Topic: The Upcoming OP Patch, Multi-Era Mods, thoughts  (Read 10901 times)

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Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Race Breakdown
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2003, 09:45:22 pm »
The idea of using mission specific triggers to get the Andros (or even Tholians) to behave a certain way  makes a great deal of sense and was something I had advocated on these forums long before this thread

I think the way to go might be for a self contained mini-mod similar to Centauri Vaugn's Wolf359 TNG mission packs if I understand what I'm reading. Maybe a fan based Andromedan Invsion campaign a la EAW: ISC War of Pacification..


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: Race Breakdown
« Reply #41 on: June 30, 2003, 10:34:53 pm »
ATOLM Has Come......

I must agree with the concept of a reaction controlled situations
can it be done???
 ATOLM wants...that is if it can be


Chris Jones

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« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2003, 06:45:23 am »
Firesoul has told me something I never knew, because I was never a server admin or didn't pay attention or whatever, is that the Year Last Available only matters in the D2, not in standard multiplayer or singleplayer. This means that in Advanced era in single or multiplayer, all eras of ships will be available for selection.  The beginning year does matter, so obviously you could play, say, mid era and not see TNG stuff, but you would see TOS stuff.



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Re: Eras
« Reply #43 on: July 01, 2003, 06:48:36 am »
That's exactly right.
Sorry I didn't see the MSN msg last night. I figured a PM would be the best way to respond.

Chris Jones

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Mod News
« Reply #44 on: July 03, 2003, 09:46:51 am »
This Multi-Era Mod will not have a server, it is for single and multi-player enjoyment. When selecting a race, you'll see the actual races available. Lyran will be Lyran/Dominion, Gorn will be Gorn/Borg, Mirak is Mirak/Cardassian. Hydran is Hydran/Breen. You'll also see Orion/Ferengi, Mirror Federation, Tholian, Maquis, Korgath/Duras, Kazon/Wyldefire, and Aliens. When Selecting a ship to play in any race you'll see the race name. Instead of 'Lyran Ship Statistics' you'll see Lyran/Dominion Ship Statistics. Gorn becomes Gorn/Borg. Mirak becomes Mirak/Cardassian. Hydran becomes Hydran/Breen.  Instead of EXIT GAME you'll see 'Exit Multi-Era?' Weapon names will be different. Hellbore is Polaron Torpedo, Fusion is Polaron Beam, Plasma X is Quantum Torpedo. Heavy Photon becomes TNG Photon.

Its the things like that that make the game fun.

Still working...........
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »

Chris Jones

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Race Change
« Reply #45 on: July 03, 2003, 01:00:55 pm »
The LDR will be in the TigerHeart slot. Kinda makes sense. The specs will not be totally stock. Some, including a Starbase and the PFs, have been beefed up and are now in advanced era. Always liked those dark Lyran models...

Tholians move to the Camboro slot.  

Chris Jones

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The Upcoming OP Patch, Multi-Era Mods, thoughts
« Reply #46 on: June 27, 2003, 05:59:22 pm »
     The recent activity surrounding the upcoming OP Patch got me thinking. Generally, after Orion Pirates was released, I enjoyed it more than EAW. When I was putting together my Multi-Era Mod for EAW (online now on my Frost-Works site) I was thinking that Multi-Era would be a big challenge for OP.  Recently I have been helping with testing of the new OP Patch. Although I don't have the SFB Knowledge that the other testers for the patch do, I have been randomly playing the game looking for anything that doesn't look right. To get a different perspective on things, Just today I plugged the EAW Multi-Era shiplist (recently updated by Indigo Falcon on my own Forums), plugged in all the cartel designations from the TNG Mod for OP(using Excel), and tried her out. The theory is this:

Early Era -   TOS
Mid Era   -    TMP
Late Era  -   TNG
Advanced - Voyager and beyond..

TNG THOLIANS - there's a cloaked one... Obviously this Galaxy is not Canon - this was my Fun ship in EAW Multi-Era.

The shiplist would need to be updated for OP, with OP specific weaponry on some ships, and there are a lot of ???.

What I might do is release what I have and let people play with it. If there is a desire.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The Upcoming OP Patch, Multi-Era Mods, thoughts
« Reply #47 on: June 27, 2003, 06:44:57 pm »

Check your e-mail!

I am using the Tholians in the OrionOrion Cartel slot and having a blast! Tigerheart is too limited a slot for them IMHO; no real capital ships...

I am still waiting for a few KA Tholian kitbashes by Terradyne to be lit and resized by Atheorhaven as well as  a few Romulans, V-4 from Anduril, a high ploy Melak and a few of Thulls' Romulans to complete what I've worked on for a TMP mod.




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Re: The Upcoming OP Patch, Multi-Era Mods, thoughts
« Reply #48 on: June 27, 2003, 08:20:25 pm »
I suggest you hold out and wait for the patch before starting on a mod. You never know what they may fix, after all. With at least 1 issue, now that it's fixed (but I won't talk about it of course), it means mods may be 'broken'.

