Topic: Reverend (OT)  (Read 1652 times)

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Reverend (OT)
« on: June 25, 2003, 03:14:58 pm »
I was just curious...what is that picture in your signature?


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2003, 04:13:03 pm »
Be VERY careful about asking Reverend that.... You could find yourself dabbling in'Things Man Was Not Meant To Know'...

Actually, its either a depiction of H. P. Lovecraft's 'Necronomicon' (Book of the Dead) or another one of the mysterious, occult texts he wrote about back in the 1920s-1930s. The Necronomicon has a very long and fabled history; originally written as the Kitab-al Azif {sp?) by the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred. This book was essentialy a powerful spell book that could summon a host of not so friendly extra dimensional entities to ruin the day for a lot of people really fast, LOL!  This book was eventually translated into Greek, Latin, English and other languages. At one time people actually searched for this 'book' as Lovecraft wrote in a believable 'psuedo-historical' style.... The Evil Dead movies take this book to a dark humor level, possession of this book put many people at great risk to life, limb and sanity!

When the stars are right the Great Old Ones (Immortal, god like Alien entities of various unwholesome descriptions) will awaken from their preternatural slumber and walk among us....

Cthulhu Ftaghn!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2003, 04:50:38 pm »

Be VERY careful about asking Reverend that.... You could find yourself dabbling in'Things Man Was Not Meant To Know'...

Actually, its either a depiction of H. P. Lovecraft's 'Necronomicon' (Book of the Dead) or another one of the mysterious, occult texts he wrote about back in the 1920s-1930s. The Necronomicon has a very long and fabled history; originally written as the Kitab-al Azif {sp?) by the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred. This book was essentialy a powerful spell book that could summon a host of not so friendly extra dimensional entities to ruin the day for a lot of people really fast, LOL!  This book was eventually translated into Greek, Latin, English and other languages. At one time people actually searched for this 'book' as Lovecraft wrote in a believable 'psuedo-historical' style.... The Evil Dead movies take this book to a dark humor level, possession of this book put many people at great risk to life, limb and sanity!

When the stars are right the Great Old Ones (Immortal, god like Alien entities of various unwholesome descriptions) will awaken from their preternatural slumber and walk among us....

Cthulhu Ftaghn!  

well actually the necronomricon is a warlocks book so to say. there are very big warnings about the proper use of the what u have it do will come back to u. lol  oh yes i do have a version of it. lol  however there really is an origanal version out there, despite many non believers out there. consider it a very dark version of the bible. and try to get a really really old english version of it if u can even if it is highly expensive. because u never know when u have to call upon the dark ones and the great cuthulu from the deep to finally be rid of all these dam klinks and rommys. or if u dont want to lose ur soul u can always call the dark angels to come get rid of them for u.    


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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2003, 08:29:02 am »
I suspected that 's what it was, but really couldn't see it well.

I'm a huge Lovecraft fan. I've got a ton of his stuff and many of his followers?August Derleth, Brian Lumley, etc.

Looking forward to seeing Del Toro's big budget "At the Mountains of Madness"!  


