Topic: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?  (Read 2714 times)

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 Anyone at all have any news on when the Activsion guru's are going to relase an "official" server kit that works? The "unofficial" kit is buggy and flat files build too fast. SQL doesn't work (tried it), as it has a major memory leak. So, here we are. Stuck with a great multi-player game and servers that crash with a bad kit.

Did Activsion just abandon us? I can think of several partners for Taldren that would have done, and could do, a much better job.

Oh, don't bother calling Activsion support, they don't want to talk about it. Oh, and don't call Taldren, they refer you to Activsion. It's just a big loop.

Good job guys on alienating an entire community of gamers.

How about releasing the game source code so we can fix it ourselves. It would take admins about 2 weeks if we just did it. And by the way, next time you reelase a patch, try testing it with the guys who play this game. Geez.

Activsion is lucky they don't get sued for an "incomplete product" in a class action lawsuit.

Hmmmmm. That gives me an idea. Anyone got a good attorney looking to make about $8 million?

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 01:24:27 pm by BOTAKnightsCO »


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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2003, 04:34:26 pm »
as for patching the game.... all patches are tested internally with the Taldren Testers before it goes to Activision.. then Activision Q!.A.'s the patch and sends it to their visioneers for more testing...

current patch that is released for SFC 3 is BETA, in other words a work still in progress and is stated as such on the Activision web site where the patch is located for download.. it also states that the Beta still needs fixes added in order for it to become official...

with this information, your comments above concerning internal testing and the state of the current patch are null and void.

next concerning the server kits, are you running kit 504 with the beta patch as kit 504 seems the most stable and the SQL is much improved... as such, you would need to join the Dynaverse Admins Group in the Yahoo groups in order to learn how to correctly set up SQL for SFC 3 Dyna kit.. it is not just plug and play, it takes some configuration in order for the SQL to work correctly with the kits.. also, use MySQL not MS SQL as MS SQL has program errors that disrupt the server kits functionality.

if you have not done this for running a server kit, then your statements above are also null and void about the servers as this has been stated several times on these forum boards since 2000 with SFC II EAW and it is still current information for SFC 3 as well.. research is your friend and that is why there is a search link listed at the top of this forum board.

hope that this information helps...

also concerning SQL and server kits, contact Capt. Castrin, another Taldren Tester, who is having much sucess running SQL on servers...


work on an official SFC 3 patch is still in the works, however no release date has been schedualed....

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2003, 11:52:57 pm »
The D3 server can run on SQL!?!? Does this mean the OP serverkit will
get patched to SQL too? (please tell me the answer is yes...)


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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2003, 01:28:00 pm »
SQL works ... Yes, but it creates other issues of memory leak, ect. RogueJedi is currently running a TNZ server on SQL, and GOC has tried SQL and has some answers. GOCSolrac is very informative on the issue.

Try asking GOC -- the Guardians of Chaos. Thier admin, Solrac, is very knowledgebale. Solrac has also come up with a flat file editor that can prolong campaigns that bust after a flat file increase beyond 5 or 6 megs.



Brotherhood of Trans-Atlantic Knights


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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2003, 08:34:25 pm »
are their max number threads set correctly? this reduces memory leaks in the kits under SQL. This information is available in the dynaverse admins group who work together to get the server problems ironed out.

if they are not members, they need to register as Kenneth Yeast of Taldren heads the group.

Castrin has done the most work with in SQL for SFC 3 in the group.. he has a proper setup file for MySQL available for DL that helps quite a bit but has additional instructions that need to be followed for the server to run correctly under SQL...

or they can go back to running flat file...

this is just my advice

Erik Bethke

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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2003, 12:35:51 am »
Hello All,

We have gone through many interations on the patches for SFC3 since November.

Recently we cleaned up the remainder of the gameplay side of bugs.  Now we still have left some work on getting the servers to perform better for D3.

Activision is waiting for us on that work and has already received the other patch material and has tested that for us.

We anticipating finishing the server improvements inside of the summer and get that off to Activision for release before the close of summer.

Thank you for your patience.



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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2003, 12:10:19 pm »
Erik, thank you for the response.



