My general comments, for what it's worth:
FireSoul: I agree with NOT making the OP+ shiplist overly ambitious. Better to keep it focussed and done well rather than expand out to unsupported races and do half-a$$ed versions of them (due to the limitations of the SFC2OP engine). Now, if someone ELSE comes up with a way to translate the Tholian specific weapons and the Andromedan specific weapons, consistent with SFB style, then I think it would be reasonable to revise the scope of the OP+ shiplist to incorporate those races. But I don't see that happening anytime soon. So keeping the shiplist up-to-date, bug-free, and as balanced as possible given SFCOP's limitations with the currently available races is ENOUGH work, thank you very much.
ChrisJones: The MultiEra Mod is a GREAT idea!
The "Early=TOS/SFB; Middle=Movies; Late=TNG; Advanced=Everything else" makes incredible sense. But since it is cutting across ParamountFilm/ParamountTelevision/ComputerGames/SFB/IndyModeller sources, I think we agree that it is beyond the scope of FireSoul's semi-official OP+ patch, so I don't think it should formally be part of that mod...
...but I DO think it should be an UNOFFICIAL MOD TO OP+ (preferably okayed by FireSoul).
Why? Lots of reasons:
(1) It'll help galvanize more support for Orion Pirates over EAW (which is the direction the SFC community is headed ANYWAYS, but it'll help accelerate the tranisition).
(2) It'll help galvanize more support for the OP+ shiplist, which is based on the SFB standards which seems to be serving SFC's longevity, so it's good for SFC fans even if they've never played a turn of SFB in their lives (vis-a-vis's SFC3's problems and SFC2OP's XShip2 problems when they strayed too far from the SFB path-of-enlightenment
(3) There are more ships, MANY more ships, that can accommodate more worthy models (as well as more VARIANTS of the same models).
(4) I assume that for any project to get FireSoul's Unofficial Blessing, it would have to adhere to SFB standards regarding HULL TYPE. In other words, not just ANY model can be assigned to just ANY ship due to rules regarding identical HULL CLASSES, which has implications in the computer game in making actual visual identification of ships more part of the game (am I making sense here?). In other words, I COULD make every drone cruiser in the game use a THOLIAN model, if I wanted, such that regardless of my Tactical Intelligence or Probes or range to enemy ship, I'd be able to identify drone ships immediately. A FireSoul Approved OP+ Shiplist Mod would allow for variation in the models but minimize the cheese effect of such a ploy, for people who play by the honor system but still want an interesting selection of eye candy.
So that would put more constraints in place in assigning ship models (paying attention to hull classes and making sure those restrictions as dictated by SFB standards are maintained), but serve to make the game MORE SFB like, while still offering visual variety.
One last thing: I think the race assignments you were suggesting, Chris, were great!
I would ask you to not forget MONSTERS. If we could work in a few of them here or there, that would be cool, too.
-Tumulorum Fossor