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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2003, 03:26:18 pm »
Oh, Holy Moses, was that for me?!? Gad, maybe if I took my head out of my arse long enough to notice the rest of the world, I'd probrobly be an okay guy.
Yes, guys, but that picture is actually of a tablet made by a Mythos fan- a representation I understand of something the Old Ones left after the occupation of the Earth... likely before the coming of the Mi-Go from Yuggoth (hence my email addy) and probrobly because of the Star Spawn of Chtulhu, and the Ancient One himself.
I once read a script of someone named Tanamaial, Tannehill, something like that. It was the single most amazing timeline of events related to Lovecraft's stories only, as many people including myself dislike Dereleth's rapings of the Mythos... it became too  Judeo-Christian. No offense to any fan of Dereleth, Lovecraft did entrust him, and I resepct that totally. Anyhow, this timeline went from the beginnings of Kathanuhu, who lived on the planet of Vhoorl, and made direct contact with the Ancient Ones, and was lifted to the level of an Ancient One himself. Anyway, that was an incredible, detailed, non-exclusive timeline that was a simple must-read for any true Chtulhu Mythos fan... and I cannot find it for anything. Anyone ses it someday, please let me know.
I have recieved a lot of flack for my slobbering infatuation of the Mythos and my work in the Church. Nay, I say, one can have many healthy hobbies... reading Lovecraft for many years influenced my mastery of English all the better, and is a great way to spend your money,.. on literature. It is the best series of books- no series have influenced more writers, or a genre, or have been so resourceful and test reliable.... someone told me that many of our Bibles are less testable as these series. The same things were referred to in the same fashion, always described the same.
As to the Necronomicon, and the other books, there were some real live books that he supposedly based his ideas off of, such as the Picatrix, the Voynich Manuscript, and Liber Frater.
Anyway, to answer you questions, thats' what I know, I am 27, and have loved Lovecraft since I was 11. I started listening to metal and other underground music because so much of it is dedicatedd to or at least has references to Lovecfrat's writings. That picture is in full-form here:
Very flattering to be of such interest; I feel as a total idiot for not seeing it before.... there was about four days that I hadn't seen or read the Forums- I suppose it was then.
Thanks again comrades!  


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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2003, 03:29:50 pm »
ha ha  Klingon Fanatic, doesnt the Mythos seem like something a bunch of Klingons would have thought up? Maybe Carcosa and Vhoorl and such were all in Klingon space....hmmm....Vorlon mods.. Shadow mods....hmm
ha ha ha!  


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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2003, 03:31:56 pm »
not to be a ham, but every good Lovecraftian thread should always be ended with- Ia! Ia! Ph'glui Mgl'awu Chtulhu R'lyeh Fth'gnh'Nagh Yog'Sothoth!  


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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2003, 04:46:14 pm »

not to be a ham, but every good Lovecraftian thread should always be ended with- Ia! Ia! Ph'glui Mgl'awu Chtulhu R'lyeh Fth'gnh'Nagh Yog'Sothoth!  

yes true , but we really dont want the earth splitting open and spewing the spawns of the dark ones now do we

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2003, 06:59:00 pm »
I always thought the TNG episode where Picard was offered a position on the Altantis project (after TBOBW) would have been a great way to introduce the Mythos to the Trek universe.... The Deep One City N'yethi [forgot exact name] would have been nearby....

Also wouldn't it be great to have a star sized Azethoth mod with all the insane pipers playing around it [a script specific music mod would be needed].

Sir I hear... music...

On speakers....

Eerie piping

Everyone goes insane and kills each other, send in the next ship..




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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2003, 12:05:17 am »
LOL! Azagthoth mod would rock- even a Chtulhu mod, for Monster! in OP or Pelican's Intruder Alert.... I never saw that episode Atlantis rising... be it was a good one.
Manitoba, anybody interested, there are a few groups that are about Call of Cthulhu, a rolepalying game. I know a few fellows that run a neat online one.... RPGs were never my cup of ta, but he gave me a synopsis, and it is an exciting storyline. guess that was the only one.
Sure would like to see some Lovecraft off in ST... I mean, Voyager ripped off Aliens with Species 8472, the Predators with the Hirogen.... why not the Flippies, squid people from _? Maybe 'they' find Yuggoth, and meet the Fungi? Ah well, fun thoughts- thank you for the fun guys- IA IA!!!!  


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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2003, 06:59:00 pm »
i used to play alot of d&d , hell we can have a forgotten realms mod to. hahaha hell i allready put P-51 mustangs in game. have like the enterprise take on a red dragon. lol


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Re: Reverend (OT)
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2003, 02:02:07 am »
Three words: Giant Space Hamster!!!! (Run Away!!!!!)