Topic: Q for Emerald Edge...  (Read 2894 times)

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Q for Emerald Edge...
« on: January 30, 2003, 08:44:39 pm »
E.E., (not EE) I'm curious about something you posted a while ago.

IIRC, you mentioned that you thought Taldren had backtracked on the whole "releasing numbers" thing, and might someday actually release them?

Was that a first-hand conversation?  Why do you think they may have changed their minds?

 I'm curious if there actually *is* an official stance change by Taldern on this.  



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Re: Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2003, 10:13:28 pm »
I wouldn't bet on it. It's been several months and personally I don't think they want to hear the possible onslaught it may bring with people claiming one race is superior to another, etc.


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Re: Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2003, 10:43:03 pm »
There was a post in the old forums by Erik Bethke, the CEO of Taldren, that stated that holding back the information was in fact a mistake, and he had given David Ferrell the OK to start compiling the information and releasing it.

As for the actual fruit of that announcement, I think you could probably lay a great deal of validity on Aldaron's statement.  


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Re: Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2003, 11:18:08 pm »

I wouldn't bet on it. It's been several months and personally I don't think they want to hear the possible onslaught it may bring with people claiming one race is superior to another, etc.  

Only one race is superior--the Klingon race. Any other race would *need* the help of trickery to match the might, skill, and military wisdom of the Klingon warrior in battle.

And now that the flatheads have stolen the "vollyinfo" machine...  


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Re: Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2003, 11:28:38 pm »

I wouldn't bet on it. It's been several months and personally I don't think they want to hear the possible onslaught it may bring with people claiming one race is superior to another, etc.  

Like this isn't already happening?  I think the difference would be that if it were true, the people complaining would have some evidence to support the claims.   As things are now, they can claim the numbers are far to complex and wouldn't be of any use, in addition to any claims of imbalance can be tossed off because it's a matter of player feel, and they have nothing to support their claims of imbalance.

I'm not saying an imbalance is present.  There may be, I'm just not sayin' it (things are way too touchy around here lately)  The point being we were told that it was a mistake to hold them back, and that they should start to materialize.  They haven't.  If they aren't going to, they should at least say so publicly, and hopefully give justification for the action (or lack there of), otherwise even more players are going to feel lied to, or misled, which is not conducive to keeping a large and happy fan base.  


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Re: Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2003, 11:31:09 pm »

And now that the flatheads have stolen the "vollyinfo" machine...  

You mean  this one?

But seriously, I wonder what has happened to that initiative?
Would it be released after the Patch? (which is likely to change quite a few info...)

Mr Ferrell?


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Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2003, 08:44:39 pm »
E.E., (not EE) I'm curious about something you posted a while ago.

IIRC, you mentioned that you thought Taldren had backtracked on the whole "releasing numbers" thing, and might someday actually release them?

Was that a first-hand conversation?  Why do you think they may have changed their minds?

 I'm curious if there actually *is* an official stance change by Taldern on this.  



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Re: Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2003, 10:13:28 pm »
I wouldn't bet on it. It's been several months and personally I don't think they want to hear the possible onslaught it may bring with people claiming one race is superior to another, etc.


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Re: Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2003, 10:43:03 pm »
There was a post in the old forums by Erik Bethke, the CEO of Taldren, that stated that holding back the information was in fact a mistake, and he had given David Ferrell the OK to start compiling the information and releasing it.

As for the actual fruit of that announcement, I think you could probably lay a great deal of validity on Aldaron's statement.  


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Re: Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2003, 11:18:08 pm »

I wouldn't bet on it. It's been several months and personally I don't think they want to hear the possible onslaught it may bring with people claiming one race is superior to another, etc.  

Only one race is superior--the Klingon race. Any other race would *need* the help of trickery to match the might, skill, and military wisdom of the Klingon warrior in battle.

And now that the flatheads have stolen the "vollyinfo" machine...  


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Re: Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2003, 11:28:38 pm »

I wouldn't bet on it. It's been several months and personally I don't think they want to hear the possible onslaught it may bring with people claiming one race is superior to another, etc.  

Like this isn't already happening?  I think the difference would be that if it were true, the people complaining would have some evidence to support the claims.   As things are now, they can claim the numbers are far to complex and wouldn't be of any use, in addition to any claims of imbalance can be tossed off because it's a matter of player feel, and they have nothing to support their claims of imbalance.

I'm not saying an imbalance is present.  There may be, I'm just not sayin' it (things are way too touchy around here lately)  The point being we were told that it was a mistake to hold them back, and that they should start to materialize.  They haven't.  If they aren't going to, they should at least say so publicly, and hopefully give justification for the action (or lack there of), otherwise even more players are going to feel lied to, or misled, which is not conducive to keeping a large and happy fan base.  


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Re: Q for Emerald Edge...
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2003, 11:31:09 pm »

And now that the flatheads have stolen the "vollyinfo" machine...  

You mean  this one?

But seriously, I wonder what has happened to that initiative?
Would it be released after the Patch? (which is likely to change quite a few info...)

Mr Ferrell?