Topic: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum  (Read 22276 times)

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SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« on: January 31, 2003, 10:37:33 am »
Brother Warriors:

We will be embarking on a new chapter in the storied history of our Empire.  Vacancies exist in our leadership positions and, as has been our custom, we wish to open the floor (and the positions) to any worthy Klingon Warrior who may wish to "seize power" or has something to say in regards to the next regime.

As many of you are aware, I have stepped down as Chancellor of the Empire and as SFC2.NET Klingon RM.  It is my intention to no longer serve as an RM for any race on any server.  Our Brotherhood of Warriors has always found it of great benefit to have a clearly defined, strong central leadership and this is an effort to continue that tradition.  I have been asked and have agreed to oversee this process.

So, if you are a Klingon Warrior and you would like to take part in the process (or even just watch the bloodshed from the sidelines), please visit the Klingon Forum at the  SFC2.NET Forum Community .  If you're a new user to this forum community, please request access to the "Klingons" usergroup after you have registered and have been validated for access to the forum community.

I look forward to seeing  you all there.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2003, 11:36:55 am by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2003, 10:56:13 am »
WooHoo - I am sooo there!  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2003, 11:38:08 am »
Don't bust up your nose too badly running headlong into that locked door to the Great Hall, Laflin.



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2003, 12:17:20 pm »
We'll see, Doogy...BTW my stars have begun to fall - some1 don't like me and I can guess who they is - screw em all! :P  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2003, 12:22:45 pm »
Doogy lol.

Just gave you a 5 my friend

SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2003, 01:30:06 pm »
In the interest of galactic peace the UFP would like to choose your next leader. Since there is no <snicker> warrior amoungst you that could hold Dogmatix wine cup we think all the bloodshed involved in your "process" would be a waste of life and effort.

We suggest Minister J'inn of the Kinzi would be most suited for your little club. He is honest, loyal, truthful, helpful, curtious, kind, and all that. He would certainly build up your lagging economy and refocus your efforts toward more useful concerns, rather than war.

Barring that, I should like to come and observe this "change" government to better understand the Klingon mind. (if such a thing exsists)




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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2003, 04:03:40 pm »
It may interest you that my House is seizing control of the Empire.   As we speak my followers are either slaughtering or kidnapping the families of those "open-minded" traitors who would continue this useless dialog with Federation Imperialists and thier slavering lackeys in other races.

If I come to power look to see Klingon repudiation of this heresy called detante.  PAH!!  

Rules of War... I spit at them.

 We will use any and all methods of open warfare.  We will use your technology against you.  We will threaten, subvert and destroy your allies in turn.   Nuetral Zone?  No More..... there are but two zones.  The Zone of Klingon Imperial Control and the Zone of those Who Will Die.

To not fire on the so-called Federation Hospital ships is distastful and foolish.  The argument that they also treat Klingon wounded is blasphemy and dishonor.... they do so to deny our Warriors entrance to Sto Vo Kor.

Science Vessels...... Trade Vessels..... Relief Vessels...... all of these will be rightly considered vessels of war.. as the Federation conducts warfare by all means and seeks to degrade our warrior culture by introducing "goods", "lifestyle" and other corruptions to our empire.   Relief Vessels will be prosecuted to the extreme... they negate the natural selection that has made us strong.

Embassys will be closed and all Terran and Federation lackeys expelled from the Empire.   "Negotiations" are not needed, there is but one type of unconditional surrender and that is the only term we will discuss..... over your smoking hulls.

There are certain among you who have earned a clean death.  Lists will go out to my commanders and those of you deserving will be allowed honorable death by combat.  Others will be put to work furthering the needs of our Empire until such time as thier pathetic lives expire on the slag heaps of our mines and foundrys.  The small children of some of the very few deserving among you shall be taken and raised as Klingon...  to rule over the bulk of your descendants who will be thralls to the Mighty Klingon Empire.

Others, such as the Criminal Laflin, will be buried up to their necks in the public squares with passers by invited to slowly saw on them with VERY dull old rusted Batleths.

