Topic: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...  (Read 2956 times)

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Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« on: June 19, 2003, 09:12:55 pm »
...and much to my disappointment this game has apparently not improved in the 3 or 4 months since my last post.

I look over the forums and see the same problems, same complaints, there's no sign of a patch.  Currently I am playing Shadowbane which is a little buggy, on their forums people are going crazy about how unstable the game is, I just laugh and think "these people have obviously never played SFC3 -- then they would know REAL frustration."  That game runs like a 2003 Honda compared to this 1982 Chrysler of a game... fine Corinthian leather notwithstanding.

I really love this game but judging from the posts I'm reading here, nothing has changed for months.  I've been getting my fix playing EAW.  I can't say I miss the maddening unreliablity of SFC3 at all.  I have to say this is the most disappointing game I have ever purchased in terms of expectations:reality.  After taking a break from the game for a few months and "stepping back" from it all, it is glaringly obvious that this game is somewhere in the far reaches of the remote galaxy in terms of priority to the developers, and that the only reason anyone plays it anymore is because of the efforts of individual players.

Before I came back to the forum, I actually reinstalled the game on my system and was thinking of giving it another shot, could anyone direct me to the latest mod of choice?  I have a clean install, haven't even done the DX9 patch or the beta patch yet (if it's even still available.)

Hi to a few names I remember: SghnDubh, Tulmahk, Suleo, Azraeal, Fluf, Queball, Korah... many others but it's been a while you know.

Maybe I'll see you guys online sometime soon, maybe not... anyway gl/gh <S> etc. etc.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SirWilliam »

Mentat Jon

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Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2003, 10:10:42 pm »

...and much to my disappointment this game has apparently not improved in the 3 or 4 months since my last post.

I look over the forums and see the same problems, same complaints, there's no sign of a patch.  Currently I am playing Shadowbane which is a little buggy, on their forums people are going crazy about how unstable the game is, I just laugh and think "these people have obviously never played SFC3 -- then they would know REAL frustration."  That game runs like a 2003 Honda compared to this 1982 Chrysler of a game... fine Corinthian leather notwithstanding.

I really love this game but judging from the posts I'm reading here, nothing has changed for months.  I've been getting my fix playing EAW.  I can't say I miss the maddening unreliablity of SFC3 at all.  I have to say this is the most disappointing game I have ever purchased in terms of expectations:reality.  After taking a break from the game for a few months and "stepping back" from it all, it is glaringly obvious that this game is somewhere in the far reaches of the remote galaxy in terms of priority to the developers, and that the only reason anyone plays it anymore is because of the efforts of individual players.

Before I came back to the forum, I actually reinstalled the game on my system and was thinking of giving it another shot, could anyone direct me to the latest mod of choice?  I have a clean install, haven't even done the DX9 patch or the beta patch yet (if it's even still available.)

Hi to a few names I remember: SghnDubh, Tulmahk, Suleo, Azraeal, Fluf, Queball, Korah... many others but it's been a while you know.

Maybe I'll see you guys online sometime soon, maybe not... anyway gl/gh <S> etc. etc.


hey where ya been ya salty dog!!  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2003, 01:24:52 am »
Try out the TNZ mod from and see if you feel any better. Also, Taldren has posted in the news somewhere that they have not stopped working on a final patch, so if we can hang on, it will get here eventually.

Nice to see you around here again.  


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Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2003, 01:36:43 am »
  Shadowbane IS fun. But come on, the Beta Patch fixes the vast majority of problems.

And SHADOWBANE is plenty buggy! I've run halfway across the map just to end up back where I started via lag spike! I've been instantly killed via lag spike! I've lost con to server and come back at level 1!

I know, I know, I still play the damned thing. Bloody great game.

SFC is no worse than shadowbane, believe me.

Get TNZ! It owns!


Dark Jedi

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Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2003, 02:03:27 am »

 Shadowbane IS fun. But come on, the Beta Patch fixes the vast majority of problems.

Maybe if you play on line but I believe that we where told that this game was not a on-line only game!

This game is virtually unplayable in single player campaign mode since the time stops all the time. There are loads of other very irritating bugs that you find withing 10 minutes of playing whiich makes me wonder if the single player aspect was ever tested at all.

The state of this game is VERY saddening and now when I hear that we are going to have to wait MOST PART OF THE SUMMER to get a (hopefully) working version of the game I quite frankly feel f-cked.


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Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2003, 03:43:25 am »

  Shadowbane IS fun. But come on, the Beta Patch fixes the vast majority of problems.

And SHADOWBANE is plenty buggy! I've run halfway across the map just to end up back where I started via lag spike! I've been instantly killed via lag spike! I've lost con to server and come back at level 1!

I know, I know, I still play the damned thing. Bloody great game.

SFC is no worse than shadowbane, believe me.

Get TNZ! It owns!


This is true - when I got the game when it was first released it was buggy but I knew from the looks of Taldrens "community work - dynaverse administrator postings" - that it would be fixed. The beta patch has fixed most of the errors - their are some errors mainly with mission scripting or when people have changed important files using hex editors and the likes - there are still some errors left in the game itself... but they released a beta patch - they said they'd release a final patch too...

