Topic: Need help posting pics on the message board...  (Read 1115 times)

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Need help posting pics on the message board...
« on: June 21, 2003, 10:03:24 pm »
Ok guys, I'm about to release my first pic of my first ever SFC model, but I need help.  I've never posted images on a message board before and I would like to show off my latest creation to the SFC public.

Also, anyone willing to host them?  I don't know enough about web editing to make my own web page but I would like to release it to the community.  If someone wanted to host my models I would be grateful.  Since my models are based off of the SFB universe, do you guys think Ghoast would not mind hosting my models?  I haven't seen him here in a loooooonnnng time.

James Formo

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Re: Need help posting pics on the message board...
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2003, 10:16:14 pm »
You can host 10 pics for free at    

That is what I use.  As far as posting em. Once there hosted somewhere, all you do is cut the web link to the pic. Then click on image tag in a post and paste your link in.  Watch that you don't get http:// listed twice at the beginning of the link.