The piece of the action skirmish missions are in some sort of bounus pack that was released shortly after OP's release; You'll have to download and install the bonus pack. I'm pretty sure the missions based on the monsterously large ganster ship was less than 26, more like 4 or something.
There are a series of pirate Dynaverse2 campaign missions which might total to 26, but as I play fed rather than pirate I don't know the score on that one.
The origional EAW missions weren't included on OP, but Nuclearwessels I hear made a conversion so that they could be played on OP.
I'm pretty sure that Firesoul's got a link to Nuclearwessel's missionpacks and the EAW missionpack conversions, but i'm not sure if Firesoul's got the bonus skirmish packs (the Ganster Monster Ship pack). It'd be nice if he linked to, as I can't find a working link of the bonus fed skirmish packs myself.
FIresoul also made an extensive shiplist addition, OP+, as you've no doubt seen chatted about on the forums by now. Get it, it's fun.

Edit: Err, whoops, found that 'bonus.exe' on firesoul's site. I should get it too, fighting the monster ganster ship's quite... amusing.