I must honestly say that I don't know how long a turn is in these games. Clearly a turn was however long it took you to make your move in the board games, but these are computer games with a mission time counter, so it's a little different, and I never got the manuals with my copies of SFC1, SFC2EAW, or SFC2OP. They're second hand. And of course Interplay has stopped putting the manuals in something like PDF format on its game discs. THey used to have the whole manual there. Like on the Star Trek 25th Anniversary game or in Star Trek Judgement rites. When I had lost my manual to one of those and I needed the starmap, I just used a couple screen captures of the electronic version of the manual, edited them together, and negativized the color so I wouldn't waste phenomenal amounts of black ink. But, like I said, they seem to have stopped putting manuals on their game discs, which I find disappointing.
All I know is that the mission took me about 40 minutes total with the game speed at real time, so far as I know.(I helped the freighters by getting in behind them, locking on a tractor beam, and then giving them a push at full impulse so they wouldn't just put along at half impulse.) I requested the additional cruiser after the first transport was heading outsystem, and even by the time the last freighter had left the system, it still wasn't there. And I know that when you still have two allied ships, it tells you, "Fleet Command doesn't want to send more than two cruisers at a time into a hot zone." But I had lost one of them and the Comm officer reported, "Additional cruiser on its way," or something to that effect. So I don't know what was going on. I downloaded the updated mission from your site after I noticed the error where no transport never arrived. Should I download the complete updated mission pack and install instead?
Oh, one other thing I noticed, it wouldn't let me get my full missile loadout with the additional missiles for my x3 MIRV launcher until after completing that mission. Held the missile loadout down at 60 Max until after I'd beaten it, and then I was able to get the full 90 missile maximum loadout that the Z-XDG can carry. I don't know what was going on with that. It might be related to the other problem, and it might be completely unrelated.
P.S. If you could give me the name of the IRC server you use to be able to chat in D2 even without being logged into it via the game, I'd appreciate that. Thanks.