Topic: Call to Modelers  (Read 1207 times)

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Call to Modelers
« on: June 26, 2003, 12:00:39 am »
Hey guys, are any of you good modelers/texturers interested in joining the Millennium Project 2 team to help complete the MP2 mod for Star Trek Armada 2.  

Basically what my team is after are people who can create good low poly (800 - 1500) models and textures.  

We have half the mod complete but due to modeler shortages the project has slowed alot.  We currently need ships/stations for various Delta Quadrant races, Romulans, Dominion, and Cardassian.  You will be required to work with myself, and Deemon our lead modeler in recieiving tasks, advice etc.  All credit will be given where its due on all official mod documentation including the website.  

For referene of the type of quality we are after or close to, you can view Deemons ships   here and here

If you are interested in anyway or want more information please contact me via msn: or ICQ: 32444555