.. So .. wait and see is my suggestion.

-- Luc

Chris Jones

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Re: The Upcoming OP Patch, Multi-Era Mods, thoughts
« Reply #49 on: June 27, 2003, 09:43:47 pm »
Yes - all I've done thus far is put a preliminary shiplist together.. in the early stages..
This will not released next week or anything.. This will no doubt last the summer in production. I already have an e-mail offering help.. I have other projects as well.. involving Bridge Commander.. that will compete for my attention..

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Chris Jones »

Kieran Forester

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Re: The Upcoming OP Patch, Multi-Era Mods, thoughts
« Reply #50 on: June 27, 2003, 11:41:46 pm »
Hey Chris, any progress on compiling the TNG OP mod into a single download? I know it says on your website it'll be over 500 MB, but I've got cable, I can handle it.

Chris Jones

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TNG Mod for OP 1 file
« Reply #51 on: June 28, 2003, 02:58:09 am »
Yes this is a possibility - but I'll wait until the next patch is released before I do that, to see how the mod behaves with the patch.


Chris Jones

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Re: The Upcoming OP Patch, Multi-Era Mods, thoughts
« Reply #52 on: June 28, 2003, 03:19:03 am »


I am using the Tholians in the OrionOrion Cartel slot and having a blast! Tigerheart is too limited a slot for them IMHO; no real capital ships...


Cool, I'll check into that. The T designation made sense for Tholians.. I could move some things around. Check your e-mail!

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: The Upcoming OP Patch, Multi-Era Mods, thoughts
« Reply #53 on: June 28, 2003, 05:59:31 pm »
More thoughts on what I'm using for a late TMP mod that is non-canon and non-SFB based:

Feds: ALL non-canon ships. A mix of FASA and non-FASA ships but nothing canon! Some great fan ships here too.

Klinks: ALL non-canon ships. A mix of FASA and non-FASA ships but nothing canon!   A few Klingon Academy ships here.

Roms: ALL non-canon ships. A mix of FASA and non-FASA ships but nothing canon! Waiting for  a Romulan V-4, a Skyhawk and a Melak

Gorn: A mix of Thulls SFB style Gorn and kitbashes/styles from Crymson, P81 and others

Orion: A mix of Thulls SFB style pirates, stock pirates, and Cleeve's two Merchantmen

OrionOrion = Klingon Academy Tholians/KA kitbashes and Hollis J. Wood's TNG Tholians (KA retextured). I want to keep the KA theme alive. They are allied with you most of the time I've been playing as a Fed player.

OrionSyndicate = Mirror Universe Imperials: ALL P81 EXPLORER/ODYSSEY variants and or kitbashed ships along with the D2 Exaclibur as the PCX. I figure the Imperials have more uniformity of design than the hodge-podge of Federation ships we are used to seeing. It works out great as a nice diversion when you fight as the Feds on the Romulan border...

OrionKorgath = A mix of SFB and other non-canon, mostly non FASA Klinks. I figure House Korgath pushes its resources to the maximum and uses older ship models as it does not have the resources of the entire Klingon Empire YET!

Prime Industries = A mix of non-canon, mostly non-FASA Roms. I figure this is really a radical offshoot of the Tal Shiar that, like House Korgath, is a threat to peace even though they don't have the resources of an entire empire behind them.

OrionWyldeFire: There location seems appropriate for TMP style Andromedans/kitbashes by Darkdrone.

I am considering using SkinMan's Leigons as the Beast Raiders cartel but his Sunspider makes an EXCELLENT replacement for the Astrominer....

I really want the new patch and a few more models before I'm ready to do more than this...


« Last Edit: June 28, 2003, 07:08:59 pm by Klingon Fanatic »

Chris Jones

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Race Breakdown
« Reply #54 on: June 28, 2003, 11:59:36 pm »
I'm still moving things around..

I'll go through the races and eras here when ready..

KF - that setup looks superb..

Here's my first draft of the races... taken from the aastrings.txt file
Since we are spannng all eras. I'm doubling up a bit. Doing Random skirmishes is quite interesting.

Lyran/Dominion (Dominion in Late/Advanced)
Hydran/Breen   (Breen in Late/Advanced - some Hydrans remain in Late)
Gorn/Borg  -- Gorn in TOS and TMP - Borg all eras (Thanks to Enterprise)
ISC - all eras
Mirak/Cardassian (Cardassian in Late/Advanced eras only)
Orion/Ferengi (These guys just naturally go together. The Ferengi will be avialable only in late and advanced eras.
Korgath/Duras (Two Klingon Houses combining resources)
Mirror Federation (Yes we'll have all eras here as well)
Tholians - all eras
Aliens  - all eras
Maquis  - fighters/light cruisers - I'm thinking there were renegade Feds in TOS and TMP
Kazon (need something here for early (TOS) and mid (TMP) eras..)
Camboro Pirates (all eras)

Feel free to comment.  