Also, if it was so buggy, why would we still be playing it? --- bugs fixed.  


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Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2003, 03:26:01 pm »
SirWilliam, sir!

Your punishment for being away for so long will be to Kiss the Gunner's Daughter!  You will Kiss the Gunner's Daughter, sir!  Don't make me throw your breadfruits overboard, and be glad I don't assign you to captain a fire ship!

As to mods, you know TNZ is still #1.  It's even more #1 than it was last you saw.  But DON'T install the DirectX 9 patch OR the movie patch!  Apply only the Beta patch, otherwise it will cause stability problems.

It is good to see a gentleman warrior such as yourself around here again.  Hope to see you online!  


  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2003, 05:36:44 pm »
Ha, would be worth getting back in to the game just for the personalities on the forum.  And how could I have forgotten to send a greeting to Mentat, heh, a very memorable character indeed.

OK the gunner's daugher has been duly kissed, Tulmahk, and my backside is smarting.  Perhaps over the weekend I will give this game another shot.

In the meantime, beat to quarters and clear for action!  Federation cruisers sighted on the starboard quarter!

« Last Edit: June 20, 2003, 05:38:16 pm by SirWilliam »


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Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2003, 09:42:43 pm »

Your punishment for being away for so long will be to Kiss the Gunner's Daughter!  You will Kiss the Gunner's Daughter, sir!  Don't make me throw your breadfruits overboard, and be glad I don't assign you to captain a fire ship!

This is mutiny, Mr. Tulmahk! MUTINY!!!  


  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2003, 01:47:20 am »


Your punishment for being away for so long will be to Kiss the Gunner's Daughter!  You will Kiss the Gunner's Daughter, sir!  Don't make me throw your breadfruits overboard, and be glad I don't assign you to captain a fire ship!

This is mutiny, Mr. Tulmahk! MUTINY!!!  

Ah, the foul stench of mutiny wafts upon the southern air.

Muster the marines at the quarterdeck taffrail!  Boatswain's mate of the watch, report to the anchor windlass!  Yellow alert and shields to full!  Secure the transporter room and all boats away!

(yes it would seem that Captain Sir William has been in his cups this evening....)




  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2003, 03:37:29 pm »
Come take your barnacled carcass over to BattleClinic ye sea dog and meet us upon TNZ  



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Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2003, 04:49:51 am »
Technical difficulties logging into ... can't seem to get my password to work!

Ensign... signal "general distress" !  What are the latest recognition signals! Bend on "REPEAT YOUR LAST" !!!



  • Guest
Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2003, 09:12:55 pm »
...and much to my disappointment this game has apparently not improved in the 3 or 4 months since my last post.

I look over the forums and see the same problems, same complaints, there's no sign of a patch.  Currently I am playing Shadowbane which is a little buggy, on their forums people are going crazy about how unstable the game is, I just laugh and think "these people have obviously never played SFC3 -- then they would know REAL frustration."  That game runs like a 2003 Honda compared to this 1982 Chrysler of a game... fine Corinthian leather notwithstanding.

I really love this game but judging from the posts I'm reading here, nothing has changed for months.  I've been getting my fix playing EAW.  I can't say I miss the maddening unreliablity of SFC3 at all.  I have to say this is the most disappointing game I have ever purchased in terms of expectations:reality.  After taking a break from the game for a few months and "stepping back" from it all, it is glaringly obvious that this game is somewhere in the far reaches of the remote galaxy in terms of priority to the developers, and that the only reason anyone plays it anymore is because of the efforts of individual players.

Before I came back to the forum, I actually reinstalled the game on my system and was thinking of giving it another shot, could anyone direct me to the latest mod of choice?  I have a clean install, haven't even done the DX9 patch or the beta patch yet (if it's even still available.)

Hi to a few names I remember: SghnDubh, Tulmahk, Suleo, Azraeal, Fluf, Queball, Korah... many others but it's been a while you know.

Maybe I'll see you guys online sometime soon, maybe not... anyway gl/gh <S> etc. etc.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SirWilliam »

Mentat Jon

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Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2003, 10:10:42 pm »

...and much to my disappointment this game has apparently not improved in the 3 or 4 months since my last post.

I look over the forums and see the same problems, same complaints, there's no sign of a patch.  Currently I am playing Shadowbane which is a little buggy, on their forums people are going crazy about how unstable the game is, I just laugh and think "these people have obviously never played SFC3 -- then they would know REAL frustration."  That game runs like a 2003 Honda compared to this 1982 Chrysler of a game... fine Corinthian leather notwithstanding.

I really love this game but judging from the posts I'm reading here, nothing has changed for months.  I've been getting my fix playing EAW.  I can't say I miss the maddening unreliablity of SFC3 at all.  I have to say this is the most disappointing game I have ever purchased in terms of expectations:reality.  After taking a break from the game for a few months and "stepping back" from it all, it is glaringly obvious that this game is somewhere in the far reaches of the remote galaxy in terms of priority to the developers, and that the only reason anyone plays it anymore is because of the efforts of individual players.