I hope this clears up any questions you may have had.  If you need furthur clarification log into GowsRiegnofTerror@Quonos.Inquisition.Org

Thank you for your time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by jrstandfast »


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2003, 04:07:24 pm » least that trasition of power was a lot smoother than the last US presidential election.


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2003, 04:18:54 pm »
Where did I park my D7WK?  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2003, 04:40:20 pm »

It may interest you that my House is seizing control of the Empire.   As we speak my followers are either slaughtering or kidnapping the families of those "open-minded" traitors who would continue this useless dialog with Federation Imperialists and thier slavering lackeys in other races.

If I come to power look to see Klingon repudiation of this heresy called detante.  PAH!!  

Rules of War... I spit at them.

 We will use any and all methods of open warfare.  We will use your technology against you.  We will threaten, subvert and destroy your allies in turn.   Nuetral Zone?  No More..... there are but two zones.  The Zone of Klingon Imperial Control and the Zone of those Who Will Die.

To not fire on the so-called Federation Hospital ships is distastful and foolish.  The argument that they also treat Klingon wounded is blasphemy and dishonor.... they do so to deny our Warriors entrance to Sto Vo Kor.

Science Vessels...... Trade Vessels..... Relief Vessels...... all of these will be rightly considered vessels of war.. as the Federation conducts warfare by all means and seeks to degrade our warrior culture by introducing "goods", "lifestyle" and other corruptions to our empire.   Relief Vessels will be prosecuted to the extreme... they negate the natural selection that has made us strong.

Embassys will be closed and all Terran and Federation lackeys expelled from the Empire.   "Negotiations" are not needed, there is but one type of unconditional surrender and that is the only term we will discuss..... over your smoking hulls.

There are certain among you who have earned a clean death.  Lists will go out to my commanders and those of you deserving will be allowed honorable death by combat.  Others will be put to work furthering the needs of our Empire until such time as thier pathetic lives expire on the slag heaps of our mines and foundrys.  The small children of some of the very few deserving among you shall be taken and raised as Klingon...  to rule over the bulk of your descendants who will be thralls to the Mighty Klingon Empire.

Others, such as the Criminal Laflin, will be buried up to their necks in the public squares with passers by invited to slowly saw on them with VERY dull old rusted Batleths.

I hope this clears up any questions you may have had.  If you need furthur clarification log into GowsRiegnofTerror@Quonos.Inquisition.Org

Thank you for your time.  

*GULP*  It has begun...

Gow, of the House of Gow for Chancellor?  


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2003, 04:50:00 pm »
I hearby claim the right of appropriation for the Gorn Confederation.   I shall take the title of Klingon Chancellor and rule with an iron claw.   The rights of all Klingon warriors will be equal to all Gorn warriors.    Together we shall rule the universe!!

Quap'la ya Bruces!!

Agave Azul
(transalation - Gorn with visions of Grandeur)

House of Azul

« Last Edit: January 31, 2003, 04:52:02 pm by Agave »


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2003, 04:51:02 pm »
It has come to my attention that one of my opponents has accused me of being a "Madman" who would " pave the streets of Klinzai with the bodies of innocent people".

How silly.  It would be wasteful to pave streets with bodies when the Empire needs fertilizer and our slave worlds need protein.  A few heads on lightposts will suffice.

One other thing... as I informed the late Gorn Ambassador during his boiling oil bath.... I don't speak to Luggage.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by jrstandfast »


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2003, 04:52:05 pm »
Hope you klingons are cool with the new dress code.


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2003, 05:16:50 pm »
Bah yah words are nothing but hot air! The federation will continue to onslaught your worlds with K-Marts having Martha Stewert blue light specials, and Taco bells giving your so called mighty warrors indesgetion. If you succed to lead the Klingons, your finest moment will be passing legislation increasing the need for more handicaped parking spaces after your captains meet the Blue Horde. All who would support any sort of Klingon Government will meet the well manicured finger of the Federation.

