Topic: FtrsPFs mod OP Update!  (Read 1160 times)

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Rod O'neal

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FtrsPFs mod OP Update!
« on: June 23, 2003, 07:45:49 pm »
I assumed since you couldn't fly the added races tenders and carriers in single player campaigns in EAW that you couldn't in OP either. (I had tried EAW, but hadn't actually tried OP. My bad ) Well, I was just playing with the mod in OP and when I selected a Fed w/PFs it worked! The only problem is you can't change out the PFs in supply dock. This isn't a huge prob though, since I use the "normal" SFB loadout for fighters and PFs in the mod, not the basic fighters and interceptors. At least you get decent loadouts standard. Now, I haven't actually tried any of the PF races carriers yet! I'm going to go and play a Rom campaign and find out for sure if the carriers work as well. If anyone else has already tried it, and knows, post a reply and let me know, please.    

Rod O'neal

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FtrsPFs mod OP Update!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2003, 07:45:49 pm »
I assumed since you couldn't fly the added races tenders and carriers in single player campaigns in EAW that you couldn't in OP either. (I had tried EAW, but hadn't actually tried OP. My bad ) Well, I was just playing with the mod in OP and when I selected a Fed w/PFs it worked! The only problem is you can't change out the PFs in supply dock. This isn't a huge prob though, since I use the "normal" SFB loadout for fighters and PFs in the mod, not the basic fighters and interceptors. At least you get decent loadouts standard. Now, I haven't actually tried any of the PF races carriers yet! I'm going to go and play a Rom campaign and find out for sure if the carriers work as well. If anyone else has already tried it, and knows, post a reply and let me know, please.