Gorn base while playing Hydran). I did not try it to see what happened. The cartel layer was neutral, which I suspect may be part of the problem, because the missions are handed out as if neutral were an empire, and it had "border dispute" status to me.

Is there a way to get the mission scripts to work around the neutral cartel hex ownership?


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #448 on: April 13, 2003, 04:37:47 pm »
The API routines for detecting cartel ownership seem pretty  flaky - haven't found a way to use them effectively so far, so it's pretty much come down to toying with the settings.

The settings I've been running the missions with are shown below - they're reasonably successful at eliminating the spurious base assaults (at least in SP).



//weight to missions matching based on terrain
PlanetTypeScoreForMatching         =8000  
BaseTypeScoreForMatching         =4000
TerrainTypeScoreForMatching         =2000

//weight to missions matching based on political tensions
BonusForExactPoliticalMatch         =1000
LookingForOwnHexInOwn            =1000
LookingForOwnHexInAlly            =-20000
LookingForOwnHexInNeutral         =-20000
LookingForOwnHexInEnemy            =-20000
LookingForEnemyHexInOwn            =-20000
LookingForEnemyHexInAlly         =-20000
LookingForEnemyHexInNeutral         =-20000
LookingForEnemyHexInEnemy         =1000
LookingForAllyHexInOwn            =-20000
LookingForAllyHexInAlly            =1000
LookingForAllyHexInNeutral         =-20000
LookingForAllyHexInEnemy         =-20000

//weight to missions matching based on ships available
GoodBPVScore                  =1000
TooWeakBPVScore                  =0
TooStrongBPV                  =0
GoodShipCountScore               =1000
TooFewShipCountScore            =0
TooManyShipCountScore            =0
PlaceBaseMissionScore            =50000
BaseScoreBonus                  =10000



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #449 on: April 13, 2003, 07:18:14 pm »
Cool, I'll try these settings.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #450 on: April 13, 2003, 08:01:48 pm »
OK, for the EAW side the updated pack is now posted as well.

This includes the fixes for all the issues brought up in DOE and Badlands, a couple of new missions, and a variety of tweaks.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2003, 08:07:33 pm by NuclearWessels »


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #451 on: April 14, 2003, 02:08:52 pm »

PS - Firesoul - this includes the updated convoy routines we were talking about

Would it matter if the wanted ships are marked as "R" in the shiplist?
-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #452 on: April 14, 2003, 04:13:05 pm »
Hey Dave is the Pirate-Lyran .mct an actual campaign or just something left over from your testing?

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #453 on: April 14, 2003, 05:02:13 pm »
Thank you Nuclear Wessels, unfortunately...


I installed the new missions over the previous release in my script file and now I crash to desktop after I get to the loading screen.  I have ALL the latest shiplists and mission packs FireSould and NW have put out. Should I uninstall the game and try again?

Please advise.


« Last Edit: April 14, 2003, 06:01:17 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #454 on: April 14, 2003, 06:22:43 pm »

Thank you Nuclear Wessels, unfortunately...


I installed the new missions over the previous release in my script file and now I crash to desktop after I get to the loading screen.  I have ALL the latest shiplists and mission packs FireSould and NW have put out. Should I uninstall the game and try again?

You could:
1- rename your SFC installed directory.
2- reinstall the game.
3- patch
4- copy over the scripts directory over to your old install
4- install the missions and extra stuff
6- swap game directories for whenever you want to play "pristine" or "heavily modded".


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #455 on: April 15, 2003, 12:30:11 am »
Dave, 8 out of 10 times I get my enemy as an ally in your missions. It might have something to do with the fact I am testing with the ISC and they are everyones enemy, but I am in my own space and if I get Gorn to fight I get Gorn help and if I get Roms to fight I get Rom help. I don't know if anything can be done about it, but I thought you should know. About the only time I get ISC help is when I am given Pirates to fight.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #456 on: April 15, 2003, 08:18:12 am »
Yes Corbo, for a race to draft allies properly they MUST have at least one of the playable races as an ally.  Anything less is pretty much guaranteed to lead to drafting weirdness in most missions.

When a mission specifies "draft an ally" and the race has no ally the engine just grabs the first available race from an internal list, regardless of what the political situation is.  Unfortunately there is no way (short of SQL) to determine in mission what the current political tensions are, so it's pretty much uncorrectable.



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #457 on: April 15, 2003, 08:19:46 am »

Hey Dave is the Pirate-Lyran .mct an actual campaign or just something left over from your testing?  

Heh, whoops!  That is indeed a testing remnant.



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #458 on: April 22, 2003, 10:13:11 am »
OK, just finished recompiling the latest version of the mission pack

OP Mission Pack:
EAW Mission Pack:

(Note for those playing online: these aren't in use on any servers as of yet, so don't load them until you're done playing on LB3 or Reclamation.)

The new pack includes a variety of minor tweaks, a revamped Data Recovery mission, and a couple of bug fixes. I've tried to include everything that's been brought up so far in LB3 and Reclamation.

The 7Patrol is still broken, but not as badly as in the previous pack - the DV usually doesn't change, as opposed to changing in the wrong direction. (I'd recommed not including 7Patrol in campaigns at the moment, I just included the script in this pack so any broken copies lying around will at least get overwritten with a less-broken one.)



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #459 on: April 22, 2003, 01:25:30 pm »
Dave, I thought the 7Patrol was the one with one warship and one freighter. If so, it has worked just fine on Reclamation. I fly that mission quite a lot in neutral space, and the DV always goes down when I kill both ships.