"Captain we have your apllication to the Klingon academy ready to mail, if Gow succedes and the Federation denyies your request to keep you behind the lines" Hondo turns from the mirror done giving his speach to him self and grins. "make sure you add to that I have certain meds I need to take on the hour and stress my need for Slave Girls...."  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2003, 05:37:14 pm »

Bah yah words are nothing but hot air! ...All who would support any sort of Klingon Government will meet the well manicured finger of the Federation.  

The manicured finger of the Federation, huh?  I guess that would look something like this then, wouldn't it?

Damn, must be like looking in the mirror.    Monkeyboy.

Oh, here is another finger for ya.   Service with a SMILE!!


Now, back to this succesion thing and the serious contenders.

Agave Azul
House of Azul
Gorn contender for Klingon succesion



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2003, 05:42:34 pm »
Chuut shot my frog.

I guess that means I won't be available to rule your empire with deadly tactical prowess (ie. make a bee-line for Earth).


SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2003, 07:28:38 pm »

 We will use any and all methods of open warfare.  We will use your technology against you.  We will threaten, subvert and destroy your allies in turn.   Nuetral Zone?  No More..... there are but two zones.  The Zone of Klingon Imperial Control and the Zone of those Who Will Die.

Just remember ridgehead, you made the rules...I only hope you die well by them...

"Number One bring us to war status, Helm lay in course for Klingon home world, Comm, send war codes to the fleet"

Officer Commanding
SSCF Rider in White 2310 A  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2003, 07:57:05 pm »


 We will use any and all methods of open warfare.  We will use your technology against you.  We will threaten, subvert and destroy your allies in turn.   Nuetral Zone?  No More..... there are but two zones.  The Zone of Klingon Imperial Control and the Zone of those Who Will Die.

Just remember ridgehead, you made the rules...I only hope you die well by them...

"Number One bring us to war status, Helm lay in course for Klingon home world, Comm, send war codes to the fleet"

Officer Commanding
SSCF Rider in White 2310 A    

hehehehe, remember Turkey shot, anyway this is a call to Klingon Warriors, No Klingons, Out    
« Last Edit: January 31, 2003, 08:18:35 pm by CW-Frankk »

SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2003, 09:03:20 pm »



 We will use any and all methods of open warfare.  We will use your technology against you.  We will threaten, subvert and destroy your allies in turn.   Nuetral Zone?  No More..... there are but two zones.  The Zone of Klingon Imperial Control and the Zone of those Who Will Die.

Just remember ridgehead, you made the rules...I only hope you die well by them...

"Number One bring us to war status, Helm lay in course for Klingon home world, Comm, send war codes to the fleet"

Officer Commanding
SSCF Rider in White 2310 A    

hehehehe, remember Turkey shot, anyway this is a call to Klingon Warriors, No Klingons, Out    

Why yes I do, I killed many a human Coalition ship in that server. I was nailed once by Scipio and a wing he had. I figure a record of 11and 1 is a fair count. I look forward to adding your ship's bell to my collection.



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2003, 10:35:27 pm »
Hooch I belive you are forgeting one .  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2003, 10:37:02 pm »

Where did I park my D7WK?    

Nice uniform Chirs  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2003, 10:54:01 pm »




 We will use any and all methods of open warfare.  We will use your technology against you.  We will threaten, subvert and destroy your allies in turn.   Nuetral Zone?  No More..... there are but two zones.  The Zone of Klingon Imperial Control and the Zone of those Who Will Die.

Just remember ridgehead, you made the rules...I only hope you die well by them...

"Number One bring us to war status, Helm lay in course for Klingon home world, Comm, send war codes to the fleet"

Officer Commanding
SSCF Rider in White 2310 A    

hehehehe, remember Turkey shot, anyway this is a call to Klingon Warriors, No Klingons, Out    

Why yes I do, I killed many a human Coalition ship in that server. I was nailed once by Scipio and a wing he had. I figure a record of 11and 1 is a fair count. I look forward to adding your ship's bell to my collection.