« Last Edit: June 29, 2003, 08:01:12 am by Chris Jones »


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Re: Race Breakdown
« Reply #55 on: June 29, 2003, 12:52:11 am »
what about engine doubling and pirates?

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Race Breakdown
« Reply #56 on: June 29, 2003, 06:34:03 am »

what about engine doubling and pirates?  

Normally, I use the Lyran slots for the Tholians. However, I have rediscovered Thulls' Lyrans and felt that there are enough Lyran players out there that would be upset if the Mirak simply conquered them.

Lyrans = A mix of Stock, kitbashes by Thulls and Sbloyd's Oceleot NCA

Mirak = A Mix of mostly stock models with Sbloyd's Mirak as well as the TNG Mirak by Hollis J. Wood and TheSkinman.

I wish Firesoul, that you would consider adding Tholians and Andromedans to your wonderful specfile. I would gladly use them.  At the present time I have not changed any stats on that specfile, only what model it points too. I have SFB style Tholian stats and Andromedan stats provided to me by other players I have playtested but not yet incorporated.

Here'e what I have so far:

Engine doubling for the Andromedans and Tholians. In the case of the Andromedans I don't see this as a big problem.

Power Absorption Panels, my thought is increase the Andromedans sheild strengths by increments of 25. A satellite ship that could pass for a 'Frigate' could have 25 points for each of its sheilds, a 'destroyer' 50 pts, a light cruiser '75' and up. If the Andros truly are the TOS 'Borg' of SFB then it should be worrisome to have them at your front door!

Naturally, if the Andros are in the OrionWyldefire Cartel slot their political tension would have to be changed so they hate everybody.

Andromedans have cloaking as there is NO displacement device. If the next patch fixes the cloak this will be a great help.

Andromedans have Heavy and Light TRBs.

Andromedan Satellite ships can be launched in a manner similar to how I've heard them described as being launched.

As it was pointed out to me, the end result is that you have SOMETHING like how a battle against the Andros would LOOK like even though we don't have all the proper tools.

I am open to suggestions.




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Re: Race Breakdown
« Reply #57 on: June 29, 2003, 01:31:29 pm »

I wish Firesoul, that you would consider adding Tholians and Andromedans to your wonderful specfile. I would gladly use them. At the present time I have not changed any stats on that specfile, only what model it points too. I have SFB style Tholian stats and Andromedan stats provided to me by other players I have playtested but not yet incorporated.

.. then it wouldn't be OP+ anymore. My shiplist is more of an enhancement of the stock OP shiplist than a mod. I felt it was very important to preserve everything the game already has in the very same style. It works very well because of that.

-- Luc

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Race Breakdown
« Reply #58 on: June 29, 2003, 01:51:46 pm »


I wish Firesoul, that you would consider adding Tholians and Andromedans to your wonderful specfile. I would gladly use them. At the present time I have not changed any stats on that specfile, only what model it points too. I have SFB style Tholian stats and Andromedan stats provided to me by other players I have playtested but not yet incorporated.

.. then it wouldn't be OP+ anymore. My shiplist is more of an enhancement of the stock OP shiplist than a mod. I felt it was very important to preserve everything the game already has in the very same style. It works very well because of that.

-- Luc  

I still fail to see how this wouldn't be an OP+ project Firesoul.  Your adding things and not taking anything away from Taldren.

What I'm talking about is using what is ALREADY in game to add the "missing" races most SFBers want anyway. We all know about the Andro displacement devices and Tholian webs not working but most of us fans of SFC could live with work arounds.  I compare this to Chris Jone's TNG Mods... That helped show Taldren that there was potential in a TNG offshoot of the SFC series(SFC3 *cough*).

I would ask that you consider doing the same with a "Galaxies at War" style spec file  as you have done so much to show what Taldren could have done with their OP game already. Galaxies at War would probably have incorporated a good chunk of Klingon Academy material (KA Tholians, Suv' Wlqeh et. al.) that Taldren left out and didn't bring over from KA to make a SFB style game. Besides we have most of the ship/base models you'd need from that game already....

At any rate Firesoul, your spec file is a joy to work with and I LOVE what you have done for the community.

Thank you.



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Re: Race Breakdown
« Reply #59 on: June 29, 2003, 02:16:01 pm »
It would indeed make it a very different project. Heck, let me be plain and clear..

OP+ contains additional official SFB ships for all the races that are found in SFC:OP. It will contain many fixes to other ships already included in the shiplist. No modification to those races will be made. This shiplist merely an enhanced version of the stock Taldren shiplist which came with the game.

.. There are many other races, such as Andros, Tholians, Wyn Fish Ships, Seltorians, Jindarians, the Frax simulator race, the Canadi'ens, the Megellanic Cloud races, Omega Sector, etc. However, none have a place in the plain shiplist OP+ is. The rules have been established for the given races already, and I follow them.

-- Luc