believe it or not James,
I started modelled to give back to this community...When I first joined the community about alittle over two years
I entered the Enterprise F competition by Chris Johnson I designed the Soulwolf class and have to commission
Cleeve to model her...Since then I have Designed Tons of starships..Made Numerous Friends, to whom I owe
My thanks(SO THANKS

)and respect..I have done a good amount of Joint collaborations...and Have started to 3D
Model for myself.....To me ALL my 2D and 3D designs(star trek or other scifi...or just anything) Are for this community
Anyone who knows me, knows that whenever I design/model something It will get destributed to this community
So thanks to ALL the Modellers who came before who laid down the fondation and paved the way
Thanks Greatly to those who have Helped everyone and myself
Thanks to all who have supported me
Thanks to All the Kindred Sentients who have given me inspiration whenever I have needed a new Idea
And a Very Special Thanks to ALL Kitbashers out their(you know who you are)...If anyone "group" of people have influenced me the most it has been you guys...You may have taken connie parts and merged them with Galaxy parts to come up with sometimes very bizzare, crazy, Farfetched, Cool, but always and ultimately Beautiful concepts which have out of everything else Have been my greatest form of inspiration