Only 11? Are you kidding?  I think I had 11 PvP a day on that server...
Not that I'm saying they were all wins, I lost count on both sides of the column.

Good times, good times....


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2003, 05:04:33 am »

hehehehe, remember Turkey shot, anyway this is a call to Klingon Warriors, No Klingons, Out    

Why yes I do, I killed many a human Coalition ship in that server. I was nailed once by Scipio and a wing he had. I figure a record of 11and 1 is a fair count. I look forward to adding your ship's bell to my collection.


And yet the brave Sir Hooch refused my challenge to him in General Chat.


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2003, 05:48:09 am »
Chancellor Gow,

It will be good to see the Empire in your calloused hands.....

You need not fear any opposition from the Kzin, who respect all true warriors.  And J'inn will not be seeking to oppose you <snicker> since he will be busy with the new Kzinti Securities Exchange Commission formed today by KLAW.  

As a humble honorary member of your house, I feel it is my duty to attend the coronation ceremony, and I'm bringing a special guest with me, whom I rescued from the clutches of the Federation, and return to the Empire properly attired......

........... MARTHA STEWART!!!!!!!


I return her into your care.

Long Live The House Of GOW!!!!!!


With Highest regards
Kzinti League of Assembled Warchiefs (KLAW)
House of Gow  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2003, 06:43:02 am »


Bah yah words are nothing but hot air! ...All who would support any sort of Klingon Government will meet the well manicured finger of the Federation.  

The manicured finger of the Federation, huh?  I guess that would look something like this then, wouldn't it?

Damn, must be like looking in the mirror.    Monkeyboy.

Actually it would look more like this I think...........

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KATChuutRitt »


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2003, 06:49:36 am »

Now, back to this succesion thing and the serious contenders.

Agave Azul
House of Azul
Gorn contender for Klingon succesion


One final loose end,

 I don't think the "House of Azul" will be contending for anything.......


Let's see........



Still got plenty of bullets, who's next?


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2003, 08:48:53 am »

Chancellor Gow,

It will be good to see the Empire in your calloused hands.....

You need not fear any opposition from the Kzin, who respect all true warriors.  And J'inn will not be seeking to oppose you <snicker> since he will be busy with the new Kzinti Securities Exchange Commission formed today by KLAW.  

As a humble honorary member of your house, I feel it is my duty to attend the coronation ceremony, and I'm bringing a special guest with me, whom I rescued from the clutches of the Federation, and return to the Empire properly attired......

........... MARTHA STEWART!!!!!!!


I return her into your care.

Long Live The House Of GOW!!!!!!


With Highest regards
Kzinti League of Assembled Warchiefs (KLAW)
House of Gow  

Chutt's the MAN!
Mmmmmm, Martha, that little vixen. Yum yum!
Oh ya the klinkons....
Yay Gow! Yay ridgeheads! Yay Dogmatix!
Now give me more Martha! (In black with a riding crop and knee high boots with stiletto heels!)(and have her hair cover her left eye with a slight downward tilt to her head.... or am I asking too much?)


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2003, 09:41:37 am »

Chutt's the MAN!
Mmmmmm, Martha, that little vixen. Yum yum!
Oh ya the klinkons....
Yay Gow! Yay ridgeheads! Yay Dogmatix!
Now give me more Martha! (In black with a riding crop and knee high boots with stiletto heels!)(and have her hair cover her left eye with a slight downward tilt to her head.... or am I asking too much?)

A little too much perhaps Cub, but how about a pic of Martha showing her support of The House Of Gow by defeating one of the House of Azul Honor Guards in ritual combat?


That make you fell any better? go take a cold shower Cub.............  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2003, 09:50:42 am »
Oh my!
Could ya do the hair thing? Then it would be just PUURFECT!
Hmm, hot water heater ain't getting much of a work out today....


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2003, 11:40:39 pm »

Oh my!
Could ya do the hair thing? Then it would be just PUURFECT!
Hmm, hot water heater ain't getting much of a work out today....



