The Remora is actually one of the ones that I'm working on.. plus Starbug 1, my personal flagship (I really wanted to get some of the prettifying changes done on it before it really started to bug me), Azel's Gorn, and a few more. The Babylon 5 station of Trekke's is finished and ingame on my system at the large number of polies, and I got my SFC2 Demo and SFC 2:EAW games sorted out so that all the Trek stuff is in the demo, and all the B5 stuff is in EAW. More room, and simply the way that I liked it.

But the Remora's textures are about 75% complete.. however.. guess what? The .MOD file was corrupted (if you can believe that). I'm going to go by a friend's place locally.. I think he has Max 4 as well, and if I install the Taldren plugins, maybe I can export the Remora from the .Max file to a .MOD and get 'er running. That's the hope anyways..