Topic: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3  (Read 69992 times)

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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #420 on: March 26, 2003, 03:13:39 pm »
Hey Dave,

Would you mind backing up the Defensive starting positions in Met_NW9PlanetaryAssault? I wouldn't want to be drafted in a defensive posture by this mission.

Picture worth 1000 words:

-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #421 on: March 26, 2003, 03:22:37 pm »
I've posted on this before, the defensive positions being put in are form when rings weren't counted as part of a planet. On planets where they are, the defensive positions are getting vaporized in an instant. It puts em out further where there aren't rings, I know, but it has to be done, so that defenders don't get destroyed.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #422 on: March 26, 2003, 03:28:17 pm »
Is there a way to have the missions NOT select a ringed planet? After all, they are a pain to fly near, not just start next to.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #423 on: March 26, 2003, 05:02:31 pm »
Yeah - I thought I'd done that, but I must have got the planet numbers wrong. Doh!
I'll have another go through it.

There are a couple of other glitches and hiccups becoming apparent in DOE, plus some needed tweaks for prestige and ship positioning, so I'll be incorporating those changes as well.

I'm hoping to release an updated pack (ok, two - one for EAW, one for OP) on the weekend

« Last Edit: March 26, 2003, 05:09:06 pm by NuclearWessels »


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #424 on: March 26, 2003, 05:09:16 pm »
Can you show me the DOE bugs, so that I don't have to double-report?
-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #425 on: March 26, 2003, 05:19:29 pm »
I have a request for a mission for either Firesoul or Nuclear Wessels

I have a script I made for TIGC Campaign way back from just before OP came out... It is designed for GSA multiplayer Skirmish..... It was made in FMSE... called Borg Attack.

I was wondering if it can be converted into an EAW and OP Dyna mission, and for regular Skirmish mode.....

you can get it off my web site at it has a in game screen shot showing the size of the Borg Cube i have... (Curtosy of Wicked Zombie).... this would be fantastic if it could be done...

Currently the only way to play it offline is to go into Multiplayer.. click host and set it up from there....

I really would like it to where i can add it to a Dynaverse (as a monster), and to play it in skirmish mode... FMSE version that I made isn't too good in GSA as the text keeps repeating... very annoying...

is this possible? I can give details on what i would like and I can send info on where in my custom shiplist  that I have the Cube... (i will need to make a line addition to the current listing that I have to include it as a monster)...

Any info on this would be great.. I would like this for OP and EAW if possible.....

In FMSE, I have it to where it is extremely difficult to kill it being a single player... but a group of players flying Drone ships can kill it, so long as you stay out of it's firing range (40K)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #426 on: March 26, 2003, 05:19:46 pm »
The main concerns so far are to do with
 - a couple of mandatory missions showing up in friendly space,
 - overly low prestige results from a couple of the missions,
 - an absence of low-ship-count missions in enemy space (lots of 3-on-3 but very few 1-on-1 or 2-on-2),
 - a slight lack of variety in enemy space missions (sort of going along with the above),  and
 - some ships spawning too near the enemy base/planet in assaults (i.e. well within danger range from ph-IVs)



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #427 on: March 26, 2003, 05:22:46 pm »

I have a request for a mission for either Firesoul or Nuclear Wessels

I have a script I made for TIGC Campaign way back from just before OP came out... It is designed for GSA multiplayer Skirmish..... It was made in FMSE...

I was wondering if it can be converted into an EAW and OP Dyna mission, and for regular Skirmish mode.....

you can get it off my web site at it has a in game screen shot showing the size of the Borg Cube i have... (Curtosy of Wicked Zombie).... this would be fantastic if it could be done...

Currently the only way to play it offline is to go into Multiplayer.. click host and set it up from there....

I really would like it to where i can add it to a Dynaverse (as a monster), and to play it in skirmish mode... FMSE version that I made isn't too good in GSA as the text keeps repeating... very annoying...

is this possible? I can give details on what i would like and I can send info on where in my custom shiplist  that I have the Cube... (i will need to make a line addition to the current listing that I have to include it as a monster)...

Any info on this would be great.. I would like this for OP and EAW if possible.....

In FMSE, I have it to where it is extremely difficult to kill it being a single player... but a group of players flying Drone ships can kill it, so long as you stay out of it's firing range (40K)


I'm not a D2 expert.. but it seems to me a mission like this wouldn't be practical under the D2.
As for the ship itself, it would require its own entry in the shiplist, and model, wouldn't it?