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2003, 08:00:34 am »
Now back to your regularly scheduled thread...

SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2003, 09:49:55 am »

You are such a suck up! How about a pic of you and Gow in a "love lock"...



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2003, 09:58:20 am »
I would do so but since I have changed computers over christmas I have been basically unable to logg onto

Doggy can u help?  Check to see if i still have forums access pls.  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2003, 03:12:28 pm »


You are such a suck up! How about a pic of you and Gow in a "love lock"...


This coming from the forum Toady?.....

Seriously the pile of bodies from those who tried to hug Gow is warning enough.



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2003, 10:14:47 pm »

I would do so but since I have changed computers over christmas I have been basically unable to logg onto

Doggy can u help?  Check to see if i still have forums access pls. near as I can tell, your access is fine.  I see you're back on the SFC2.NEt forums, now...let me know if you experience any problems.  



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2003, 05:01:30 am »


You are such a suck up! How about a pic of you and Gow in a "love lock"...


BTW Hoochie .....I do have a picture of you and a certain Ex-Chancellor in what might be considered a "love lock" to explain?


................. ......................... ...................... ....................... ............................ ........................... ........................
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KATChuutRitt »


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2003, 05:13:33 am »
Oh sure GOW now that you might be incharge, i guess you wont be comming over to my house for Blood Wine anymore. Damn when people get promoted they forget their friends.  

SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2003, 09:16:08 am »



You are such a suck up! How about a pic of you and Gow in a "love lock"...


BTW Hoochie .....I do have a picture of you and a certain Ex-Chancellor in what might be considered a "love lock" to explain?


Good Night Chutt, where do you get these things? BTW, you will notice who is in the dominate postion here. Anyway, we know that the Mirak have very good "artists" and can "make up" anything. Dogmatix would never remove is body armor. Gow might just want to be sure the he stays retired.

Besides, you for got to say who that was next to Dogmatix, I think it was Gow.

Hooch the werided out
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SSCF Hooch »


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #38 on: February 14, 2003, 09:34:56 am »
The process enters the final stage, Warriors!

Please enter the  Great Hall on Qo'noS  and make your decision known.  There is but one week from this date remaining in the succession process.  Come...join the carnage!    



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #39 on: February 14, 2003, 09:50:48 am »
Hey Chuut, could you make a bumper sticker for my C7?  Something along the lines of "Don't Blame me, I voted for Gow"


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2003, 10:27:57 am »

The process enters the final stage, Warriors!

Please enter the  Great Hall on Qo'noS  and make your decision known.  There is but one week from this date remaining in the succession process.  Come...join the carnage!    


Hey doggy it wont let me in
Well I vote for hooch but if he turns it down gow will do


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #41 on: February 14, 2003, 11:07:04 am »

Hey Chuut, could you make a bumper sticker for my C7?  Something along the lines of "Don't Blame me, I voted for Gow"


lmao good one Dank  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #42 on: February 14, 2003, 11:48:43 am »
For everyone that "thought" about voting for me, thank you very much for your support, hehe.


SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #43 on: February 14, 2003, 12:06:46 pm »


The process enters the final stage, Warriors!

Please enter the  Great Hall on Qo'noS  and make your decision known.  There is but one week from this date remaining in the succession process.  Come...join the carnage!    


Hey doggy it wont let me in
Well I vote for hooch but if he turns it down gow will do  

WHAT? Hey no need to get nasty pussy kat. Me lead the ridgeheads? I would rather be Fluf's ***** for a day.


KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #44 on: February 14, 2003, 02:24:15 pm »

I would rather be Fluf's ***** for a day.


Then I gather that Kortez has already set you free?  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #45 on: February 14, 2003, 02:46:50 pm »


I would rather be Fluf's ***** for a day.


Then I gather that Kortez has already set you free?    


SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #46 on: February 14, 2003, 02:50:06 pm »


I would rather be Fluf's ***** for a day.