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When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2003, 12:53:49 pm »
 Anyone at all have any news on when the Activsion guru's are going to relase an "official" server kit that works? The "unofficial" kit is buggy and flat files build too fast. SQL doesn't work (tried it), as it has a major memory leak. So, here we are. Stuck with a great multi-player game and servers that crash with a bad kit.

Did Activsion just abandon us? I can think of several partners for Taldren that would have done, and could do, a much better job.

Oh, don't bother calling Activsion support, they don't want to talk about it. Oh, and don't call Taldren, they refer you to Activsion. It's just a big loop.

Good job guys on alienating an entire community of gamers.

How about releasing the game source code so we can fix it ourselves. It would take admins about 2 weeks if we just did it. And by the way, next time you reelase a patch, try testing it with the guys who play this game. Geez.

Activsion is lucky they don't get sued for an "incomplete product" in a class action lawsuit.

Hmmmmm. That gives me an idea. Anyone got a good attorney looking to make about $8 million?

« Last Edit: June 12, 2003, 01:24:27 pm by BOTAKnightsCO »


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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2003, 04:34:26 pm »
as for patching the game.... all patches are tested internally with the Taldren Testers before it goes to Activision.. then Activision Q!.A.'s the patch and sends it to their visioneers for more testing...

current patch that is released for SFC 3 is BETA, in other words a work still in progress and is stated as such on the Activision web site where the patch is located for download.. it also states that the Beta still needs fixes added in order for it to become official...

with this information, your comments above concerning internal testing and the state of the current patch are null and void.

next concerning the server kits, are you running kit 504 with the beta patch as kit 504 seems the most stable and the SQL is much improved... as such, you would need to join the Dynaverse Admins Group in the Yahoo groups in order to learn how to correctly set up SQL for SFC 3 Dyna kit.. it is not just plug and play, it takes some configuration in order for the SQL to work correctly with the kits.. also, use MySQL not MS SQL as MS SQL has program errors that disrupt the server kits functionality.

if you have not done this for running a server kit, then your statements above are also null and void about the servers as this has been stated several times on these forum boards since 2000 with SFC II EAW and it is still current information for SFC 3 as well.. research is your friend and that is why there is a search link listed at the top of this forum board.

hope that this information helps...

also concerning SQL and server kits, contact Capt. Castrin, another Taldren Tester, who is having much sucess running SQL on servers...


work on an official SFC 3 patch is still in the works, however no release date has been schedualed....

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2003, 11:52:57 pm »
The D3 server can run on SQL!?!? Does this mean the OP serverkit will
get patched to SQL too? (please tell me the answer is yes...)


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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2003, 01:28:00 pm »
SQL works ... Yes, but it creates other issues of memory leak, ect. RogueJedi is currently running a TNZ server on SQL, and GOC has tried SQL and has some answers. GOCSolrac is very informative on the issue.

Try asking GOC -- the Guardians of Chaos. Thier admin, Solrac, is very knowledgebale. Solrac has also come up with a flat file editor that can prolong campaigns that bust after a flat file increase beyond 5 or 6 megs.



Brotherhood of Trans-Atlantic Knights


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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2003, 08:34:25 pm »
are their max number threads set correctly? this reduces memory leaks in the kits under SQL. This information is available in the dynaverse admins group who work together to get the server problems ironed out.

if they are not members, they need to register as Kenneth Yeast of Taldren heads the group.

Castrin has done the most work with in SQL for SFC 3 in the group.. he has a proper setup file for MySQL available for DL that helps quite a bit but has additional instructions that need to be followed for the server to run correctly under SQL...

or they can go back to running flat file...

this is just my advice

Erik Bethke

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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2003, 12:35:51 am »
Hello All,

We have gone through many interations on the patches for SFC3 since November.

Recently we cleaned up the remainder of the gameplay side of bugs.  Now we still have left some work on getting the servers to perform better for D3.

Activision is waiting for us on that work and has already received the other patch material and has tested that for us.

We anticipating finishing the server improvements inside of the summer and get that off to Activision for release before the close of summer.

Thank you for your patience.



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Re: When will supported server kit come out? Would a lawsuit help?
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2003, 12:10:19 pm »
Erik, thank you for the response.