-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #428 on: March 26, 2003, 05:36:11 pm »
Yes, and I have both a shiplist and Model in the DL pack that i made using FMSE.... I think I can add it to the Monster listing in EAW and OP and have it generate In D2, but I would like it to be a bit less random.... maybe a custom script occuring very rarely if that is possible (I'm not one who makes many adjustments to the EFF Dyna very often.. and it is not online very often either, but I would like it for Single Player when I buy a Fleet)...

But could a Skirmish mode of this script be made? I can have a shiplist fixed for it in just a few minuits....

Also a better version of the GSA script would be great just to fix the message error that FMSE creates....

Firesoul, I know your pro-SFB, but this script is mostly designed for Fleet play, not for individuals to go against.... and it isn't quite SFB, but this is more of a personal request.. and it can be freely distributed to whoever wants it...
I would really appreciate it if any help could be given on this... From any C++ scripter...

Thanks in advance



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #429 on: March 26, 2003, 06:44:48 pm »
It's not a small task..

.. I think it would be easier to convert SFC1 missions to SFC2 EAW and OP than do this. I've never TOUCHED FMSE because there isn't one for SFC:OP.. .. so that adds to the difficulty.

.. I think that for now, I'd like to play for a while.
-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #430 on: March 26, 2003, 08:05:39 pm »
The Starbase Construction script needs adjustments in the victory condition code.
Basically, take this as an example:

My base was destroyed. (Should be a loss because of that)
I later on destroyed the 3 remaining ships (With the help of the freighters.)
The mission was declared an Astounding Victory with the message stating that the base will go far in defending this area of the empire.
.. mission ends, back to D2. No base (as it should).

.. seems to me that total enemy destruction at the cost of a base migh be considered a loss.. or maybe a draw?
-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #431 on: March 26, 2003, 08:28:52 pm »
Sounds logical.  I haven't worked on the StarbaseConstruction scripts at all (I don't believe I even have a copy of the StarbaseConstruction script for EAW)   I will go take a look at the OP one though.



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #432 on: March 31, 2003, 07:09:10 pm »

OK, there's an update to the pack for OP:

mostly bug and balance fixes,
some adjustments to get a wider mix of missions showing up,
and one new mission (Met_NW13BigGame.scr)

I'll be releasing the matching update for EAW on Wednesday in all likelihood



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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #433 on: March 31, 2003, 07:45:27 pm »
NW, what version of the OP missions is this? I seem to have this file, but I can't tell them apart.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #434 on: March 31, 2003, 07:58:16 pm »

NW, what version of the OP missions is this? I seem to have this file, but I can't tell them apart.  

This is the newest release, it just came out about 2 hours ago. Look for a mission called MetNW13Big Game (it's a brand new mission) in the pack you have and you will know if you have the newest. If not you should DL the new one.


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #435 on: March 31, 2003, 08:49:51 pm »
Well, I updated my .MCT files to compensate for the new mission.
So, for those who like to polay the EAW missions that were recompiled for OP, the package is  here .

The EAW campaigns for OP themselves were updated lately:

-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #436 on: April 04, 2003, 05:32:35 pm »
Hey.. Dave..

.. I think you still sometimes create enemies too close to the SB in "Base Defense"..

-- Luc


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #437 on: April 11, 2003, 11:57:26 pm »
I  just played the salvage mission on the D2 OP and I captured an enemy ship. The game would not end.

Does anyone know if this is just a one time bug or a problem with the mission?


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #438 on: April 12, 2003, 01:55:11 pm »
OK, for the OP scripts I've tackled the fixes for most of the mission issues I've heard raised on Badlands so far, (missions appearing as mandatory in own hexes, not appearing as mandatories in enemy space, mission diversity problems in some areas or terrain, balance, pp awards, ship placement, etc etc)

The updated pack is at

There is a new enemy-space patrol mission in there (Met_NW7Patrol I think), so the mission list will need to be updated.

PS - Firesoul - this includes the updated convoy routines we were talking about

PPS - Just in the process of recompiling the EAW pack with the same fixes applied, hopefully will have that ready tonight or tomorrow


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Re: Custom dynaverse missions: EAW, OP, SFC3
« Reply #439 on: April 12, 2003, 02:24:59 pm »
Will badlands be updated right away, or later?
-- Luc