Then I gather that Kortez has already set you free?    

Oh that is sooooooo not funny...


KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #47 on: February 14, 2003, 03:20:29 pm »

Oh that is sooooooo not funny...




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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #48 on: February 14, 2003, 03:24:51 pm »
It is a sorry day in the Klingon Empire when you need to use an election to choose your next leader. You nobbie heads are getting soft. Someone just stabe Doggy and be done with it already.


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #49 on: February 14, 2003, 04:00:35 pm »

It is a sorry day in the Klingon Empire when you need to use an election to choose your next leader. You nobbie heads are getting soft. Someone just stabe Doggy and be done with it already.  

tis true the klingons are becomming soft all most tame first votes then (shudder) dinner partys and only drinking at wine bars  I have also herd captians will ware foumal atire at all times

Thats why its in your best intrest to vote for hooch sure hes fed but people can change after a few hours with the pain sticks hes sure to do what hes told

SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #50 on: February 14, 2003, 04:13:49 pm »

It is a sorry day in the Klingon Empire when you need to use an election to choose your next leader. You nobbie heads are getting soft. Someone just stabe Doggy and be done with it already.  

It's our noble influence that is helping them, they are not soft, they are being civil. Odd though, they have no word for civil.

We will fix that, (and them) over time.


Julin Eurthyr

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2003, 10:18:58 pm »

It is a sorry day in the Klingon Empire when you need to use an election to choose your next leader. You nobbie heads are getting soft. Someone just stabe Doggy and be done with it already.  

Dogmatix does not need to be stabbed.  He has chosen the honorable path of retirement before the need to be stabbed has set upon him.

As this is unprecedented in the Empire (someone usually stabs the emperor before he realiizes it's time to step down), Doggie is faced with a here-to-fore unheard of choice in an emperor.

Having gathered those capable of assuming his title (basically, all the klingons capable of flying the F5, D7, and other ships with no stinkin B,K,L,D that they call "starships" :P ), he needs to decide how he will be replaced.

A standard rite of ascention calls for such fun things like trial by combat to the death.  The leader will be in charge of a fleet where all the F5's are unpiloted...

So, he decided to have a vote.  A civil, not-too-barbaric vote where the winner gets the command.  Now hopefully his warriors aren't all voting for themselves...

SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #52 on: February 14, 2003, 10:35:53 pm »


It is a sorry day in the Klingon Empire when you need to use an election to choose your next leader. You nobbie heads are getting soft. Someone just stabe Doggy and be done with it already.  

Dogmatix does not need to be stabbed.  He has chosen the honorable path of retirement before the need to be stabbed has set upon him.

As this is unprecedented in the Empire (someone usually stabs the emperor before he realiizes it's time to step down), Doggie is faced with a here-to-fore unheard of choice in an emperor.

Having gathered those capable of assuming his title (basically, all the klingons capable of flying the F5, D7, and other ships with no stinkin B,K,L,D that they call "starships" :P ), he needs to decide how he will be replaced.

A standard rite of ascention calls for such fun things like trial by combat to the death.  The leader will be in charge of a fleet where all the F5's are unpiloted...

So, he decided to have a vote.  A civil, not-too-barbaric vote where the winner gets the command.  Now hopefully his warriors aren't all voting for themselves...  

Agreed! The Ja'Juk is an old and barbaric custom. What it really comes down to is who can tell the biggest and best overblown lies about their great exploits (if they can be called such). We call the war crimes, but they call it "glory".

Oh well it's their custom...



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2003, 03:08:05 am »

What it really comes down to is who can tell the biggest and best overblown lies about their great exploits (if they can be called such).

Boy G'Warlock would make a strong candidate.........................

SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #54 on: February 15, 2003, 09:02:26 am »


What it really comes down to is who can tell the biggest and best overblown lies about their great exploits (if they can be called such).

Boy G'Warlock would make a strong candidate.........................  

That is an understatment...


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2003, 10:21:38 am »



The process enters the final stage, Warriors!

