Topic: Taldren Please Answer  (Read 3507 times)

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FEDX-Master Zen

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Taldren Please Answer
« on: February 06, 2003, 11:53:11 pm »
Hello Taldren. I just have a couple of questions that i was wondering if you could answer

Why did you limit the game so much. Is it so you can make more money on an expansion Pack?

Why didn't you release a demo for sfc3? was it because you knew people wouldn't buy it once word got out? Or Was it because of the limited race and weapon selection that you coudln't make a demo?

Is there any future plans for an expansion Pack, or will it be a stand alone like sfc:op? and if there is an expansion pack will there be a demo so we can see if the game is worth buying or not?

Will Taldren ever think about adding Micro managment into any future SFC Games (expansion pack, SFC4, Ect)?

As you know Chris Jones made a TNG Mod and Dominion Mod for sfc3. It might  just be me, but in my eye's i think this is the way the game should of been sold. There are more ships plus 3 more playable races. Why didn't taldren add these things to the game from the start....i guess that goes along with my question above(why did you limit the game so much)

Is there anyway to take a look at chris jones TNG Mod and Dominion Mod and make it an official add-on to sfc3?

Is there anyway to look at a few ST:TNG/DS9/Voyager website and think about adding weapons to sfc3 or future versions?

The reason why i ask these questions taldren is because I have bought every single game that taldren has ever put out, since sfc1. And it feels like you are just releasing games to make ends meet. But since i have helped supported Taldren by buying your games instead of downloading them from P2P servers like most do, then i should be entiltled to a few question.

Master Zen

Credo Narth

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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2003, 03:12:11 am »

I certainly think that Taldren cares more about their quality of work than Master Zen does, but it does indeed beggar the question... SFC3 is but an evolutionary step ahead from EAW. How come it's not as good, then?

Who are the beta testers who tested this game anyway? Didn't they turn around and say, hey, this aint so good as the last one. Let's see what we can modify. Nope... I think that Chris Jones should be made Chief Creative and Gaming Officer and be put on the Taldren board. The game's much better for his help.


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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2003, 04:00:12 am »
Credo, that's one hell of an assumption to make about what advice the beta testers might have passed or not passed onto Taldren . I would give the testers a hell of a lot more credit than that. Remember, they test, point out things they find then it is up to the developer and publisher to act on those finding. If the dev/publisher opt to do that, then it ain't the fault of the testers.


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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2003, 05:34:13 am »

Who are the beta testers who tested this game anyway? Didn't they turn around and say, hey, this aint so good as the last one. Let's see what we can modify. Nope... I think that Chris Jones should be made Chief Creative and Gaming Officer and be put on the Taldren board. The game's much better for his help.

You forget, there is this little thing known as a NDA that keeps beta testers from giving any details in the area of testing the game.   I could tell you more, but well, I can't.

I agree, Chris Jones contributions in the mods adds greatly to the game!

FEDX-Master Zen

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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2003, 12:56:23 pm »
To be honest this post isnt' about the beta testers. I don't really care about them. they just test bugs and crap. Its the freakin programmers that worry me. Why does it take someone outside of taldren to create a patch/mod to make a game they created better. Maybe Taldren should hire new programers. one's with a little creativity.    

P.S. Looks like taldren can't answer any of these questions!  


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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2003, 01:04:14 pm »
the answer to all of your questions above can simply be budget budget budget time budget, publisher activision. time constraint, budget.

they have a budget with which to operate in...way back when sfc3 was announced and everyone wondered why it was tng, taldren, because TOS license could not be developed under any longer (interplay's 10 yr period ran out) so now soon activision would have it but didnt have it yet, so they had to do what license activision had, because they wanted to do a trek game, so activision could be the only publisher, they submitted there proposal and activision apparantly liked the idea, mostly i think they liked the short development time too. taldren said it was either sink or swim, without the contract to develop sfc3 they would be out of money no business, because they were looking now for a publisher.

so there are many things they couldnt do with probably a low budget and low time allotted to them. not because they want to.

budget and time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cruis.In »

David Ferrell

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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2003, 01:38:34 pm »
Cruis.In is pretty much right-on.

SFC3 is the game that we were contracted to make with Activision.

As in any other business, Taldren and Activision sat down and came up with a list of items
that Taldren would deliver and at the price Activision would pay.

Chris Jones compilies others work and releases a pack.  Many talented artists freely contribute
their work (which is not under budget, Paramount or poly contraints) to his compilations, this puts
them at a certain advantadge.



SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2003, 03:12:44 pm »

Taldren and Activision sat down and came up with a list of items
that Taldren would deliver and at the price Activision would pay.

As a vendor for the Auto industry, I can relate. When we work directly for a plant, we can tailor our systems to exactly what they are willing to pay for. We usually end up delivering a system that were proud to point to, and say "I did that "When we're tier 2, things get a bit hairy. We can only sell the plant what our customer thinks they need and are willing to pay both us and them for. When we're tier 3, I just want to get the job over with, because it ends up being what everyone agreed on, but no one wanted.

Erik had talked about the possibility of Taldren doing a title self-published. Is that something that's still being considered?


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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2003, 09:01:40 pm »
in the end it will come down to profit made on sfc. if activision that sfc3 has made a significant return than the budget it was given, and didn't just break even, they might think another venture worthwhile.

then the descision would be to make it a big venture...go all out...big budget? big game...something more to the online persistent universe? sfc certainly has the tactical side of it, just needs a few more niches, a properly coded persistent universe, and viola...but anything persistent means big budget and long time development from the get go.

i think we can be happy, along with Taldren that their game exceeded its original expectation, in that when sfc1 came out, truly as much as i can remember, it really broke the curse, it was a good star trek game, and well received by fans and critics alike. and it spawned...1, 2, 3 other products. I think they can be happy with that. whether or not they are content to end it there is another story. I would suspect that if the person driving taldren still has a dream he doesn't think he's accomplished, he'll ago again, provided the means are there.

at the programmer for the MMOG Darkspace, cant remember his name, brilliantly guy. did darkspace for a couple years before he secured the publisher he has now. it was persistent from the get go, had his servers running it, but that was within his means.

i hope for an sfc4, or another addition to the series, but it would have to be drastically different from just a story based mission campagne. it would need more involvement, and that comes through multiplayer...

i think taldren really tried with the d3, and with the resources they had, (time, budget) they almost pulled it off to be perfect by a fun factor standard.

so maybe bill gates is a trek fan and he likes sfc series, and he wants another game, he'll call taldren, taldren will say, well ya know we kinda tired of sfc now, bill makes his offer, they!

FEDX-Master Zen

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Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2003, 11:53:11 pm »
Hello Taldren. I just have a couple of questions that i was wondering if you could answer

Why did you limit the game so much. Is it so you can make more money on an expansion Pack?

Why didn't you release a demo for sfc3? was it because you knew people wouldn't buy it once word got out? Or Was it because of the limited race and weapon selection that you coudln't make a demo?

Is there any future plans for an expansion Pack, or will it be a stand alone like sfc:op? and if there is an expansion pack will there be a demo so we can see if the game is worth buying or not?

Will Taldren ever think about adding Micro managment into any future SFC Games (expansion pack, SFC4, Ect)?

As you know Chris Jones made a TNG Mod and Dominion Mod for sfc3. It might  just be me, but in my eye's i think this is the way the game should of been sold. There are more ships plus 3 more playable races. Why didn't taldren add these things to the game from the start....i guess that goes along with my question above(why did you limit the game so much)

Is there anyway to take a look at chris jones TNG Mod and Dominion Mod and make it an official add-on to sfc3?

Is there anyway to look at a few ST:TNG/DS9/Voyager website and think about adding weapons to sfc3 or future versions?

The reason why i ask these questions taldren is because I have bought every single game that taldren has ever put out, since sfc1. And it feels like you are just releasing games to make ends meet. But since i have helped supported Taldren by buying your games instead of downloading them from P2P servers like most do, then i should be entiltled to a few question.

Master Zen

Credo Narth

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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2003, 03:12:11 am »

I certainly think that Taldren cares more about their quality of work than Master Zen does, but it does indeed beggar the question... SFC3 is but an evolutionary step ahead from EAW. How come it's not as good, then?

Who are the beta testers who tested this game anyway? Didn't they turn around and say, hey, this aint so good as the last one. Let's see what we can modify. Nope... I think that Chris Jones should be made Chief Creative and Gaming Officer and be put on the Taldren board. The game's much better for his help.


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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2003, 04:00:12 am »
Credo, that's one hell of an assumption to make about what advice the beta testers might have passed or not passed onto Taldren . I would give the testers a hell of a lot more credit than that. Remember, they test, point out things they find then it is up to the developer and publisher to act on those finding. If the dev/publisher opt to do that, then it ain't the fault of the testers.


