Topic: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack  (Read 11221 times)

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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #80 on: June 16, 2003, 08:07:37 pm »
  Har Har, toasty0. Campaigns spanning generations was TALDREN'S idea, why not run into the future? What with Enterprise having the Temporal Cold War, it might be cool to run from 2100-2900.

If you're having trouble controlling your bladder, I'm sure its not humour, but amazement. It'd be like Empire Earth, but with the SFC engine!


IKV K'Boom

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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #81 on: June 17, 2003, 10:06:04 am »
Well, then. Let's see what I'd lke (as if anyone cared...)

The Dominion!
The Cardassians!
The Ferengi playable

Miranda, Constellation, Valdores and STEAMRUNNER classes, as well as the romulan Scout nd Science ships from TNG. Oberth class. Soyuz.
I know i can get all those as mods or sumthn, but anyway.


A better version of phaser rings (yes, that's difficult, but this is what I WANT, not what I EXPECT)

Oh, and plasma torps more like seen in TNG (basically green photon torpedoes) and ... that would be cute: a switch to toggle between pulse and beam disruptors resulting in slightly different characteristics of the weapon.

did i mention monsters?


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #82 on: June 18, 2003, 12:46:09 pm »
  Bumping one last time... Taldren folks? Any ideas if this is in the works or are we just smoking corbomite? Good ideas? Nay?



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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #83 on: June 18, 2003, 02:31:03 pm »


Nanner I would definately buy an expansion pack to SFC3 even if it approached the 100 dollar range even though I don't particularly like I qualify as a rabid fan.

Hate to rain on the parade guys, it just ain't gonna happen.

There are just not enough "Nanners and Hypergols" willing to part with $30. Taldren has moved on. Note how many Taldren posts on any of the SFC forums have you seen recently....

An active mod community is great, but how does it help Taldren's bottom line if no more SFC titles are planned?  


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #84 on: June 18, 2003, 03:02:05 pm »
therein lies the issue DM - especially regarding a patch..  this is solely my opinion - but i think that a lack of a demo hurt as well.. i mean, would you pay for a game you didnt get to try? just my opinion.

on a more postitive note.. i think it would be great to see mass restriction on each hard point.. his would add a lot more flavor for each ship.. as a pose to just lumping the mass into 1 large area -if each hard point had a restriction of mass (at very least to the engines) - it would allow things to be balanced more.. and for each ship's flavor to come out more.


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Re: SFC Wishlist for Expansion Pack
« Reply #85 on: June 18, 2003, 03:30:03 pm »
   Excellent ideas, keep the heat on!!!    

Lord Dred
aka caveman