
Topic: ATTN: Firesoul, 1 bug left in Battle at the Grave of Thought for OP  (Read 3882 times)

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While your fix on the bug in calling for a transport and it never comming works beautifully, did you ever think to check to see if the same bug might be is the call for another cruiser? Because it is. I just finished that mission using the updated script for it, and, when one of my allied cruisers got toasted by a dust cloud because I called it to get it to come out of the asteroids, I called for a new cruiser even though I didn't need one because my AI allies and I had already handled all resistance in the system. It never came. All three transports that I needed came. But no replacement cruiser. You might want to fix that. Just in case someone actually does need reinforcements on that mission.



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Re: ATTN: Firesoul, 1 bug left in Battle at the Grave of Thought for OP
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2003, 01:42:54 pm »
The allied cruiser came in each and every test I made in that script, previously.

Stupid question: What shiplist and what race were you using?

-- Luc


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Re: ATTN: Firesoul, 1 bug left in Battle at the Grave of Thought for OP
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2003, 04:33:42 pm »
That's not a stupid question. It was stupid of me not to include that info in my initial post. I'm flying as the Mirak using an XDG from the OP+ v2.1c(as released this past May 3rd, if I'm interpereting your filename scheme correctly). I find that I much prefer the OP+ shiplist. (Heck I once made my own mod ship for SFC1 and EAW. I ended up calling it a BBH. It was a federation heavy battleship. But I think I overdid it. There was nothing that could match that ship. Except in the the mirror match with you vs your MU dopplganger.)

Note: I did still have one other allied ship with me, but I don't think that should have affected it because my comm officer reported that the reinforcing cruiser was on its way.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CaptJosh »


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Re: ATTN: Firesoul, 1 bug left in Battle at the Grave of Thought for OP
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2003, 04:42:52 pm »
did the mission end before a full turn passed?, or there were simply no ships to come after more than 1 turn?

The first reinforcement ship should have been a Z-BCH, the second a Z-BC.


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Re: ATTN: Firesoul, 1 bug left in Battle at the Grave of Thought for OP
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2003, 12:22:14 am »
I must honestly say that I don't know how long a turn is in these games. Clearly a turn was however long it took you to make your move in the board games, but these are computer games with a mission time counter, so it's a little different, and I never got the manuals with my copies of SFC1, SFC2EAW, or SFC2OP. They're second hand. And of course Interplay has stopped putting the manuals in something like PDF format on its game discs. THey used to have the whole manual there. Like on the Star Trek 25th Anniversary game or in Star Trek Judgement rites. When I had lost my manual to one of those and I needed the starmap, I just used a couple screen captures of the electronic version of the manual, edited them together, and negativized the color so I wouldn't waste phenomenal amounts of black ink. But, like I said, they seem to have stopped putting manuals on their game discs, which I find disappointing.

All I know is that the mission took me about 40 minutes total with the game speed at real time, so far as I know.(I helped the freighters by getting in behind them, locking on a tractor beam, and then giving them a push at full impulse so they wouldn't just put along at half impulse.) I requested the additional cruiser after the first transport was heading outsystem, and even by the time the last freighter had left the system, it still wasn't there. And I know that when you still have two allied ships, it tells you, "Fleet Command doesn't want to send more than two cruisers at a time into a hot zone." But I had lost one of them and the Comm officer reported, "Additional cruiser on its way," or something to that effect. So I don't know what was going on. I downloaded the updated mission from your site after I noticed the error where no transport never arrived. Should I download the complete updated mission pack and install instead?

Oh, one other thing I noticed, it wouldn't let me get my full missile loadout with the additional missiles for my x3 MIRV launcher until after completing that mission. Held the missile loadout down at 60 Max until after I'd beaten it, and then I was able to get the full 90 missile maximum loadout that the Z-XDG can carry. I don't know what was going on with that. It might be related to the other problem, and it might be completely unrelated.


P.S. If you could give me the name of the IRC server you use to be able to chat in D2 even without being logged into it via the game, I'd appreciate that. Thanks.  


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Re: ATTN: Firesoul, 1 bug left in Battle at the Grave of Thought for OP
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2003, 10:16:24 pm »
I think the individual mission .SCR file on the site is the same one from the .ZIP. If you want, go ahead and download the full of it, since the .ZIP would have the most updated mission anyways.

Btw: .. a turn at speed 8 is about 30 seconds.


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Re: ATTN: Firesoul, 1 bug left in Battle at the Grave of Thought for OP
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2003, 01:36:42 am »
I'll go download the complete update to make absolutely sure I have the latest versions of all the missions.

Thanks for the turn info, but I so rarely operate at speeds below 10. I don't suppose anyone's ever compiled the manual into a PDF file? *looks hopeful*

BTW, could you please PM me the info on the IRC server that D2 connects game servers to for the chat function, because I haven't seen any servers that I can join recently. There's only one I've seen, SFB OP, but I don't have the right shiplist for it apparently. I want to get to the IRC server and find out what list they're using and if the server is free for all to join. The only way I can see to do that is to get on the IRC server and track down the room.



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Re: ATTN: Firesoul, 1 bug left in Battle at the Grave of Thought for OP
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2003, 01:54:27 am »
That server's probably using the GSA chat.. and GSA doesn't allow using IRC, on penalty of ban.
.. seriously.. to avoid abuse, I try to let discover where the IRC server by themselves. There are ways in windows to detect what you're currently conencted to, by example. *hint*


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Re: ATTN: Firesoul, 1 bug left in Battle at the Grave of Thought for OP
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2003, 10:31:14 am »

Thanks for the turn info, but I so rarely operate at speeds below 10. I don't suppose anyone's ever compiled the manual into a PDF file? *looks hopeful*

A disruptor loads in 1 turn, so will a phaser cycle through.
Look at the timer at the top right of the screen, shoot, and look again when ready to fire again. There's your turn at speed [##].


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Re: ATTN: Firesoul, 1 bug left in Battle at the Grave of Thought for OP
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2003, 04:15:43 pm »
But if you engage your battery system, your phasers charge faster for some reason, regardless of whether anything's actually draining the batteries. I don't know why it works, I just know it does. I've watched it work. I don't think it affects disruptors, though. I haven't paid much attention to them. I don't much care for disruptors because they have a holding cost, and most times I'd rather be using that energy to be moving faster.