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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2003, 05:34:13 am »

Who are the beta testers who tested this game anyway? Didn't they turn around and say, hey, this aint so good as the last one. Let's see what we can modify. Nope... I think that Chris Jones should be made Chief Creative and Gaming Officer and be put on the Taldren board. The game's much better for his help.

You forget, there is this little thing known as a NDA that keeps beta testers from giving any details in the area of testing the game.   I could tell you more, but well, I can't.

I agree, Chris Jones contributions in the mods adds greatly to the game!

FEDX-Master Zen

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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2003, 12:56:23 pm »
To be honest this post isnt' about the beta testers. I don't really care about them. they just test bugs and crap. Its the freakin programmers that worry me. Why does it take someone outside of taldren to create a patch/mod to make a game they created better. Maybe Taldren should hire new programers. one's with a little creativity.    

P.S. Looks like taldren can't answer any of these questions!  


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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2003, 01:04:14 pm »
the answer to all of your questions above can simply be budget budget budget time budget, publisher activision. time constraint, budget.

they have a budget with which to operate in...way back when sfc3 was announced and everyone wondered why it was tng, taldren, because TOS license could not be developed under any longer (interplay's 10 yr period ran out) so now soon activision would have it but didnt have it yet, so they had to do what license activision had, because they wanted to do a trek game, so activision could be the only publisher, they submitted there proposal and activision apparantly liked the idea, mostly i think they liked the short development time too. taldren said it was either sink or swim, without the contract to develop sfc3 they would be out of money no business, because they were looking now for a publisher.

so there are many things they couldnt do with probably a low budget and low time allotted to them. not because they want to.

budget and time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cruis.In »

David Ferrell

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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2003, 01:38:34 pm »
Cruis.In is pretty much right-on.

SFC3 is the game that we were contracted to make with Activision.

As in any other business, Taldren and Activision sat down and came up with a list of items
that Taldren would deliver and at the price Activision would pay.

Chris Jones compilies others work and releases a pack.  Many talented artists freely contribute
their work (which is not under budget, Paramount or poly contraints) to his compilations, this puts
them at a certain advantadge.



SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2003, 03:12:44 pm »

Taldren and Activision sat down and came up with a list of items
that Taldren would deliver and at the price Activision would pay.

As a vendor for the Auto industry, I can relate. When we work directly for a plant, we can tailor our systems to exactly what they are willing to pay for. We usually end up delivering a system that were proud to point to, and say "I did that "When we're tier 2, things get a bit hairy. We can only sell the plant what our customer thinks they need and are willing to pay both us and them for. When we're tier 3, I just want to get the job over with, because it ends up being what everyone agreed on, but no one wanted.

Erik had talked about the possibility of Taldren doing a title self-published. Is that something that's still being considered?


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Re: Taldren Please Answer
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2003, 09:01:40 pm »
in the end it will come down to profit made on sfc. if activision that sfc3 has made a significant return than the budget it was given, and didn't just break even, they might think another venture worthwhile.

then the descision would be to make it a big venture...go all out...big budget? big game...something more to the online persistent universe? sfc certainly has the tactical side of it, just needs a few more niches, a properly coded persistent universe, and viola...but anything persistent means big budget and long time development from the get go.

i think we can be happy, along with Taldren that their game exceeded its original expectation, in that when sfc1 came out, truly as much as i can remember, it really broke the curse, it was a good star trek game, and well received by fans and critics alike. and it spawned...1, 2, 3 other products. I think they can be happy with that. whether or not they are content to end it there is another story. I would suspect that if the person driving taldren still has a dream he doesn't think he's accomplished, he'll ago again, provided the means are there.

at the programmer for the MMOG Darkspace, cant remember his name, brilliantly guy. did darkspace for a couple years before he secured the publisher he has now. it was persistent from the get go, had his servers running it, but that was within his means.

i hope for an sfc4, or another addition to the series, but it would have to be drastically different from just a story based mission campagne. it would need more involvement, and that comes through multiplayer...

i think taldren really tried with the d3, and with the resources they had, (time, budget) they almost pulled it off to be perfect by a fun factor standard.

so maybe bill gates is a trek fan and he likes sfc series, and he wants another game, he'll call taldren, taldren will say, well ya know we kinda tired of sfc now, bill makes his offer, they!