Before I came back to the forum, I actually reinstalled the game on my system and was thinking of giving it another shot, could anyone direct me to the latest mod of choice?  I have a clean install, haven't even done the DX9 patch or the beta patch yet (if it's even still available.)

Hi to a few names I remember: SghnDubh, Tulmahk, Suleo, Azraeal, Fluf, Queball, Korah... many others but it's been a while you know.

Maybe I'll see you guys online sometime soon, maybe not... anyway gl/gh <S> etc. etc.


hey where ya been ya salty dog!!  

Captain KoraH

  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2003, 01:24:52 am »
Try out the TNZ mod from and see if you feel any better. Also, Taldren has posted in the news somewhere that they have not stopped working on a final patch, so if we can hang on, it will get here eventually.

Nice to see you around here again.  


  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2003, 01:36:43 am »
  Shadowbane IS fun. But come on, the Beta Patch fixes the vast majority of problems.

And SHADOWBANE is plenty buggy! I've run halfway across the map just to end up back where I started via lag spike! I've been instantly killed via lag spike! I've lost con to server and come back at level 1!

I know, I know, I still play the damned thing. Bloody great game.

SFC is no worse than shadowbane, believe me.

Get TNZ! It owns!


Dark Jedi

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Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2003, 02:03:27 am »

 Shadowbane IS fun. But come on, the Beta Patch fixes the vast majority of problems.

Maybe if you play on line but I believe that we where told that this game was not a on-line only game!

This game is virtually unplayable in single player campaign mode since the time stops all the time. There are loads of other very irritating bugs that you find withing 10 minutes of playing whiich makes me wonder if the single player aspect was ever tested at all.

The state of this game is VERY saddening and now when I hear that we are going to have to wait MOST PART OF THE SUMMER to get a (hopefully) working version of the game I quite frankly feel f-cked.


  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2003, 03:43:25 am »

  Shadowbane IS fun. But come on, the Beta Patch fixes the vast majority of problems.

And SHADOWBANE is plenty buggy! I've run halfway across the map just to end up back where I started via lag spike! I've been instantly killed via lag spike! I've lost con to server and come back at level 1!

I know, I know, I still play the damned thing. Bloody great game.

SFC is no worse than shadowbane, believe me.

Get TNZ! It owns!


This is true - when I got the game when it was first released it was buggy but I knew from the looks of Taldrens "community work - dynaverse administrator postings" - that it would be fixed. The beta patch has fixed most of the errors - their are some errors mainly with mission scripting or when people have changed important files using hex editors and the likes - there are still some errors left in the game itself... but they released a beta patch - they said they'd release a final patch too...

Also, if it was so buggy, why would we still be playing it? --- bugs fixed.  


  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2003, 03:26:01 pm »
SirWilliam, sir!

Your punishment for being away for so long will be to Kiss the Gunner's Daughter!  You will Kiss the Gunner's Daughter, sir!  Don't make me throw your breadfruits overboard, and be glad I don't assign you to captain a fire ship!

As to mods, you know TNZ is still #1.  It's even more #1 than it was last you saw.  But DON'T install the DirectX 9 patch OR the movie patch!  Apply only the Beta patch, otherwise it will cause stability problems.

It is good to see a gentleman warrior such as yourself around here again.  Hope to see you online!  


  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2003, 05:36:44 pm »
Ha, would be worth getting back in to the game just for the personalities on the forum.  And how could I have forgotten to send a greeting to Mentat, heh, a very memorable character indeed.

OK the gunner's daugher has been duly kissed, Tulmahk, and my backside is smarting.  Perhaps over the weekend I will give this game another shot.

In the meantime, beat to quarters and clear for action!  Federation cruisers sighted on the starboard quarter!

« Last Edit: June 20, 2003, 05:38:16 pm by SirWilliam »


  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2003, 09:42:43 pm »

Your punishment for being away for so long will be to Kiss the Gunner's Daughter!  You will Kiss the Gunner's Daughter, sir!  Don't make me throw your breadfruits overboard, and be glad I don't assign you to captain a fire ship!

This is mutiny, Mr. Tulmahk! MUTINY!!!  


  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2003, 01:47:20 am »


Your punishment for being away for so long will be to Kiss the Gunner's Daughter!  You will Kiss the Gunner's Daughter, sir!  Don't make me throw your breadfruits overboard, and be glad I don't assign you to captain a fire ship!

This is mutiny, Mr. Tulmahk! MUTINY!!!  

Ah, the foul stench of mutiny wafts upon the southern air.

Muster the marines at the quarterdeck taffrail!  Boatswain's mate of the watch, report to the anchor windlass!  Yellow alert and shields to full!  Secure the transporter room and all boats away!

(yes it would seem that Captain Sir William has been in his cups this evening....)




  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2003, 03:37:29 pm »
Come take your barnacled carcass over to BattleClinic ye sea dog and meet us upon TNZ  



  • Guest
Re: Decided to drop in & check the SFC3 forums...
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2003, 04:49:51 am »
Technical difficulties logging into ... can't seem to get my password to work!

Ensign... signal "general distress" !  What are the latest recognition signals! Bend on "REPEAT YOUR LAST" !!!