Please enter the  Great Hall on Qo'noS  and make your decision known.  There is but one week from this date remaining in the succession process.  Come...join the carnage!    


Hey doggy it wont let me in
Well I vote for hooch but if he turns it down gow will do  

WHAT? Hey no need to get nasty pussy kat. Me lead the ridgeheads? I would rather be Fluf's ***** for a day.


I should think you'ld already be tired of being Fluf's *bleepch* by now...



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2003, 10:25:20 am »


It is a sorry day in the Klingon Empire when you need to use an election to choose your next leader. You nobbie heads are getting soft. Someone just stabe Doggy and be done with it already.  

tis true the klingons are becomming soft all most tame first votes then (shudder) dinner partys and only drinking at wine bars  I have also herd captians will ware foumal atire at all times

Thats why its in your best intrest to vote for hooch sure hes fed but people can change after a few hours with the pain sticks hes sure to do what hes told  

heheh....don't think there hasn't been some bloodshed.  The "deliberations" have gotten a bit nasty at times.

BTW, down by a mere two votes and running in 2nd place is "I don't vote...I'm a Klingon!"



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #57 on: February 19, 2003, 07:53:45 am »
Spoken by a Klingon Warrior staring right into the eyes of the Gorn officer in front of him. Their faces seperated by inches. With teeth clenched in a deadly soft tone of voice. The sound of leather creaking as his fist tightens into a white knuckled grip arond the handle of the  Honor Dagger sheathed on his belt.

Yes that's it the Klingons are getting soft.

Yes that is absolutely true.

And everyone should believe that and relax.

In fact next time you meet us in battle you don't have to worry about a thing.

You don't even have to raise your shields.

Or arm your weapons systems.

Just drive your ship right up to us and order us to surrender.

And of course we will.

Because the Klingons are getting nice and soft.      


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #58 on: February 19, 2003, 09:55:46 am »

Agreed! The Ja'Juk is an old and barbaric custom. What it really comes down to is who can tell the biggest and best overblown lies about their great exploits (if they can be called such). We call the war crimes, but they call it "glory".

Oh well it's their custom...


Barbaric? And this coming from a race only capable of using diplomacy, lies, and hypocrisy to conquer worlds weak enough not to see through your transparent mockery of honor... without even firing a shot! There is no honor or glory in your ways. Klingon customs are ancient and complex, and have proven to make us stronger over the tests of time. It is you who are the uncivilized barbarians, like a scavenging feral child that can't even feed itself because it hasn't been taught the ways of the hunt! Bah. You make a lot of noise for Targ food.


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #59 on: February 19, 2003, 10:12:48 am »
Actuallement, mes amis, I find the Klingon form of Democracy a welcome breath of fresh air  in contrast to  the stale air of status quo politics in the Federation.

Maybe the Feds should think about using the French Revolution as a new model for electing leaders.

I am sure Madame Guillotine would be most 'appy to oblige us with her sevices when France reclaims her rightful place in the Federation as despots and republicains extra-ordinaire.

Vive la Revolution et le Tyrannicide!!  

Now, at long last,  the Klingons will have to show some respect to the Feds, hehe.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #60 on: February 19, 2003, 10:54:17 am »
What more diplomacy is needed than the Kzinti method of Scream and Leap?....Anything else is unnecessary.  

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #61 on: February 19, 2003, 12:04:35 pm »

 What more diplomacy is needed than the Kzinti method of Scream and Leap?....Anything else is unnecessary.

Here, here! Well said and very true!

SSCF Hooch

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #62 on: February 19, 2003, 04:12:21 pm »


Agreed! The Ja'Juk is an old and barbaric custom. What it really comes down to is who can tell the biggest and best overblown lies about their great exploits (if they can be called such). We call the war crimes, but they call it "glory".

Oh well it's their custom...


