...and much to my disappointment this game has apparently not improved in the 3 or 4 months since my last post.
I look over the forums and see the same problems, same complaints, there's no sign of a patch. Currently I am playing Shadowbane which is a little buggy, on their forums people are going crazy about how unstable the game is, I just laugh and think "these people have obviously never played SFC3 -- then they would know REAL frustration."

That game runs like a 2003 Honda compared to this 1982 Chrysler of a game... fine Corinthian leather notwithstanding.
I really love this game but judging from the posts I'm reading here, nothing has changed for months. I've been getting my fix playing EAW. I can't say I miss the maddening unreliablity of SFC3 at all. I have to say this is the most disappointing game I have ever purchased in terms of expectations:reality. After taking a break from the game for a few months and "stepping back" from it all, it is glaringly obvious that this game is somewhere in the far reaches of the remote galaxy in terms of priority to the developers, and that the only reason anyone plays it anymore is because of the efforts of individual players.
Before I came back to the forum, I actually reinstalled the game on my system and was thinking of giving it another shot, could anyone direct me to the latest mod of choice? I have a clean install, haven't even done the DX9 patch or the beta patch yet (if it's even still available.)
Hi to a few names I remember: SghnDubh, Tulmahk, Suleo, Azraeal, Fluf, Queball, Korah... many others but it's been a while you know.
Maybe I'll see you guys online sometime soon, maybe not... anyway gl/gh <S> etc. etc.