Barbaric? And this coming from a race only capable of using diplomacy, lies, and hypocrisy to conquer worlds weak enough not to see through your transparent mockery of honor... without even firing a shot! There is no honor or glory in your ways. Klingon customs are ancient and complex, and have proven to make us stronger over the tests of time. It is you who are the uncivilized barbarians, like a scavenging feral child that can't even feed itself because it hasn't been taught the ways of the hunt! Bah. You make a lot of noise for Targ food.

It is a sign of a civilized culture, they "agree" to terms without blood shed. "Feral child"? Well that is a debatable question is it not. We do not take by force what is not ours, we give in exchange for what we get. How is preying on the weak for their reasouces honorable or slaying your political enemy a better way?

Trial by arms went out with the armored knight. But alas, the Klingon Empire has only learned to make bigger swords rather than larger plow shares.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SSCF Hooch »


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #63 on: February 19, 2003, 11:38:50 pm »
Plow SHARES Hooch.
Anyways shouldn't you be following that silly Prime Directive you saucer head Kirk wannabe's hold so dear?
Please also note that there is no such thing as lawyers in Klingon society...trial by combat does away with any supposed usefulness they have.
Just thought I'd point this out.
No need to thank me or anything.  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #64 on: February 19, 2003, 11:54:35 pm »

Please also note that there is no such thing as lawyers in Klingon society...trial by combat does away with any supposed usefulness they have.
Just thought I'd point this out.
No need to thank me or anything.  

Oh contrare,



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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #65 on: February 20, 2003, 12:39:59 am »
You should be banned from using photoshop!
At least you make fun in a universal manner.
We have all been victims of your so called humour.
You should fire your therapist.  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #66 on: February 20, 2003, 05:55:57 am »
Well to speed things up Iam going to put my hat in the ring so to speak
Yes vote LongTooth and save the empire!
Under my rule you will get "free katnip" can eat as many fed fingers as you can catch plus FREE leagel advice from our very own jinn
Now under my rule there would have to be a few changes 1 I think we can all agree its about time we got shot of the out dated
klingon ship list (to be replaced with a kzin ship list)
2 gow will be forced to stop making fed ships sure they look very nice but do we realy want to give the feds ideas?
3 going to have to shorten the word klingon to kzin(sounds better too:))

So lads what do you say want to see me at the helm of the new kzin opps I meen klingon empire?
Rember to vote long tooth


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #67 on: February 20, 2003, 07:58:29 am »
Trial by arms went out with the armored knight. But alas, the Klingon Empire has only learned to make bigger swords rather than larger plow shares.


Just like a Fed brings a plow share to a Sword fight.  

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #68 on: February 20, 2003, 08:40:06 am »
Remember, a vote for Longtooth is a vote for progress!!!!  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #69 on: February 20, 2003, 11:49:05 am »

Remember, a vote for Longtooth is a vote for progress!!!!  

Thanks steel and quite true
Ok poll time
Now lets see who the klingon people want in power

The canadates are
Me LongTooth (insane loon and all round nice guy)
Some klingon chaps ahhh just vote for me any ways(I have money ok so I dont have money but I do have jinn's bank acount details:D)

Lets rember its a klingon only poll I would not want to bias it in any way(honest ) so I dont want
to see non klingons voteing sooo do it behind my back  


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #70 on: February 20, 2003, 03:41:36 pm »
The poll will be closed sometime tomorrow night or Saturday morning.  LongTooth is NOT on the ballot, but I gather he IS available as a bat'leth practice dummy, should anyone feel like taking a swipe after they "vote" in an effort to feel "Klingon" again.  What the heck, stuff a levek into his rib cage and take two swipes with the bat'leth.  Double your pleasure, triple your fun.  It's all good.


KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #71 on: February 20, 2003, 03:44:09 pm »
A good LOL from:


located in Kzinhai


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Re: SFC2 Klingons - Please report to SFC2.NET Klingon Forum
« Reply #72 on: February 20, 2003, 04:04:11 pm »

One other thing... as I informed the late Gorn Ambassador during his boiling oil bath.... I don't speak to Luggage.

roflmao !!!